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Sanguinius Blood Angel Primarch


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OK, once in a while I get a flashback and just have to paint something from GW or their background. So after countless 15mm minis and Gear Krieg something totally different...



Minis sculpted (probably) by Scibor. I bought the minis quite cheap on ebay.

IMO one of the best aftermarket Sanguinius sculpts! Since I still do not like NMM I used good old fashioned gold and brown ink.





More on my website: http://www.adpublishing.de/html/space_marines.html

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The painting is ace. I don't like the sculpt (looks like he's falling down the stairs) but thats not your fault.

Funny thing the pose was exactly what hooked me. IMO it is a very light and nimble pose that reflects quite nicely a being that has wings...

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The painting is ace. I don't like the sculpt (looks like he's falling down the stairs) but thats not your fault.



Sorry, but what does QFT mean? The closest I can think is Quoted for Truth?


That is correct sir.

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Hi Guys,


I have been a lurker here for a while and i just had to comment on this one,


Loving the fact that you went with the metallic paints, a little advise if i may, perhaps a purple glaze in the reccess of the armour plates to make it pop and a devlen mud or similar was to the wings, to make the details stand out some more,






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