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Painting Q for fellow Angels Sanguine Players


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So im planning to paint up a squad of Sang Guard as part of my Angels Sanguine army, but find myself questioning whether or not to do a half-gold/half-black paint scheme. To be honest i feel like its a question of which one will look worse: the half black and gold, or being the only squad in the army not painted in a divided scheme.


I thought about maybe just painting the masks half-black, but wanted to know if any fellow AS players here are asking themselves the same thing


hey, maybe ill even get lucky and someone has a picture of something they've tried :D

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When I was fleshing out the paint scheme for the AS I played around with varying the spit with different colors based on the more elite roles, i.e Honour Guard, HQ roles, etc.

For the HG's I played around with a gold/bone helmet scheme while keeping with the red/black on the armor. Here's an example of some foot sloggers I painted up a while ago.


Likewise, on this veteran sgt., I also played around with using an iron/black metallic look in place of the black 1/2 of the scheme.


I've been playing around with maybe doing a squad of Sanguine Guard for my AS army (but I'm really not a big fan of the unit). To that end, I was thinking that I would do a gold/iron metallic scheme for them. Another option might be to go with a gold/high gloss black on the other half. For that, I would use a typical black approach and then cover it over with a glossy varnish. If you were to get a little more ambitious, you could simulate the same effect in the same way gem stones are commonly painted.

Just some ideas. For now, the SG sprues are all bits fodder for the time being. -OMG

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OooOOOooOo i hadn't thought about a metallic black ..... that could be real nice on their ornate bodies. It might work best if I use the technique some people use for gold where they highlight with silver, then do the same for the black to get some kind of uniformity across the model.

i really hope it works because i like the idea of a possible "phantom of the opera-esq" looking model with their helmets

another option could be NMM but nothing else in the army is done that way, so i doubt ill do that. For what its worth, i played around in the space marine painter and got this:


@Vod - not gonna lie ... if i paint one of them and it just looks bad, i might have to take your suggestion

whenever the models come in the mail ill get started on them and ill have to post the results. If anybody else has any insights, they would be welcome! Appreciate the replies!

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In the new codex, I could have sworn I saw a special side note that stated the angels sanguine's death company and sanguinary guard wear white armour. It was on the colored page where all the sucessor chapter marines are shown.


Captian Kael :)



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actually, the Angels Sanguine SG are the same colorscheme as the BA, so the "right decision" fluff-wise is all gold.


The Angels Encarmine is the only successor chapter to repaint the SG armor, and they paint them white. I think the reason why "everyone" keeps the armor golden is because these armors were used by Sanguinius' honour guards, so it is kinda blasphemous to repaint it.

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Codex: BA pg. 80, "the Successor Chapters invariable maintain a Sanguinary Guard and Death Company of their own, following the same colour schemes as those laid down by the Blood Angles. The only exception as the Angles Encarmine who adorn both these specialist units in alabaster white armor - shown right."


Certainly there's a bit of revisionist history going on here as the Flesh Tearers DC have always been gray & maroon (and are an excellent compliment to their darker colored troops). I'm sorry to see that this didn't get a more elaborate treatment in the new dex but that's fine.


So never let fluff stifle creativity. In the end, it's your army. So, as much attention I give to fluff sources this is one I will feel confident in blowing off.



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I have to say that i missed that bit of fluff stating that the SG follow the traditional BA scheme (my codex hasn't come in the mail yet and i currently live very far away from any warhammer stores) i started this topic under the assumption that it wasn't specified.


That being said, i think ive simply pumped myself up too much already about the half/half scheme. Whenever the models come in i'll definitely post updates so that we can jury whether or not it was a good idea.


@OMG - how did you go about making a metallic black? i thought i heard on here once upon a time that vellejo made a paint that turned any color into a metallic (if so does someone know the name of the paint?)

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  • 1 year later...

For the Angels Sanguine Death Guard...


Since the regular BAs use red armor for their regular units and black for their Death Guard...


Why not reverse the Angels Sanguine colors?


Regular Angels Sanguine use right side red/left side black. Thus Angels Sanguine Death Guard could have right side black/left side red.

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@OMG - how did you go about making a metallic black? i thought i heard on here once upon a time that vellejo made a paint that turned any color into a metallic (if so does someone know the name of the paint?)

Sorry DIKU I missed this post. Yes, Vallejo does make an additive that makes any color metallic but I find that this also lightens up the color quite a bit. Like adding cream to coffee. Just metallic coffee or something.


There's nothing to say that you can mix a metallic with a non-metallic acrylic paint to darken it up. Go heavy on the black ink wash and I'm sure that will have a similar effect. Combine the two and highlight with Mithril Silver and I think that will get you 90% the way there.


I have some sang guad modeled up as window dressing for a Stormturkey conversion. Maybe I'll pull one out and paint it up as a test model.


Cheers, -OMG

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Good luck with the gold and black halves, I've been having a similar debate with m myself this week as I'm building an Honour Guard.


I'm personally not too big a fan of the gold/black halves, not sure why though. I like OMG's idea with the helmet colours which is what I've done but my Vanguard and Sgt models have gold helmets already so I've had to give an alternative some thought.


I've decided (pending seeing it in real life on a test) to go with the almost all-gold of the 'traditional' (as of the new codex) honour guard but I'm going to do possibly a black arm and shoulder and/or a white or black helmet so that, if I do ever run Sang Guard, they'll stand apart.


Look forward to seeing how yours come out!

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Personally I'll be painting my AS Sanguinary Guard gold with red and black shoulder pads. I think the solid gold look is just too nice looking to pass up and will give a little diversity to the rest of the all red/black army.
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I'm painting my sanguinary guard in pure gold, after all, the death co are all black so they won't be the only unit in the army in one colour. Plus the minis deserve to stand out a bit.
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The pic you put up of the 50/50 black and gold marine looks awesome

(how do you do that anyway, is there a bit of software for designing marine armour or something?)

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I gave some thought about doing a half gold and half black theme for Sanguinary guard but on my test mini I didn't really like the look of it ( sorry no pics, he is painted Alpha legion now)


I ended going with a scheme alot like OMG for my 5 SG who by fluff stand point I say they are 5 most elite of the Sanguinary Guard and are chosen as Sentikan's personal honor guard hence there deviation from standard SG colors.


Here is a WIP on the standard bearer


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Looking amazing by the way..

I'm actually loving the angels sanguine colour scheme more than anything at the minute (well aside from my blood angel armour recipe) I keep thinking it's not too late to start painting some stuff half black but I'm not going to, I love my BA 4th too much!!

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