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Death Company Rhino

Oliver Twist

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I've just spend the weekend painting this up. Its the start of a new BA army for me. I hope you enjoy it! I haven't had this much fun painting in a while. Hopefully that bodes well for the rest. I probably won't get many more BA's painted in the next few weeks as I'll be on holiday, which is a shame, because I'm rearing to go.



























*edit* I stole the hatch design from someone here, but I can't seem to find them. I'd like to give them credit. Any body recognize it?

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Thank you Talyn. I'm grateful. The red was painted as follows:


Solid Red Gore basecoat

shade bottom with 50/50 red gore/liche purple

shade bottommost little bit with the above mixed with a little bit of black

highlight top third or so with 50/50 red gore/blood red

add a highlight of blood red only

mix in bronzed flesh bit by bit for increased highlights, then very finely highlight both the top and bottom edges.



Now that I look at it again, I can see I forgot to finish off the little red emblem on the front right bumper. Back at it then!

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Slowhand, thank you! I tried hard for the red. I'm glad you like it so much.


Ludovic :P cheers! Alas, I don't have much of my stuff with me as I'm at Uni right now. I have a few free handy things to show though, but none are blood angels. This rhino is the first of many, but still the first and only.










I'm trying to wrap up that space wolves army this week. Its pretty tiny. Pictures soon I hope. The Ultramarines are a different story. I started them...like two years ago. I'm half way done, but life has really tripped up finishing that army!

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Wow, I love the first two freehands! Awesome stuff! And the two other, while not being spectacular, are really sweet! :tu:


Can't wait to see more! :D


Edit: the inside of that wolf skin looks like ham :lol:

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Ecritter: Thank you man. I'm honored.


Lensoven, cheers!


Dhx, Ludovic, indeed, that does look distinctly like bacon, not that out of character for a SW! Thanks guys.


I'm sad that I wont get to work on BA stuff for three weeks. Hopefully after my easter holiday I'll have time for some crazy BA painting!

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Warpig, thank you so much ^_^


Son of Sang: It is single - for now. As soon as I get back to uni, she's getting picked up by a matching dread. I don't have her number, but the license plate is AB 07 09 12. Maybe that will help?


Next time I do some free hand, I'll do a step by step and post a tutorial. The first example might not be as elaborate as this one, but I'll do my best to come up with something special and teachable.

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Thanks IronKobra.


No problem, the NMM banner was done starting with a mix of scorched brown and chaos black. I then blended in scorched brown, then added bronzed flesh, then added bleached bone. Just slow incremental mixing of the above.


*as it were, there might be some vermin brown mixed in between the scorched brown and bronzed flesh** I just remembered that.

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