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Blood Guard


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Hi, Its been a long time for me to come back to this forum and posting my work up on here again - I did the LPC last year and submitted some of them, but i've been painting my marines on and off since then, Most of the time i've been painting Guardsmen (Gives a bit of difference when playing against Chaos/Loyalist Space Marines and makes it more fun) but just recently i've concentrated more on the Marines.


A bit about me first, I first got hooked on Warhammer 40k about 15 years ago, during the 2nd edition of the game, and got hooked on the Space Marines, tho i didnt really paint the models back then, being 12 and not concentrating on it tbh. I loved the Blood Angels and their fluff, but couldnt find a good way of painting the models. I then stopped playing/collecting the minatures till probably 3 years ago, when my internet fell (lousy tesco driver knocked the telegraph pole down) but i only painted the models and didnt play with them. Had a couple of armies, one Marine and a Guard one, but due to GW discontinuing Midnight blue, the Marines were out, and the Guard i'd painted looked tacky. When AoBR came out, i started this new chapter, and as i say did some for the LPC last year. I then got a bit bored and did some of the Guard, but still did a few Marines at the same time.


The main reason i've got back to painting the Marines is because of the new Blood Angel Codex, and as i said earlier, i love the fluff theyve had, the minatures etc, and i thought about sharing them with whomever wants to look at them. I'm in the process of re-basing the models i have at the moment (originally went with a plasticard base chequered to look like tiles, but my friends kept moaning at me because it looked ridiculous), but a few i have transfered onto a different base, but as i update each squad i'll be posting them on here, and showing work that i'm in the process of doing. Most of the pictures i'll be posting from Deviant Art - hope thats ok, if not i can always set up a imageshack account.


Command Squad:








This is only 2 of them, I have another one (Venerable) in the Techmarines garage being worked on as we speak






This is just 2 of 6 that are painted, And i've still got some more to paint up. The shotgun one is one i did last year, and the bolt pistol/ccw one i painted up recently.


Drop Pod




Drop pod for the normal Dreadnought - I have a second drop pod that i might paint up for the Death Company dreadnought, but before i start on it, (when i get it) i'll be checking the 'dex to make sure they can have them. Im in no hurry to paint anything, i've got plenty to work on.


Death Company + Assault Marine




Only one of each. I'm using the assault marine box to cover the Death Company, with different paint job as can be seen, the Assault marine is just in the picture to show everyone what the main Marines will be painted as.


As I say, i've got alot of work on my hands at the moment, as well as changing the bases for a tactical squad and a combat squad, the rest of the Assault marines, and painted scouts, i've got the Venerable dreadnought to complete painting, the Drop pod, 7 more metal scouts, 3 terminators from AoBR, 7 or so death company marines, the Chapter Masters apoc models (from the old army), a librarian (saw the rules for some of their powers and had to buy one), as well as a chaplain, the special vanguard sergeant model, and the proper Death Co models (to be used as either Stern/Vanguard depending on how i kit them). O, and also sort out about putting a chapter logo on the models as well...

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Thanks, both of you - Termies, It really is a case of practice makes perfect. I cant show any pictures of my old guard or space marines army because i've thrown the ones i buggered up too much, or spent a lot of time on, but even if you take the case of the two scouts, thats about a years work. Got a couple of "new" pictures that are ready to go up, should get another up before i've got to go into town, but probably going to spend some time today just rebasing squads up:


Inquisitor - I'd love to claim this all as my own work, but theres two pictures, one that is the wip - where i stopped (didnt do any washes on it) and then the final finished version, painted up by a freind of mine







Terminator Sergeant:








Tactical Squad Sergeants:




Something that i hadnt said in my previous post is that alot of the models have names, I do like a bit of heavy metal music, and models are named after them, or have band logos - i.e. the Sergeants banners. There are so far 3 banners i've done, and as the time goes on and more tactical squads are painted they'll have the same logos as above. The one in the Command Squad is the In flames logo, and the ones on the picture above, the one with the plasma pistol and ccw has one of the Fear Factory logos, and the other belongs to Soulfly.

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Nice minis !

Love the inquisitor !


But, one thing bothers me... I remember seeing this symbol somewhere... (the one on the last pic, right mini)


Found it !


Soulfly fan ?

Nice symbol anyway, looks great on this banner.


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Nice minis !

Love the inquisitor !


But, one thing bothers me... I remember seeing this symbol somewhere... (the one on the last pic, right mini)


Found it !


Soulfly fan ?

Nice symbol anyway, looks great on this banner.




Yeah, its the Soulfly logo (or one of them at least). Does say in the last sentance of the last post where the logos came from as well.

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An actual work in progress picture:




I'm in the process of doing the feet and the lascannon arm- i've done the legs apart from the guards, but only basecoated the other weapon arm at this moment in time.


Its not too visible that the nid head/scroll and the skulls are bleached bone in the picture, but they are. Havent got into washing the model down just yet but i will be when finished.

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So...having got my Codex in the post this morning - which is great considering i was expecting it to arrive on Wednesday or so :D. It seems that Blood Angels cant take Venerable dreads...D'oh! O well, just makes him a very ornate Dreadnought. I've worked out how many points i can legally field at the moment (despite still needing to rebase models) So i cant include the Death Co. dread and the Death co. because there isnt a 5man squad of death co for the dread, or 3 complete men for the Death co.


Last few days i've been working on the Librarian who is just waiting for gluing/washing and a back pack. I'm thinking of using the Death Company box for a squad of Vanguard, giving them all jump packs, and dishing the normal death co back packs out to the Company Captain, the Blood Champion, and the Chaplain and Librarian.


Opinions please

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One finished Librarian:





Contrary to popular expectations (i think) There isnt as much blue on there as most Librarians have. Theres a bit on the shoulder pad, and a blue wash to the tabard.


Has one of the new back packs from the Death Company box.

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Finished Vanguard Marine - all from bits from new Death Company:




Over the last couple of models, i've slowly bought something into my painting armoury - the Painting of the gems. I'd never realised it was easy as it is, and its going to be something i'll continue.


Next Job is to continue with the Death Company i'm using, As i've put before hand, i'm using the Assault Marine boxes (with me not working, and not having a lot of money, spending £16 on the Assault marine boxes is better than spending £20 on them). Depending on how many Death Company i decide to go for, that £4 could be £24 if i go for the whole 30man squad - getting close to the cost of a Terminator squad or a Land Raider.


Once getting the squad of 5 Death Co done (enough to use the Death Co. Dreadnought) i'll get the Chaplain done up, then continue with a tactical squad i have, or do the other 5 Death Co I already have...or alternatively the rest of the Vanguard.

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The Terminators will. The Vanguard i've done (see above) hasnt tho. I think the Termis i've done so far were done at least a year ago, and i needed something to go on the "shield" area at the shoulder, and i think i was too lazy to do anything else at the time. Will probably keep them and do them on any other termi tho.
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More work to be seen. Some dont quite have a good picture, but its the best i can do right now.






Painted up by me, and then taken over by my friend Mark (Same guy that did the Inquisitor)







Not the best of models, were painted up in excess of a year ago, with the exception of one of them (the better looking one lol)


Assault Marines:




Again, not the best of artwork, were done last year sometime for my LPC vow 09.


Death Company:




Finally got the 5 man squad done to be able to use the Death Company Dread.



Army as of 03.04.2010




As it stands its about 1500 point, tho it is due to be adapted. Going to get the Chaplain painted up, then i'll use the Librarian as the HQ (with the Honour Guard) and have the Chaplain leading the Death Co.

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Another WIP, this time its my Captain. The vast majority of the bits come from the Death Company box (surprise surprise) with the shield coming from one of the Chapter Masters.


Had to work the back of the shield, bearing in mind that its a right handed originally. I managed to grind the majority of the hands down, then worked on the combat sheild, cut it down and i've green stuffed the sheilds together.


I've also put a magnet on the back so he can either be given a jump pack or a normal backpack, depending on then circumstances.



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On the chaplain helmet is that a mouldline :P


Nice models in general, try and get better photos though, im sure there are some pretty good ones in the tutorial section.


How much extras are in that Death company box! awseomeness for bitz trades for me =)

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Another shot of him, again still wip:




Still using the same kit as i did first time round, he's also got an unpainted backpack now. I'm not too sure i'm going to bother with giving him a Jet pack as well, tho for sake of arguement, i probably will do.


Alot of this model got pinned, one for fact of doing it - I wanted to pin the left hand for safe keeping, and then decided to do it with the arm as well - which was a bit of a pain to glue anyway. With the right arm, i used the same bit as before but decided to give a bit more of an action shot than before, so i cut the hand off, painted it all up (pinned it again) and then stuck it in, and imo it looks like hes pushed his enemy away with the shield, and is preparing to land a blow with the power sword.


All i have to do to him now, is get the shoulder pads done, and paint up one (or 2) back packs, decide on whether to use any other things on the model as well - purity seals or any other goodies i have in my rather large collection of bits...that are slowly taking up alot of space in my room :S

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