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Blood Angel Test Model


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Ok so still on the fence about whether to retrofit/start a new Blood Angels army I've decided to at least try out a test model in preparation for painting up my Space Hulk Terminators who have lain dormant, staring at me accusingly for some time for a paint job. I've decided to really up my ante on this model, normally I go for quick and semi-dirty speed paint jobs and while this model still uses some of those speed painting techniques I did put a lot more time into this model and tried several techniques for the first time. Including a pseudo gem effect for the eyes and using washes on the armor and metal. Overall I really like the end result and it is a promising start.


Here he is:










The model has far less campaign/honor markings than I normally do on my marines, instead I kept it simplistic, while I'm not that happy with the Chapter symbol, the right shoulder represents the 2nd Company while the knee pad icon is the symbol for the 4th Squad. So 2nd Company, 4th Tactical Squad, Blood Angels.


The armor was:


Coat of Mechrite Red

2 coats of Blood Red

Badab Black Wash

Drybrush of Blood Red


The color is not bad but it's a little darker than I was perhaps inclined to do for Blood Angels but I'm liking it so far.


So, what do you guys think?

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IMO, it's a very appropriate deep red, without being too dark. Care to share the technique and colours used. I'd be interested in applying it to some of my models.


Thanks. As for the armor it's:


Chaos Black Primer coat

Coat of Mechrite Red

2 coats of Blood Red

Badab Black Wash

1-2 Drybrush coats of Blood Red


The more heavily you drybrush over the badab wash the lighter the color gets. I tried a couple other colors of wash but they don't result in equal color depth against the red.


Hope that helps.

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