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Aerixis' Conversion Corner!


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Hey guys!


Welcome to another one of my Conversion Corners, probably my biggest to date!


After reading the Blood Angels Codex when it arrived in my local GW via Black Box, I was intrigued by the Stormraven entry.


A Heavy Support option of a 12-capacity + dreadnought that can have Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters, Twin-Linked Assault Cannons, Hurricane Bolters AND 4 Bloodstrike S8 AP2 Missiles.


I thought to myself........f*ck it I can build that.


I bought myself a Land Raider, a Rhino, a Valkyrie and a dreadnought, as well as a rummage through the stores bitz box for a few yummy pieces to add.


This is the on-going project to get a Blood Angels Stormraven operational!


My rather small collection of kits...



The work bench about 2 hours into the job...you can kind of see what I'm going for. At this stage I just figured I'd make a flying Land Raider type thing, (this was before I saw Major Darksols infamous artwork!)



I didn't have any clue as to what I was doing. In case you didn't know.



Here you can see it taking shape. When you are doing big jobs like this it always pays to blu-tac the pieces together before you glue it.

The Land Raider section is the outer track pieces glued to the hull. At this stage I felt I wanted to have an assault ramp type thing, So I glued the front of a Leman Russ onto the underside of a land raider. This was due to change. Everything else you see is pretty much what it looks like with little or not adjustment.



I decided to have wing sponsons, just for aesthetics. This was also due to change. It also doesn't yet have a cockpit.



This is an early design for the two twin-linked weapon sets. And an idea using the Valkyrie cockpit. I didn't like it.



Seeing as the Stormraven is essentially a Thunderhawks little brother, I wanted to make it more closely resemble a Thunderhawk in terms of shape. I used the bottom of a Leman Russ to give me that cockpit shape, the top of a leman russ underneath to give me an underslung weapon turret, and a turret on top resembling the battle-cannon from its big brother. I also attached the hurricane-bolters on the sides to act as anti-personel weapons.



It is quite a long piece of kit.



Here we are, nearly finished. Havn't yet added the wing sponsons, I'm probably going to just use them to fit landing skids.



The side profile is pretty impressive. The area at the back is going to house a harness for a dreadnought.



Here you can see I used a set of land speeder thrusters (jacked from one of my ravenwing). I didn't like the idea of having too much thrust, so this was short lived.



Using a lamp from a cities of death kit mounted of a lascannon sponson made for a rather effective sensor array at the front. The underslung Twin-Linked Assault Cannon was made by fitting the Land Raider Crusader cannons upside down inside the turret, trimming it down to fit, and attaching the cowling over the top to hide the ammo feeds.



The windscreen was made by filing down a dreadnought sarcophagus front.




Lemme know what you guys think so far!


More pics coming soon!

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LOL....I had a similar idea using the Valkyrie but yours beats my idea!!....Nice one ...GOOD work!!


Gotta be said......Tutorial!!!


I desperatly wanted to do a tutorial but the way I was making it was kind of sporadic and haphazard, so I didn't know what I was doing enough to chronicle it in any order.


This thread is the closest I can probably get to a stage-by-stage process.


This is hardly a Conversion Workshop, so my apologies for that!

Imense, i'm sure you'll want another one make tutorial while building that. That way i can make once the GK codex comes out :D


Shmae a kit will probably come out with Spearhead though...



I know I might do actually, don't know if I can get away with my Angels of Redemption having TWO stormravens though! hahaha, I'll think about it though.


I am going to be building a Thunderhawk soon though....

I got to say its a little akward looking. Just looks like a LR and a Rhino have been stuck together. The overall idea is good, as already mentioned is to shorten the tail and make it more spacemarine. The over all idea is good, but I think for the money you spent on it you should of taken more time on it, I know its still a WIP so looking forward to see how you finish it.


No offence ment, just want to give honest feedback.

I know this will sound odd, but put the wings on backwards. your rear wings are fine if a little too far back. But the front wings need to be the other way, its odd i kow but when I was building my thunderhawk i nearly glued the wings on the way you have them, with them slopeing backwards.



So just shorten the tail and glue the main wings on the other way around and i think you may very well have a thunderhawks little brother.


BTW... I cant afford it right now but this may have to be another thing to my wish list.


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