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Razor spam


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Yeah, but unless they take alot of plasmacannons its worthless against a tough footslogging list, and either way theyll have problems with Drop Pods. Razor-spam is a fad, itll blow out in six months.
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All of which I agree with, but who can really field a good foot slogging list, especially in 5th ed? Templars?

Space Wolves, thanks to the addition of Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wolfguard in Terminator Armor as Troops with Cyclone Missile Launchers.

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Cavalry does NOT count as footslogging

I use about 15-20 Fenrisian Wolves in my footslogging force, and the only TDA is the Wolf Gaurd Pack Leaders.... who needs expensive thunderwolves when youve got cheap landspeeders, long fangs, scouts, and whirlwinds to beat down anything that might hurt my beloved grey hunters, wholl soon be overwhelming your unmounted troops.


SWs, BTs, Eldar, BA, Tyranids, Orks, Gaurd, Tau... can all play unmounted with a high degree of success. Daemons are a relative matter of course.... even C:SM can do fairly well if your using a well tuned biker list.

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