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Blood Angels Test Mini

Pig Of Sparta

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Hi Brothers, thought I'd put up some photos of my finished Blood Angels test mini:





any and all feedback is welcome. I apologise for the glare on the photos, the glaze I appliied to the red gave the armour a slight gloss finish and it's not nice enough outside to give him a coat of purity seal.






EDIT: just realised I forgot to finish the skull on his back pack and his purity seals. I'll change the pics when I get these done ;) apologies...

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Thanks Oliver, its amazing how much quicker and easier it is to paint something when you don't have to worry about legs, arms and weapons :D. The recipe for the red is:


Undercoat Chaos Black

Basecoat Mechrite Red

Shade recesses with watered down Scorched Brown/Chaos Black mix (1:1:1 paint:water)*

Layer armour with thinned Blood Red (will take around 3-5 layers to get a nice smooth red)

Highlight Layer armour with thinned 1:1 Blood Red and Blazing Orange mix

Highlight Layer armour with thinned pure Blazing Orange

Highlight edges of armour with thinned 1:1 mix of Blazing Orange and Skull White

Highlight very lightest edges with Skull White with a tiny amount of Blazing Orange mixed in

Several glazes of thinned Baal Red applied to the lower areas of the red armour


The glazes were a bit of a trial and error thing, but I think I've gotten away with them. If you want to see some other red stuff check out my WIP thread here:My REDemption




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Cheers IronKobra, I was gonna finish him up tonight to take him to a competition tomorrow, but due to lack of funds it's looking like I won't be able to go so I'm getting some more of my Khorne Terminator done.... I will finish those bits I missed off though :D



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@ ancient god: I agree with you on this the eyes don't quite seem to pop enough do they. When I do the missing details I'll try and bring them up a little as well.


@ the sanguinor: please be my guest, I'd love to see other people's take on this idea. I actually thought it'd be inda cool to try and do a series of busts like this for chapters I like the look of.


@ Midas: thanks mate, I was actually expecting some stick over the loincloth, with all that space there I kinda wanted to add something freehand, but I didn't want to clutter up what is essentially a simple mini, and couldn't think of what to put apart from blood drops which I thought would look a bit daft what with the chapter symbol being directly below it :)



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Thanks titan136, exactly what I was aiming to achieve, I wanted to show I could do a Blood Angel right instead of trying to pass someting off as one :). The chapter symbol and company marking are transfers that I've then painted and highlighted. I know it's kinda cheating, but I think the end result is worth combining the two.



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i think the eyes look fine unequipted armor should have slightly dusky eyes as the suit is not functioning also i think your red is great and with all one color armys (yeah well mostly) like the blood angels you need one outstanding color, youve done just that.
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Thanks mate, I think I've got two more cities of death lamposts lying around somewhere so I've got plans to do at least two more like this, when I have the inclination, work out which chapters to do and get the bits I need for the actual armour :)


Glad to have inspired you Gumbafish



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