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Talhydras's Crimson Fists


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Hey there!


I'll post pics of my ever-expanding CF Army... I am not a fast painter, but actually I AM making progress. ^^


First up is the finished Thunderfire Cannon, which some of you may know from an earlier WIP stage. The techmarine is still on my painting table and about to follow soon!




Next is my first "Rhinoback", three more still need painting




Last is a group shot of what I have finished so far, there is the APC, the Thunderfire Cannon, a Devastor Marine with Lascannon (was my test-mini) and a 5-man squad of Vanguard without Jumppacks (they accompany Librarians or Chaplains if needed)




The models are worth about 350 points, I guess... which means that I still have to paint about 6000 points -.- Nah, WIEP, Work In Everlasting Process.

I want to finish 2 Landspeeders, a tac squad (12 Marines -> 2 different Sgts and 2 different Hvy Wpns to choose) and a command squad (5 Marines) until the middle of april... O.o


Except for the Thunderfire Cannon there is nothing really special about the models up to now, they are pretty much standard Marines... More of my scratch-built stuff etc. is still unpainted, but will follow nonetheless...


Comments and Critics welcome!

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Hrmm... Ok, I've got 4 things for you:


1st - I love your version of the Thunderfire Cannon - can you post a link to the WIP you mentioned for it? I'd love to see how you did it.

2nd - I think your choice of colors is fantastic. Would you be willing to share your blue & red recipes?

3rd - Excellent paint job. Your models look great.

4th - When can we see more?

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Thanks for your comments so far.




1.) WIP Thread


2.) Sure, no problem.

As I am not very fond of mixing colors, all the colours I use are straight out of the pot and only thinned down with water.



- Black Undercoat

- Thin layers of Necron Abyss

- Highlighted with Ultramarines Blue

- Extreme highlights with Ice Blue



- Black Undercoat

- Mechrite red foundation

- Wash with Badab Black

- Paint surface sections with Scab Red (may need 2 or 3 thin layers)

- Highlight with Blood Red

- Wash with a mix of thinned down Baal Red and a drop of matt varnish (to break up the tension)


3.) Thank you


4.) As soon as I've finished some more... as I said, I am currently painting the Techmarine gunner for the cannon ;) I expect to finish him within the next 3-4 days, Still, I have to work all day, so I can only paint in the evening...

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Awesome, thanks for the info. I'm going to start up a small 1000pt Crimson Fist force & wasn't sure what colors to use. I have when CF are painted with either bright blue or bright red or both. I'm not a fan of mixing paints either so your recipes are perfect. Can't wait to see more. For Dorn!
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Thanks thanks :lol:


Pretty much finished the Techmarine's body, but I still have to do the backpack and his arms...


I'm not sure whether I should give the red armour a wash of Baal Red, I am quite happy with the way it looks, but maybe that would make the red more "rich"? I'm not really a fan of bright and shiny colours...

What do you guys think?



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I think it looks good how it is, though I don't know how it would look with the wash...you may want to try as the AdMech do have brighter red then that I think...yeah, they do, so you may want to put that layer of Baal Red after all :)


Keep up the excellent work!

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I finished the Techmarine-gunner today!

I eventually decided to give the armour a wash of Baal Red and I am happy that I did it, because it made the dark red more... reddish ^^


Because of the crappy conditions and the fact that I don't know jack about using my camera I had to use the flash, which swallowed some of the highlights and gives it all a glossy finish...

The mini itself is not so shiny and the red armour has highlights with blood red, which gives it a very rich red finish... I am pretty satisfied with it, probably one of the best miniatures I've painted so far... I guess^^


There are some minor conversions, as regards the bolt pistol and - of course - the reloading device for the Thunderfire Cannon, which I made from the new missile launcher backpack and I think fits pretty well.


Oh and by the way: I don't like metallic paint, so everything that's metal is actually grey... but I think I found a way to paint good looking metal with grey paint, without using NMM techniques actually...


What do you guys think?




Edit: I just saw the chipped off paint at the backpack's cable, just fixed it...


Next up is a tac squad... I should paint more Troops...

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