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Razor spam


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I wouldnt dare do it with one unit though... to likely to have all the enemies anti-infantry guns turn and fire while the razorbacks did what they were going to do anyways.


Well of course we must allow for multiple, simultaneous and devastating defensive deep strikes.

It's the only way to deal with your enemies when they hide in metal boxes.

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Bike spam is the only spam thats spam enough for a razorback spam.

Land Speeder Spam disagrees with your assessment.



Bike and Speeder spam frowns on your shenanigans.

Bike, Speeder, AND Pod spam begs to diff.... I'm sorry, I'll stop right there.

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Bike spam is the only spam thats spam enough for a razorback spam.

Land Speeder Spam disagrees with your assessment.



Bike and Speeder spam frowns on your shenanigans.

Bike, Speeder, AND Pod spam begs to diff.... I'm sorry, I'll stop right there.

Ork Spam would definitely like a *cough* word with you aswell.

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Bike spam is the only spam thats spam enough for a razorback spam.

Land Speeder Spam disagrees with your assessment.



Bike and Speeder spam frowns on your shenanigans.

Bike, Speeder, AND Pod spam begs to diff.... I'm sorry, I'll stop right there.

Ork Spam would definitely like a *cough* word with you aswell.


Razor spam countering razor spam would like a word with all of you

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So anyways, there's numerous ways around it (not least of which is the fact that a single Marine with a Krak Grenade can score a kill).

Indeed. Razorbacks aren't hard to kill, especially with your opponent putting up a relatively small number of them.


The trick is, of course, being able to kill or cripple enough of those light tanks every turn to shield yourself from the inevitable return-fire, and they can put out some pretty nasty return-fire. Maybe not the Razorbacks with TL-Las Cannons, mind you, but Las/Plas Razorbacks, taken in big enough numbers, can really lay down some fire. And it only gets worse as you close into range for a rapid-firing plasma gun (which won't overheat to boot).


If you play the long-range shooting match, you're going to eat 9 or so las cannon shots every turn at BS4. Not a fun proposition. If you close, you'll also be eating 9-18 plasma bolts.


Oh, and spam-ity spam spam McSpaminson Spamirino O'Spamihan.

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What ever is droped can only fire on one target per turn. So were're looking at 3-5 drop pods, making your army a drop pod army. I have no doubt that stern guard will destroy one if they land near it, but I'm questioning their ability to sit for a turn and take the return fire. If this turns into the he reservers his whole army the DP list will be as screwed as ever. As I have zero DP's and they're low priority on my budget I'll leave DP vets discuss their ultimate usefulness.


If they are Blood angel razors, then they can move 6" and fire both weapons. It's not a full out blitz like the TLASS's 12" then shoot, but you don't need to move as far with a lascannon.

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What ever is droped can only fire on one target per turn. So were're looking at 3-5 drop pods, making your army a drop pod army. I have no doubt that stern guard will destroy one if they land near it, but I'm questioning their ability to sit for a turn and take the return fire.


Tactical Squad with Melta-Gun, Multi-Melta, Combi-Melta in Drop Pod: 220 Points


If you combat squad when you drop into two groups:


Group A: Combi-Melta + Multi-Melta


Group B: Meltagun


Two of these turn one should be able to put a serious dent in a Razorspam list. If HQ'd by Vulkan, four disabled Razorbacks turn one should not be unexpected.




How about this?


HQ: Kahn


Elite 1: Rifleman Dread

Elite 2: Rifleman Dread

Elite 3: Rifleman Dread


Fast Attack 1: LandSpeeder MM

Fast Attack 2: LandSpeeder MM

Fast Attack 3: LandSpeeder MM


All outflanking. Total Points investment: 715

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Only problem with that is that Khan only lets things with Combat Tactics and dedicated transports outflank, which notably does not apply to dreads and speeders.

But it can apply to Terminators and their Land Raider!

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Three land raider redeemers/Godhammers loaded with Terminators and super-command squads?






"Cost effective ways of dealing with it." :wub:


I challenge you to come up with anything more cost effective than 3 Land Raiders, 1-2 Terminator squads, and 1-2 command squads! This is easily one of the lightest propositions I've seen in this whole thread! :)


No offense guys I'm just playin' :blink: .


I mean the Razor spam proposed is pretty gnarly but I feel like a decent smattering of MLs and autocannons could seriously cut down on the Razors relavtively quickly. I'm actually less worried abou the LCs and more worried about the rapid-fire Plasma to be quite honest.

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