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Terminator Command Squad


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I've done this guy for my custom chapter, the White Hands.


This was my first time painting any large area of complex free hand. The fist didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but its a good start i think. I'm looking forward to trying my hand at the blood angels 2nd company banner soon.


I'll be using him as part of belial's enhanced terminators when I used my army as deathwing.




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Thanks for the encouragement guys!


I converted this command squad almost 3 years ago and had intended them for my black templars, but i fell in love with this new scheme because of its simplicity and vibrancy. here's the rest of the command squad




and here they are with my belial (who can be simply switched for a termi sarge if i'm not playing deathwing)


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Fantastic squad + banner. I love the bronze and blue colour scheme you've used and that blue really pops. Great work on the banner too. And the dark bases sets them all off. BTW a very tidy termy apoth conversion :P.




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Thanks for the comments all :D


Celestin: The claws are from the chaos terminator lord


teku: yeah i've been wanting to paint them but haven't really found a use for normal terminators of the non-assault variety in my templar army. eventually the ornate suits got recommissioned into my White Hands army


I am the Stig: glad to be of service!


Here's a full army shot of the Deathwing portion of my White Hands chapter:


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