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DIY Marine Sketch


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What I like to say is that a Space Marine is never out of proportion.


They have muscles on their muscles where muscles shouldn't be.


They aren't just scaled up Human beings, they are grotesquely over sized and enhanced genetically to far surpass the genetic structure of mortal man.


So, screw the proportions, I like the picture. :ph34r:

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It looks good for a quick sketch, although I think that the head looks a bit too small. I know that is to make the rest of his body look more powerful, it's a trick that comic book artists use sometimes in order to add more bulk to their characters. But in this case, I think that the head is scaled so far away from his hands that it just looks wrong. Sure, Space Marines are powerful, but they are usually fairly smart as well, but with a brain that size it seems as if he'd have the mind of a Snotling. Besides, Space Marines do have a few extra organs implanted into their brains, which would make their heads need to be a bit bigger than here. Just something to keep in mind for future sketches.
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Its not that Space Marines can't have small heads. alot of artists give them small heads. It just usually they do that but have the armor big and bulky. Your whole marine just isn't bulky and thick enough. To realistic looking as far as body proportions. for me anyway. Otherwise not bad. I'd try it with larger neck guard and maybe a bigger helmet too.


P.S. remember a persons head has to fit in that helmet ;)


Crimson Fist


thats a good representation of what I mean

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Thanks all for the input! To Malingus, I figured his head was the size of an average human and thus he had the same intelligence but you are right about the implant, I completely forgot them, I'll have to take that into consideration. To sgtNacho I dig you name it hilarious, your right, right now it looks more like a robot due to his human proportions, I remember that pic isn't it from the rulebook? I'll have to use it as a reference next time.
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Nice, I like the clean style? Do you erase all your construction lines or just clean it up afterwards.


The head is too small proportionally to the whole sketch, if you consider the length of the limbs and the torso, but it's not too small necessarily in comparision to certain armour parts if that makes sense?


Because the sketch it's very front on as well perspective can't lend itself to over exaggeration either.


I did this a time ago and I used perspective to justify proportion, but then again some might saw this is wrong too! :rolleyes:


And here is the 3D version with similar camera/ view to emphasis as such. It's actually an animation and the armour kind of works for it too. heh.



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Hey I was bored and saw this link and decided to sketch your sketch. Here's what I got, I'm not trying to thread jack you, I promise!!









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Wow! I didn't expect to have this much input! Well, thanks brothers!

To wiplash, yeah I've been thinking about up-sizing the head 2% and the knee pads 3% I don't think I want to change the hands though.

To Brother Caliban, I erase the proportional underlay as I complete the part it represents, later though, if I plan on putting cloth over it. I gets pretty hard to distiguish between proprtion and prspective sometimes isn't it, very useful tool. :( By the way, I love that water color, I'll have to try that some time!

To sgt Nacho You got the idea, a bigger head, though maybe not that big. I like the scenery and his boots. I like how they have a sort of work boot look to them. Do you mind If I steal the laurel idea?


and to Brother Caliban this is how it starts


Do tell me if the head is still to small, remember it is only 2% bigger

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I looked at the pic again. I think what's happening is that you have drawn the marine with a proporional body so it looks longer than the typical bulky stalky artwork styles we see in WD and Dex, shorten the limbs, especially the shins, and maybe arms. The hands could do with being a tad bigger I think. Yea make everything a bit shorter to emphasis the bulk. If I have time I will add some sketch reply.




Brother Caliban.

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Ok, That makes sense, I'll draw a whole new picture to get that look down, don't wait up though, just got a lot of work recently, gotta knock that out first.


EDIT: you know what I think that I might add surrounding references for size maybe some planetary defenders?

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Brother Midas,


yea, this would help, I would love to see stuff like that, but the scale reference can be drawn from scale of head to body - small is good as you have noticed. Look at pictures of body builders. Always draw outline of body that would be inside armour and then place armour on top. You can't get away from anatomical drawing here.






Draw a completely ridiculous pea head massive dude. Post it. Then Post the refined version. Sometimes you have to just go mad to get the feeling you are after and then alter it afterwards.


Also I like your clean drawing style.

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I'll try it, but after all my work is taken care of like I said before. Gaah, its annoying any way your pic didn't show up and I promised a reference in the picture. So, here is a very rough guardsman to give a sense of scale..... hope it doesn't brake any rules.


p.s. I realize that the pistols handle is missing, scanned it before I noticed, Its fixed now

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Nah, I don't think a scale ref guardsman breaks any rules. Although I must say that's a damn fine drawing of one.


Also, am I detecting a Borderlands fan, judging by the chapter symbol?


The last sketch definetely has better proportion. Remember that marines are as bulky as they are tall.


Will we be seeing a back pack on this guy?

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Hey Captain Mike, I do love borderlands but the symbol Is of a military unit I saw and liked, lucky guess! Thanks for the compliments and I don't know, I'm surprised no one has noticed until now, I just want a more slim design thats still 40k.

By the way I have started on the BIG MARINE so what do you guys think while its still being drafted?


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I've been watching this thread for a wee while now, and was quite impressed with uoir spear armed marine. Not quite as bulky as I like my marines, but it was a fantastic sketch nonetheless. This picture however looks just right. Although it's still in the early stages the proportions look pretty spot on. I personally would make his torso slightly bulkier, but that's my taste, and as you've said you want a slim design. I think by the time this is finished you will have shown that thinner marines in artwork do work.


I'll be watching how this pic develops :D



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i love the way the drawing of the guy with the halbard and the marine from chest up look solid and actully "there" rather than flat but over detailed like my one here http://i780.photobucket.com/albums/yy84/fulgrimthepagan/plaguemarine.jpg
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:o Wow, I'm blown away to the art thats being posted on this thread, I honestly never thought the topic would last this long.

To Pig Of Sparta: I actually agree with you, with the proportions of all the rest the chest piece at least needs to be extended lowered. Thanks so much for the


To Ecritter: I like to make that aspect of the marines like me :lol:

To Blasferon: I think your drawing is excellent! but thanks for the compliment. But once again, dang thats a sexy plague marine, in a disgusting morose sorda

way. :D

To Son of Sanguinus: *looks around to make sure no one is around* I actually think about what I want, pose as if I was the subject, look at my hands, and

sketch the geometric skeleton.

By the way, I am flattered by the question. ;)

Here is the next installment of the BIG MARINE,


He can be molded right now so any input is truly possible, well, other than a complete new pose.

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