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DIY Marine Sketch


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Most Marines have a curvature on the bottom of the breast plate. I'd add that, make the ankles a little less balloon like, and not have the shoulderpads covering up so much of his chest.


little personal things that you could leave and would look fine though. Good job

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Hey Nacho, yeah I wondered what was wrong there, thanks! I think you mean add more sharp angles to the legs, yes? I don't know about the shoulder pads though I'm a sucker for huge pauldrens *spelling*, I'll probably take you advice though, If it looks out of wack, It isn't worth it.
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I just say what i think.. this is the crit I would want if I was you.


On the big marine.. The proportions that scream out as off to me are..


The neck is too long.. Consider your own neck, imagine armor that reduces its visible length by an inch.. Then consider this guys neck.


The shoulder pads look too big to me..


The chest is rounded but the waist is dead on straight.. and he appears to be standing upright.. So it clashes there.


The waist seems off.. As DV8 illustrated to me in my thread.. The waist physically cannot be square on if the marine is walking/running. Since he told me that I've been noticing it alot.


Anyways keep drawing.

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Wow...... thanks. That was quite out of left field. I had completely stopped working on him. All of that makes sense, but the chest plate of space marines are rounded at the bottom so it would go down like that..... I think. Anyway, it should look good after I fix the waist, unless you really think I should fix it. By the way I'm still pretty busy, so I hope I can work on it consistently. Thanks again!
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The pads are surprisingly big. A little too big. Maybe try about this size:

http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x209/Firenze_xaio/KhorneBezerker-1.jpg On here, these dont look too big to hinder movement too much but still look large enough to stop most attacks.

The neck is a little too long too, as said before. He also looks a bit stiff. Try a different direction other than head on. Works wonders

I also recommend this forum for all budding 40k artists? z4.invisionfree.com/illuminatus

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Wow...... thanks. That was quite out of left field. I had completely stopped working on him. All of that makes sense, but the chest plate of space marines are rounded at the bottom so it would go down like that..... I think. Anyway, it should look good after I fix the waist, unless you really think I should fix it. By the way I'm still pretty busy, so I hope I can work on it consistently. Thanks again!



Its too disheartening IMO to fix these things on the current drawing just try to apply them on the next.

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I myself am a huge fan of DOW style Space Marine sizing. Just seems more realistic to me. So from that I would say just to maybe resize his head and make it a bit more larger (if you already have ignore this cause I havent gotten to the 2nd page yet lol) you run the risk of his head seeming shrunken and tiny. Keep up the good work though.
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hey dude I hope you don't mind but I whipped up some pointers for your consideration, I know it a bit of a read but with a bit of luck you might find something useful, what I've done here is a quick sketch over the original piece and added some small changes that I think might help you when it comes to mapping out a pose.


1.this ones for the head, firstly profile isn't really an option for a front on pose though it's completely understandable because drawing anything at an angle is a nightmare, to the right of the sketch is a little tip for sorting this out. the first lines are for the shape of the helmet, the eye line and the center of the face/helmet. the curve of the lines depends on where the head is looking e.g. the eye line is curved downward and the center line is curved to the left so he's looking down and to the left, seems obvious but ya never know until someone tells you. the next part is what you have already done, the design, after that you just do it on the other side except thinner. O.K thats it for the head angle, I also dropped it down a bit between the pouldrons and lost the neck and widened the collar he looks shorter but stockier


2.breast plate here I just curved the bottom upwards, even though there are variations on this part curving this line upwards gives the impression abs, ribs and pecs in just one line, it's genius design and it's a shame not to use it to your advantage


3.left pouldron, I used your line here as it was a perfect thickness for one of those cool looking flares on the pouldron rim which I widened, the reason I widened it is because you can fit all sorts of details on these parts that can really make a picture, I also dropped the couter a bit so the widest part is underneath the pouldron.


4.right pouldron, there's no easy way around this one dude drawing pouldrons at an angle is a bitch and takes a fair amount of practice and I still mess them up on a regular basis, the upside of trying is when you get it right it looks awesome, I also rotated the arm a bit to the left so show a little bicep armour just to show he actually does have upper arms, as well as this most impressive work on the hand dude it looks damned fine


5.accessories mmmmmmm, theres not enough praise in the world for a space marines belt, the amount of things you can put on it to pull a pose together is just crackin', guns swords, chains, parchment, pouches, spikes, bones, skulls...........you get the idea


6. left fist, to prove a point here, bare with me, clench your fist an look at the back of your hand, you should see the index and middle finger protruding from the knuckle and then the other fingers falling in behind them, though you already know this because you did it with the right hand.


7.legs, what I did here was distribute the weight of the body by widening the legs a bit, it's hardly any change at all but it's much kinder to the pose.


okey dokey that's me done I really hope this helped a lot of people done this for me when I first started so please don't think I'm trying to criticize, I can see you're on your way I just like to give the same help I was given.



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Slaine; goodness man! Do you mind if I do exactly ALL of what you said. That is what I've been looking for, maybe not with such stunning visuals, but that is the best advice of what I need to do, ever. THANKS! I am going to work on this. Expect updates soon!
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Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew anyone who could color in the first drawing. I don't have any talent when it come to coloring images digitally, or manually for that matter. I had a scheme in mind. I might try to watercolor it though...... hmmmm
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