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Runic Armor... Really worth it?


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Brothers and Sisters of the Fang,


A fairly benign question for your consideration and comment; is Runic Armor worth the points? I love the 2+ Armor Save and the 5+ against psychics is nice. But, my experience has been that in most cases my ICs end up fighting other ICs with Power Weapons or other weapons that negate Armor Saves as it is. So, I ask for your opinions and experiences with this individual piece of wargear. Has it worked well for you, or are the points better spent on another Blood Claw or Grey Hunter?


For my current situation, I am putting together a 1K list for a doubles tourney in a few weeks. I have selected a Wolf Priest as my HQ and have kitted him out with Runic Armor, Wolf Tooth Necklace, and Saga of the Beastslayer. I plan to put him with either my Blood Claws or Grey Hunters Pack dependant on our opponent. Both Packs are in Drop Pods and would benefit from the WP’s Oath of War. But, at the cost of the Runic Armor, I could add another GH to the smaller Pack. So, I am considering decreasing my WP’s individual survivability by dropping the RA, and adding another GH to increase the Pack’s overall survivability.


Thanks in advance for your consideration.


- WulfenKin

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I guess it really depends what you are doing. If you are planning on facing off with monstrous creatures and enemy HQ's then yeah the 2+ armor is not going to help much. It you are going to be carving up non melee units the 2+ gives you tremendous survivability. It can also be handy when you take a shot from a missile launcher since you can shrug it off easily.
I tend to use Runic armor if I have the points to spare, or I'm dedicating the IC to infantry hunting. WP IMO benefit from Runic armor, as I tend to stick them with BC 7/10 times, and just go chop some helpless troops. If there is a chance that alot of MC or IC are around, then I stick them with GH and skirt the Runic armor.
I have to say I like it. I always give it to my WP if I can. Primarily because the 4++ is already there. I have to admit that when I am looking at taking it, the only other thing I am usually thinking about is whether I want the RA or TDA. I also like to try and use my guy in RA for tropp killing not HQ hunting.

I agree with Tigurius,


My current Wolf Lord is equipped with both Runic Armor and a Storm Shield, combined with Saga of the Bear this guy is hard to put down.


I used to run him without the Runic Armor, but the 3 up is just not as reliable, and with all the points I already spend on my Wolf Lord whats a few more to optimize him.

Same as has been said. Rune armor is awesome on any WP due to his 4+ invulnerable (or on any IC with an invulnerable). Especially nice when the IC will be going with any PA marines in a trans or anywhere else TDA can't go (JPs, bikes, TWc). Takes up less space than TDA and doesn't prevent sweeping advances.
Buried in a 10 to 15 man pack I'd say no. As 1. he is probably cheaper, and 2 he has more ablative bodies. However if on bike or thunderwolf or small termie pack, I'd strongly consider it to counter saturation fire. Bike guy may also take a lot of krak missles, nice to negate those on a +2.
Put it in a GH unit and use the banner, a almost un killable IC to normal weapons


This is by far one of my favorite ways to kill hordes, a lord or priest with runic armor and saga of the warrior born with a banner has let me destroy a full boyz or 'gaunts unit many a times. Really though I always use my lord or priest for infantry with a small unit so runic armor is a must for me.



Thanks for your review and consideration. Despite the versitility the Runic Armor would give my WP to act on his own, in such a small game I think I will drop the RA. He will be running with a GH Pack and the freed points will enable me to get another GH and Melta-Bombs for one of my WG. Thanks again.


- WulfenKin

I've never regretted taking artificer/runic armor, ever. You're investing a minimum of 100 points in an HQ - why not spend the extra points and protect the investment that much more? It also upgrades them from really, really needing to stay with a unit, to being able to charge squads without a power weapon, but that may just be a psychological thing.


In larger games I can see it being largely wasted, as there will be more big stuff to kill your HQ with, but I can't speak to that - I play mostly smaller games.


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