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Kill Team Ideas


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This list also seems like it would be characterful and fun to play with/against.

Black Templar Crusader Squad 5x initiate, meltagun, frag grenades, mix of bolter and BP+CCW 95pts.

Black Templar Techmarine, Servo Harness 105pts.

I'd give the techmarine feel no pain or maybe eternal warrior(!), and the melta stealth or tank hunters.


This gives you a TL plasma pistol, a flamer, 4 power weapon attacks on the charge, 2 powerfist equivalent attacks, all on a 2 wound model with a 2+ sv.

Any of the iniates can be armed with BP+CCW for more punch in CC and sent along with the techmarine into the fray.


Best part is that I could easily throw together a squad of templars for killteam using spare bits from the templars upgrade pack that would have been excessively hardf to de-templarify. :P


EDIT: I also have a quick rules question for those who have the book already(next month's budget for me, I'm afraid :P ), do the units work like independant characters, or just like seperate single model units?

If it's the latter, taking transports is silly since only one could go there at a time(still a heavy weapon bunker though), if the former, great, you could attach them together to form ad-hoc squads for ablative wounds at range.

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EDIT: I also have a quick rules question for those who have the book already(next month's budget for me, I'm afraid tongue.gif ), do the units work like independant characters, or just like seperate single model units?

If it's the latter, taking transports is silly since only one could go there at a time(still a heavy weapon bunker though), if the former, great, you could attach them together to form ad-hoc squads for ablative wounds at range.

I'll quote myself from this Kill Team thread about my feelings on this subject:

Rules Questions

Now, undoubtedly, there will be rules issues that arise when trying to reconcile a rule meant for 40K with a KT setting. For instance, does Telion get to use his "Voice of Experience" ability since he is technically not in a unit with any other scouts? Or what about models embarking in a transport? 40K rules state that a transport can only carry one unit regardless of its maximum capacity. Does this mean you can only put one model in a transport? I would say that, as with any time there are rules questions, you should work things out with your opponent. The rules for KT are far too loose to play super competitively anyway so don't be a jerk and just do what makes sense in your situation. Don't expect GW to field an FAQ that resolves every rules conflict between the BRB and the KT ruleset. It's not gonna happen.


In the above examples, I'd say that Telion should be able to use his ability if he's within, say, 6" of the other scout model, and transports should be able to carry as many models as they have capacity to carry allowing those models to come and go as you see fit. See? That wasn't hard.

So yeah, basically they are single-model units, but for issues like transport capacity and other things, just work out what makes sense to you.

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