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Black Templar Conversions


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Hey guys,


I finally finished my first squad of custom Neophytes. Because I like the idea of medieval crusaders, I used various fantasy bits for them. They are Dark Elf warrior legs, scout torsos and arms, Bretonnian heads, and some Tomb King warrior weapons.



I did a bit of custom work on a Rhino to give it that Templar/crusader feel.




I also made my own Rhino from cardstock. Critique as you will :(



Here's a Land Speeder in the same fashion as the Rhino



The AoBR Captain with a minor conversion.



And, a minor conversion for the Dreadnought from AoBR



Hope you all like these!

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The Bretonnian heads on the neophytes is a really charming touch. I dig that a lot. I may try that myself to see how it looks. My critique with them, is that with the High Elf(?) legs meeting the Scout bodies, they look a little narrow-waisted.


You made that Rhino out of cardstock? Bloody hell. Impressive stuff.

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Thanks for the compliments!


The card models can be found in templates all over the nets. Just search for paperhamer or warhammer paper tanks. You can find quite a bit for most every army.


It just depends on whether or not you are willing to put a ton of time into making them or just a couple of hours. This decides on how good it looks. Make it a several day project in your spare time, and you'll have a great looking tank before you know it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

For my Neophytes I just went with the Imperial Guard. They're relatively cheap and really get that "Meat Shield" idea across. Modifying the lasguns to shotguns can be as simple as you like! Giving them CCW/BP isn't a hard thing to accomplish either.


The question of carapace armor is just that: Do you want to bother? The IG are distinct enough to be a clear counts-as, but if you want to go the extra mile and add the carapace feel then just a panel of GS'd armor on the thighs. Tends to do the trick!


This was my experience with Neophytes. Hope it helps!

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I really dig the neophyes but as someone else posted they are rather thin in the waist but wonderful conversion.

The card stock vehicles are great 10 out of 10 work. My a question how will they hold up to painting?

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