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Chaos conversion substitutes

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(Fantasy) Chaos knights have good legs to use. You might want to bulk up the raptor legs a little though.


Personally, for armament, I'd use a loyalist stormbolter to represent the twin linked bolters, and then use the mount to represent the close combat (claws, trample, biting) it leaves you a hand free to hold the reins or any specific upgrade :)


This thread is quite old, but I am still working on the things. I seem to have to be rotating through at least half a dozen different projects at once, and it's taking me forever to get anything finished. But here is where I ultimately decided to go with their legs:




Chaos Knight legs from WHFB I got from a bits supplier. Since I started this a couple different third party companies started with bolter-glaive combinations in resin, so I may go that route. But since I never know what exactly I'm going to do until I'm doing it, I may yet end up fusing a Boltgun to a chainsword and put the whole thing on a pole. I've done a couple mock-up versions and they're OK so long as I only use one Bolter.

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Looking good!

I've been tempted to try a marine mounted on the mechanical steed from WHFB Empire. That or get a pair and scratch-build a chariot pulled by them, a counts-as-attack-bike. That centaur idea sounds excellent too.


Looking forward to seeing the completed squad!

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