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Chaos conversion substitutes

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I do not like the "attack motorcycle" squads that the CSM have. I was thinking about getting these toy dragons (of a comparable size) that the local hobby store carries, mounting spare bits and puttying them to look "Chaosy" and sticking a CSM on top of each one and having them "counts as" the biker squad. No rule changes, just awesome dragons to ride instead of motorcycles. What does B&C think of this?
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Sure, I guess. Various chaos marines would probably ride anything they can put a saddle on and survive.

Same as imperial guard rough riders (not all ride horses).


Would you have the chaos marine strap on the twin linked bolters onto the dragon or would that be represented in some other way?

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Would you have the chaos marine strap on the twin linked bolters onto the dragon or would that be represented in some other way?


I was kicking around the idea of getting a cupola ring with gun mount from a vehicle kit, cutting it in half, and using it as the front and back of the saddle. Then the bolters could be mounted to something that looked reasonable instead of just being glued to the side of the beast's head or summat.

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Would you have the chaos marine strap on the twin linked bolters onto the dragon or would that be represented in some other way?


I was kicking around the idea of getting a cupola ring with gun mount from a vehicle kit, cutting it in half, and using it as the front and back of the saddle. Then the bolters could be mounted to something that looked reasonable instead of just being glued to the side of the beast's head or summat.


Yeah, it's a rather goofy thing to imagine a chaos marine deciding to glue guns onto his new pet. :P

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Would you have the chaos marine strap on the twin linked bolters onto the dragon or would that be represented in some other way?


I was kicking around the idea of getting a cupola ring with gun mount from a vehicle kit, cutting it in half, and using it as the front and back of the saddle. Then the bolters could be mounted to something that looked reasonable instead of just being glued to the side of the beast's head or summat.


Yeah, it's a rather goofy thing to imagine a chaos marine deciding to glue guns onto his new pet. :P


Over in the SW Forum, there was a fella' doing scratch-built wolves with mounted weapons; my suggestion was from the mouth, with the barrell protruding so their bark is worse than their bite.


You could do similar with a dragon-esque model, the flamer would work well there - in my mind at least!

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Oh, and I wouldn't mind seeing pictures if this dragon project gets going.


I will certainly post pics when I get to it. I've blown my model budget for this month already, though, so it will be next month at the earliest. I've got my two rhinos and one troop choice with extras, so I figured that next I'd get another box of CSM and use some of them to round out my second troop squad and three or hour of them for my fast attack option. My little plastic horde is growing...

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Couldn't you just have the riders holding twin linked bolters? They can have their ccw strapped to the side of the animal or on their waist.


I was thinking of putting their chainswords on the ends of poles, and then posing them waving them around all crazy like.

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I think, if you're going to do this, you should grab some thunderwolf mounts, paint them darker and make them look more gristlier and nasty and use them. Pretty nifty they'd be, perhaps make some fluff about some being captured years ago and breeding them in the eye of terror and what not. Daemon wolves haha, or even grab some Flesh Hounds.
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The brain storming is ongoing. The other day I went to U.S. Toys and bought me a couple of dinosaurs because I couldn't find the dragons I was thinking of. I think I like the idea better, because what's more terrifying than a Khorne Berserker riding on a velociraptor? Once I got them home they turned out to be a little larger in comparison to the models than I initially thought they'd be, so I'm still turning my wheels as to whether I want to go ahead and use them for this, use them for something else or just drop them and hunt for a different mount. I don't want to use a wolf, even a demon wolf, but I might use a wolf for a base if I don't like the other ideas I do.


I'll post my first test run here and see if it passes the "silly test" before I do more than just the one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, some things have happened since I last posted. The first one being that I got about 80% done with the conversion I was working on and decided that I just plain didn't like how it was turning out after all. The second one is that my home was burglarized and my computer was burgled. Don't worry though, the fools had no idea how much Warhammer models cost and left them alone. So there is that.


Anyway, like I said, didn't like where my conversion was headed. Returning to this thread for ideas I picked up on using Cold Ones for the mount. I am very pleased with how this turned out. I have five dudes done up and another five planned. I'm going to keep the idea of mounting chainswords on little poles, which is the only part of the initial experiment I was completely happy with, only use them for the "basic troopers" I'm making. The guys I've already done represent options from the codex along with different "character" models, one of them being an icon bearer. I've got the Aspiring Champion all painted up, but I don't have a picture of him fully painted yet. So here is a cell phone picture of the Champion "in the gray".




The size of the powerfist, the angle of the picture and the fact the GW minis are just plain out of proportion to begin with makes the legs look funnier in this picture than they do IRL. Just sayin'.

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The legs look a little off, regardless, imo. I'd recommend removing the dark elf legs. take some 'zerker or CSM legs and saw or cut them into sections- pelvis, upper legs, lower legs, and knees, if the legs you're using had knee pads. glue the leg parts onto the cold one, shaving them down where they meet each other or the mount as needed. Use greenstuff to fix gaps and the saddle.
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And painted:



The legs are definitely not ideal, but it looks better than my trial run at chopping and epoxying regular CSM legs as you suggest. I'm going to continue to experiment with 'green stuff' and get back to this sort of thing in the future when I'm better at it, but for now I want my mounted berserker force whether they have girly legs or not. I'm still really new at this sort of thing, after all.

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  • 4 months later...

I use mines like Raptors ^^,they Are WE Raptor Ridders.


And i came also with the same issue with the DE legs been too thin for a marine.


I then came up with this:




And the results.






As for the bolters for my Blood Knigths(WE mounted on Warhorses):








Hope it helps you

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what about doing something like dragon-ogres? basicly, part dragon part (in this case) marine, in a centaur-like mix... if done right, this would look very ferocious and quick (i know a guy with an old fantasy chaos army, who made some amazing dragonogres from the older cold-ones, and the never warriors of chaos torsos/arms)?
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  • 4 weeks later...
I use mines like Raptors ^^,they Are WE Raptor Ridders.


And i came also with the same issue with the DE legs been too thin for a marine.


I then came up with this:



Hope it helps you


I've been holding off on making the next batch of them or painting anymore of the ones I already have. I think I'm going to try to modify the legs like you show in this picture. Thanks for the suggestion+picture

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  • 1 year later...

(Fantasy) Chaos knights have good legs to use. You might want to bulk up the raptor legs a little though.


Personally, for armament, I'd use a loyalist stormbolter to represent the twin linked bolters, and then use the mount to represent the close combat (claws, trample, biting) it leaves you a hand free to hold the reins or any specific upgrade :)

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