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Shooting Terminators


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I played a game last night against Tryanids. I shot 40 bolter shots at a Swamplord w/3 Tyrant Guard (only doing 2 wounds, no heavies...) then charged with a Tactical Squad and 10 Shooty Terminators. The Swamplord got to re-roll its invulnerables, and made my termies re-roll thiers. But 10 Terminators will not be denied, and enough survived to take out the bunch Then the termies moved over to take on a Trygon Prime, but unfortunately the game store closed turn 3, before I could assault with more than a Tactical squad+ weaponless Dreadnought. Pretty fun, we were using the new senario book. Game ended in a tie for KPs.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I really like them - I use 10 with 2 Heavy Flamers (yeah, I know the others are "better", but Rule of Cool) in 2K, or 5 with 1 in 1.5. Used to run 5x Assault Terminators in Land Raider - I prefer the Tacticals!


Deepstrike in (in support of Tactical Squads, or melta-loaded Bikes/Speeders), let fly a lot of Storm Bolters, then rock around flaming stuff and assaulting the remnants. 10 is significantly more potent than 5 however - the extra Bolter shots make a lot of difference when facing enemies with large #s of attacks.


I think they're best used as a mobile fire-platform. This may appear redundant when we have Tactical Marines, but the ability to shoot AND assault is pretty big - so to are 9 Power Fists :huh:


Plus they're not reliant on a Land Raider - the amount of times my TH/SS Terminators were stranded because of a lucky 1st Turn shot (frequently from a missile launcher, with a cover save no less - I guess fate hates me!) which is always a plus, even if they occasionally don't turn up until later.


I might scatter in a pair of Chainfists somewhere though, they haven't had a problem with Dreadnoughts so far, but a lot of people I play have recently built Ironclads...and I might trade my Techmarine + Standard Captain for Lysander occasionally, just to really mess with peoples' game-plan.

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