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Competitive Drop Pod tactics


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So in my current mood of flirting with Codex Marines, I'm considering building an all or mostly Drop Pod army because its something that Chaos just can't do.


That being said, whats the best way to go about it?


My initial thoughts revolve around Tac Squads with Librarian support, Sternguard, Land Speeders, Dreads and maybe some hidden Whirlwinds to pound the enemy from outside LOS.

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You have to have a plan for what to do if your opponent Reserves everything and makes you go first.


You also need a plan for what to do in the event of Dawn of War.

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What's more important, this:

... flirting with Codex Marines ...

or this:

... I'm considering building an all or mostly Drop Pod army because its something that Chaos just can't do.


Codex SM means DPA rules apply, in which case Koremu's suggestions regarding what you need to plan for is important.

If you just want drop pods, Codex BT and/or DA use the older rules.


I think you're definitely on the money with:

My initial thoughts revolve around Tac Squads with Librarian support, Sternguard, Land Speeders, Dreads and maybe some hidden Whirlwinds to pound the enemy from outside LOS.

Were you planning to go with in-your-face dreads (ironclad/AoBR(MM)), or fire-support dreads (rifleman(=2xTLAC),ML/LC), and with or without venerable?

With Drop-pods your troops potentially end up far-forward very early, so they're in the locations that you want the Whirlwinds to target.


HQ thoughts:

-- Tigurius as the librarian for the improved reserves rolls

-- Kantor for the CC and/or scoring buffing of the Sternguard

-- MotF for extra dreads (e.g. 3 shoot, 3 CC)


Cheers, Paul.

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Take what I say on this with a pinch of salt by the way, because I don't actually run Drop Pods... but;


The weakness of Drop Pods is the aforementioned Reserves trick. This is utterly different in Planetstrike (which I feel certain the Drop Pod rules were designed with an eye towards).


If I were running Drop Pods in regular 40k, I would tend to use a fairly limited number of Drop Pods (4 or 5 in 1500) and utilise their ability to carry Locator Beacons to subsequently guide Deep Striking units to the field. I would also be strongly tempted by Scout Bikers with a Locator Beacon to make a precision landing.


Your priority then is to secure your LZ once the initial two Pods are down. Ideally you would Pod onto your primary objective. Taking a Techmarine allows you to Bolster the ruins at your LZ.


It's actually almost worth taking Devastators in a Drop Pod for LZ security. The idea of Drop Podding 4 Multi-Melta into a 3+ Cover Save Area Terrain with another Pod worth of units about is quite a funny one.


Vanguard are also very very scary when deployed by Pod, simply because they are such a huge "kill me now" unit. Using them as an actual Vanguard to the Assault - fulfilling their name - can be very effective. They distort and draw fire, while being very very durable if equipped correctly.

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I know what you mean...


I have been wracking my brains trying to come up with that perfect combination of a combined arms drop pod force. One that plays to the flexability of marines, without losing too much mobility. The two two podders I think will do best are Devestators and Dreadnoughts. The problem I have is in deciding the third, either a Sternguard squad or Tactical squad w/melta gun and combi-melta. I am leaning towards Sternguard w/combi weapons, but they are so expensive. The pods would all have the missile launcher.


The rest of the force would be two Tac squads in Rhinos (w/HKs) and a Scout squad (1/2 snipers w/hvy bolter- 1/2 PF sarge w/ CC squad) with Storm. For another heavy I would take a Thunderfire. Sicarius would make an awsome commander, so much flexability.





Still working on it.


Warprat ;)

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So in my current mood of flirting with Codex Marines, I'm considering building an all or mostly Drop Pod army because its something that Chaos just can't do.


That being said, whats the best way to go about it?


My initial thoughts revolve around Tac Squads with Librarian support, Sternguard, Land Speeders, Dreads and maybe some hidden Whirlwinds to pound the enemy from outside LOS.

3 ways to do it:


1) A single pod. This isnt really what your going for, but its worth mention as a viable tactic.


2) Solid Pods. Everything drops, you cram as many effective pods into your list as humanly possible, choose the best tools for the job turn 1, and use the tools you have on hand after that. Best way to do this is with a set of durable yet killy units, like ICs, VenDreads, and Sterngaurd. Follow it up with jack of all trades units later on, like tactical squads, command squads, and assault squads/terminators.


3) Supported pods. Take primarily pods, with units like scouts that infiltrate or come in fast moving skimmers like LSS, LS, or even attack bikes and bike squads to get your army there now. This counterbalances DPs greatest weakness- that half your army simply isnt there turn 1 and your not quite sure when itll hit. Having more assets on the ground to begin with can negate that to an extent- having assets that can be in almost the same position as a foward striking pod is excellant.


Personally, I feel the third option is the best. A pair of Landspeeder Typhoons, a bike squad, and a LSS with attendant scouts makes a very nice backdrop for a 2000pt Drop Pod force, and gives more than enough points for 5 pods, and upwards of 9 if your stingy. It also takes care of one of your scoring units, possibly two with a biker captain.


When your opponent declares theyre deploying off the board, smile, nod, and deploy some of your troops with heavy weapons onto the battle field. Bring their pods in empty to deny your opponent particularly good placements for heavy weapon teams, tanks, and generally screw with his movement phase. Then, once hes finally got something to kill use your superior forces *between deployed podders and standard units* to kill HIS units off peicemeal. Use your incoming pods as appropriate to maximize enemy damage and seize objectives.


If your opponent decides to deploy on the table, beware of reserves- particularly in DOW, but a more agressive deployment is usually called for. Prioritize against targets with low AP values and/or blast templates first, the exemplar being the Leman Russ Executioner.


Dreads are always a good choice- and dont fall into the trap of taking just multimeltas on standard and venerable dreads. While they are useful, and slight cheaper than other variants, they lack ranged- and there will be times youll need it. Play against DE or Eldar? Youll want 48" guns on atleast half your units, and youll want to target his transports to slow him down further.


Oh, and Extra Armor and a Heavy Flamer... yeah, they should never be considered optional. It adds a HUGE amount of versatility and durability to a DPing dreadnaught. If your using an IC, always upgrade the stormbolter to a heavy flamer. Always.


I find Landspeeder Typhoons to be the best complement to a DPing force due to their good all around firepower that can reach out and touch somebody turn 1. Couple that with excellant speed, ability to jink and fire on exposed side armors, and relatively cheap price per punch... A MM/HF speeder might be near as good, but never better.


Lastly, unless your trying to squeeze in another pod I would never suggest taking less than 10 men in a tactical squad thats DPing, or less than 8 sterngaurd. Dont think of them as sacrificial units, or your opponent will oblige your offer. They score, and thus they win you games- so dont skimp.


Example List:

HQ: 270pts.

Captain- Bike, Relicblade- 165pts.

Librarian- MB- Avenger, Gate- 105pts.


Troops: 835pts.

5 Scouts- PF, MB- 105pts.

6 Bikes- 2x Meltagun, AB w/MM Powerfist- 260pts.

10 Tacticals- MG, PF, ML, DP- 235pts.

10 Tacticals- MG, PF, ML, DP- 235pts.


Elites: 655pts.

Dreadnaught- AC, EA, HF, DP- 175pts.

IronClad- HF, DP- 180pts.

9 Sterngaurd- PF, 3x C-M, DP- 300pts.


FA: 240pts.

LSS- HF- 60pts.

LS- Typhoon- 90pts.

LS- Typhoon- 90pts.


Total: 2000pts


4 Scoring units, 5 Pods, alot of speed, good all around firepower, 48 Infantry, 6 Non-pod vehicles, 17 KPs.


Gate allows the sterngaurd to rapidly redeploy as needed, the Dreads provide good close support while the tacticals can bust tanks at any range and wont slouch in CC. The libbie provides a much needed psychic defense, and is well and truely bunkered in the Sterngaurd squad. A scoring bike unit with CC oriented captain provide good mobile fire support, tank busting, and a good counter-assault unit. The LSS full of scouts should let you get a first turn assault on any particularly scary looking enemy tanks, unprotected heavy weapon squads, or isolated traps *like that basilisk way on its own, or a refused flank valkyrie*.

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-- Tigurius as the librarian for the improved reserves rolls

It's worth taking a closer look at this. Not only is it good for getting what you want to land early, but it's also nice as you can make sure things you *don't* want in yet come in later. For instance, keeping scoring units out until after you've thinned out the backfield a little with whatever dakka you started on the field.


On a similar note, don't hesitate to take pods for things that you aren't actually going to pod in, such as rifle dreads. An empty drop pod can fulfill a similar role in making sure squishy things don't land in the middle of badguys early on, and if you give it a locator beacon then it's a cheap, helpful way to make sure things land on target.

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Thanks for all the help so far.


CardinalVirture: I normally like to run really cheap HQs so I'm not sure about investing so many points into 1 body. Its worth looking into though. I've heard alot of people talk about empty Pods, is it really that useful? It seems like you're just wasting points and handing over potential KPs.


Grey Mage: I would put myself into the 3rd option. A fair amount of DPs supported by either fast or long range elements, in my case Speeders and Whirlwinds (and maybe a shooty Dreadnought). Bikers are not my cup of tea at all (I think they look goofy to be honest) so I'll steer clear of that. You confirmed my first thought about fighting an all-reserve army, deploy my heavy weapons into cover and prepare a trap for them.


Warprat: Glad to see I'm not the only person struggling with this. :mellow: The biggest difficulty I'm finding is moving away from the idea of armor saturation, since I'll rarely have that many heavy tanks on the table, I have to think on a different build dynamic.


Koremu:How useful is all that fortifying? It seems like more of a novelty than something to be relied upon but that could easily be because I'm not fully appreciating it. I like the idea of actually using Vanguard, seems like it could be a fun modeling experience as well.


Paulochromis: My first thought on HQs was just a Librarian or two, mostly for the hood. I don't think I'm going to go heavy on the Sternguard so Pedro seems overkill to me. For Dreads, I might consider going with Venerables actually, since they seem like they'd be great at absorbing fire on the initial wave in. As for loadout, I'm not 100% on that yet but I'd really like to fit in a Plasma Cannon somewhere.

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Koremu:How useful is all that fortifying? It seems like more of a novelty than something to be relied upon but that could easily be because I'm not fully appreciating it. I like the idea of actually using Vanguard, seems like it could be a fun modeling experience as well.

As I say, take it with a pinch of salt, but in my book, dropping a 10 man Devastator Squad into 3+ Cover, accompanied by a Techmarine (maybe with Thunderfire Cannon) or MotF and maybe a Dreadnought if you are playing with 5+ Pods.


You've then got 4 Multi-Melta, 6 Bolters, the Thunderfire and whatever armaments the Dread has, somewhere in the middle of the board, on an objective and within threat range of a large portion of the enemy table edge. Full Reserve against me will ya? ;)


If the enemy tries to close with you, you also have the Pods armament (give one the blast) and a Locator Beacon to direct Land Speeders directly onto target.


Doing it the other way (with Vanguard) would rely on landing on top of one objective and threatening the other with the Vanguard.


And back in Reserve you still have the Tactical Squads to some down and claim Objectives and mop up.

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I actually wanted to run an all Drop Pod army in 4th. PapaNurgle won a Gladiator tourney with pod spamed dual special Tacticals w/PFs. But I've been wanting to build a pod force ever since I bought the old Space Wolves codex.



My thinking is that an all pod force loses too much in manuverability. I have been challenging myself lately with an all foot AoBR army (for fun,) it's tough going without transport. Too minimize the impact, and to maximize the mobility, I actually like Devestators, Sternguard and Dreads. Mind you, I haven't tried it yet, so it's all theoryhammer.


But here's what I'm thinking... Pod armed Devestators (w/long rang weapons, probably ML's) can dual role. 1st as standard, in cover at setup, pod drops empty. But also 2nd, as a flank attack force via the pod. This 2nd part has me pretty excited. Devestators do have bolters and can use them on landing, and the sarge can take a combi-bolter (flamer.) Thier fire power is not enough to really hurt something, but if teamed up with a Sternguard unit, or supported with a Thunderfire, things start to look viable. Then on the remaining turns, they move to cover or just start shooting stuff up. They have lots of bodies to take long range fire on. And on the rare times you are up against something really squishy like Tau, you can always close combat them. Surprise... They do have all the standard marine abilities after all.


The Sternguard has 4 roles. 1st as a long range Devestaor type unit in cover. 2nd as support for a flank attack with Devestators or dreadnought. 3rd as a counter attack force. And 4th as a suicide attack force.


The Dreadnought has pretty much the same role as the Sternguard, but is more vehicle oriented. It can fire heavies when the pod lands. I'm thinking the Rifleman would probably work best overall. If deployed in the back, a Thunderfire Techmarine survivor can fix it up, should it lose an arm.


In these cases, I think pods actually enhance the capibilities of these units, making them more mobile in a way. Tactical squads I am not sold on. I think they are more flexable and survivable in Rhinos (with HK's for a mini alpha strike.)


Warprat ;)

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CardinalVirture: I normally like to run really cheap HQs so I'm not sure about investing so many points into 1 body. Its worth looking into though. I've heard alot of people talk about empty Pods, is it really that useful? It seems like you're just wasting points and handing over potential KPs.


One of the biggest weaknesses of a pod army (or any reserves-based force, really) is the tendency to come in piecemeal and get ripped apart before whatever comes in can be properly supported. Tigurius is an excellent way to make sure that doesn't happen, and in any pod army 1500pts or over, I've never felt it a waste to take him. I do admit though that dying just as easily as a regular librarian is a bit worrisome, but he doesn't have to be alive for the Gift of Prescience to work, and that's the big reason to take him. Shooting people with brain lasers and charging with both S6 and I10 and still being able to use his force weapon is just an added bonus...


As for empty pods, they add a bunch of tactical flexibility to a force that would otherwise play pretty much the same way every game. You can choose to drop them right at the beginning so that your heavy hitters/scoring units/whatever can come in at a more opportune time, or use them to pad the drop pod numbers so that everything useful is on the board turn 2. I try not to be too worried about how many killpoints my army is worth though, since 2/3 standard missions don't care about them, and I don't think I've seen any custom scenarios in tournaments where uneven army sizes wasn't taken into account.

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