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"The Battle of Evermore"

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Hello brothers...


It's been certainly long since my last update here and I truly hope you haven't forgotten this fellow. I've been very busy with lots of artwork, particularly concerning the Dark Millenium, but none of them I deemed epic enough to post here. This one, however, I think is somewhat up to the standard I'd expect here on the B&C.




This illustration is exactly A3 in size, which is more or less two times the size I regularly work with. It took me four days to get this one finished, but I think it was worth it.


The characters are requests by the client, based upon a game he played in which his two Captains (The Utramarine and Salamander veterans) managed to obliterate the Ork Warboss Krabs and his ride "Matilda". Of course, before that, Krabs had already beaten a powerful Grey Knights dreadnought, which you see in the background. The landscape is as usual, a torn city, because if I remember correctly they were playing a bit of Cityfight (don't quote me on that, though).


Besides the obvious challenge of rendering such an oversized piece, i also found myself trying to get certain details right, like the armour colour of the Ultramarine as well as the skin tone of the Salamander. I'm working on Vulkan right now and I've tried to ammend the big schism about the Chapter's heritage by acknowledging them as african in features, but with the jet black skin quoted in the 5th Ed. rulebook. What do you think?


So, as usual C&C are most welcome and I hope this helps bring me back rom the dead a bit, before diving right into the Primarchs again.


Until soon!



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Freakin' epic, as always. only minor nit pick is the sallie's face. It is hard to pick out the features, but it may be my monitor here at work. That is tough anyhow now that the Salamanders are drow. Aside from that one (very) minor quibble, awesome work.
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