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WhiteFireInferno's FT Blog (U-D 30/3/2011)


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I hail from Christchurch, also I would like to say that one of the dreds has been black base coat Normal red BA then went DC then to white with red shoulders and shins and back to BA colours and then the final colour was Angels Sang oh lordy "Adeon" has had a hard life. This saved me a whole butt load of cashmonies since the Furiosos are like $90ish EACH HERE*like hell im paying that* and the Razor would be around $60ish so I fully did get a dece deal and hell a $7.99 bottle of simple green is not that bad of a comprimise.


Was gonna use brake fluid to strip the paint off the dreds But dont have any gloves at home and I remember the last time I got Brake Fluid on my arms/hands NOT PLEASENT not at all, Oh and on another note The new Razor Is one I sold years ago from My old "Nazi" marines yeah yeah Im a bad person but they were funny as hell to play with and I had some epic terrain for them like the "SWEJ" Pit and the BBQ area yeah gotta love the bad taste marines.


sad thing Is I still HAVE to wait till the 17th Before I get our Chapter Master Seth and my shoulder pads so sad but at the same time Im getting my Beserkers and a box of DC and a Command box and possibly a SG box to kitbash a honourguard for Seth Well just use the torsos *love the neck guard style and dont wanna Butcher my Ravens for them although they may get stripped to become the start of a full FT chapter :) *


Cheers for the comments Brothers



So what your saying is that you live in the 7th circle of hell? :) Those prices are insane! I am also disappointed with the late release of the Flesh Tearer models. I too have to wait till the 17th for my Seth (who, interestingly enough, is better than your Seth! Yeh I said it!) and my bajillion Flesh Tearer pads.


Question for you, the Tearer specific pads will go on the right shoulder, would I be able to use the single tear drop pads for the left shoulder? Oh and I plan on running Seth out of a Land Raider with his HG. They have them so why not use them?

So what your saying is that you live in the 7th circle of hell? :) Those prices are insane!

Those prices work out to be about 60$ US for the furioso and about 40 US for the Razorback. But at least one good thing about living here is our Saturday comes before anyone elses ^^

Lol so anyways...


well here is a started Death Company Dred


and another photo


I have another metal furioso which will become another DC dred AND i will be picking up a Ironclad to use as My "Amit" DC dred and thats all I need as far as DC dreds go *for Now <_<*


-- I really should finish the "Wrath of Seth" although there isnt much to do there just lots of small things like a fre hand thing on the back door a FT logo on the non ladder door lots of battle damage and some other small things but yeah comment away brothers.

quite menacing brother. I would be a bit moist in the pants if I was up against the likes of this :D


So question for yah, I went to order some of the single blood droplet pads from GW only to find that it would be a 2-3 week wait for shipping. Me being the impatient type was like, "Meh I'll just buy the others." Well the others are blood drop with wings...sigh. U think I can do anything with these and Flesh Tearers company? Maybe put these with the custom FT pads when they come out on the 17th and make my own segment of the Flesh Tearers. Or am i kinda forced to either sit on them or just create a standard BA chapter?

Cheers ChaplinShmashin and Fracture for the kind words okay a small update of the "Wrath of Seth"




Okay this is one of my only attempts of freehand something big and neat It Sort of copys the Banner Avatar I use and I think it turned out okay what do you guys think of it?

Cheers for the comments BUT I have another DC dred to do *I Have it* and one more will be comming BUT this one will be a modded Ironclad and will be named "Amit" and he WILL be EPIC! but that will be after I get my BAPC done and I should Have the "Wrath Of Seth" finished sometime this week all it needs now Is some HEFTY battle damage ;) , Since we tearers of flesh care for pretty pristine paintwork.


But back to what needs doing I need to Make some Blood Talons which could be annoying as I only have 2 sets of Dred claws and One set is the Long clawed ones and the other is the normal Stumpy finger set. I have had a Idea though cut all 4 in half so they each side has 2 fingers and Make Brutal chainblade claws for the stubby fingersand keep the long claws so now I have to make 8 chain blade talons :) oh well so are the joys of having a brutal army :D.

Okay so the "Wrath of Seth" is nearing completion okay so not one for words rather have my Photos do the talking so here it is



Still need to do the doors *there not glued in ATM* also need to get some Decal paper but My painting has hit a snag My detail brush died today :P


And here is my DC Dred with what I am going to call Blood Talons


these were a bit of a mission to make but I am happy with their Talonness But the claws need to be detailed which has to wait now due to lack of a detail brush I also have a scout biker that I could build and another DC dred I could start work on Busy times Ahead.

Okay So the Wrath of Seth is done until I get some Decal Paper and am able to buy the Flesh Tearer Shoulder pads so here it is


there is going to be the Saw Blade logo between the banners but I dont want to try free handing something that size


here is the other door I thought it needed something to make it less Bare so I added a couple of Combat Blades to do that and I think it turned out not too bad

so just need to wait until I get some decal paper and she WILL be finished when I get the FT pads


and heres another shot of the back freehand and some more of the weathering/Battle damage


and heres a couple more shots of my first DC dred



he also needs some Decals and some text on his 2 parchment bits


But yeah I have another DC dred to do this week and also have a Scout Biker I could paint up if I get bored of that.

Cheers for the Comment But I have to say the dred wasnt in the greatest of conditions when I got it :tu: it had gouges and raised bits of Metal that Im not used too also its the only big metal mini I have ever painted so Im not Hugely used to them But we will have to see what happens with the 2nd one I have :wink: I should be able to make a better job of it.

Water your paints down and take your time with the guts of the rhinos. Get some better paintbrushes.


Eventually youll learn to speed paint the guts of those things...




My space wolf razorback that I commissioned/sold off.

Okay so here is a small update since I like the scout bikers Ive decided to run a unit of them plus they should be a decent distraction with their Grenade Launchers and speedyness so I have Pianted up the Biker Sarge's Bike and will start work on the sarge soon.


Look He has a PowerFIST!!! decided that he might as well be able to do something so heh why not :whistling:, Im undecided on the Helmet due to I dont really like the Scout Heads.


SO yeah Im undecided on the scout Head and the fact he is the VetSarge of the group I thing He should look like he is a real Marine rather than a scout.

Okay so here is the finished Biker complete with Bald marine head and painted base



But yeah Im not the greatest at painting skin so he got some camo paint since hes a scout from a planet that makes catachan look like a safe little greenhouse.


Still to come is my Honour Guard so far I have the Sang Novi and Blood Champion sorted out but still havent decided on the other 3 apart from one getting the Chapter Banner and In 3 days I have My chapter master and shoulder pads to finish everything :lol:.

So the Seth has shown up now BUT the FT pads did not :Elite: BUT I spent last night painting him and I think I may have the beginnings of a bed sore from sitting on my ass for too long, lol Now that's what I call Dedication :lol:


Okay so heres the first WIP photo


Thats the only one I took before he was finished lol











So yeah that's one part of my BAPC done the "Wrath of Seth" is almost done just needs some decals and the smoke launchers done and a FT pad for the cupola guy and I still need to build 4 other HG guys.

  • 2 weeks later...


Lol so it has been a slow week or so now But there is one photo to upload even though my HG is around 40% done (well the Blood Champ,Sang Novite*still both need FT pads* and my Chapter Banner Bearer is painted and also needs the Pad and the Banner top made*


AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I REALISE GIVING SOMEBODY A BANNER A FIST AND A MELTA IS A BAD PLAN BUT HE LOOKS BAD ASS so its okay and they May not get used lol and the 2 others are a thunder hammer weilder *thinking about giving him a Melta aswell* and a Powersword and BP.


Should be another update later on though with him painted and one of the Blood Champ and such and the 2 that are Base coated but that is about as far along as they are I am hoping the Pads are here on thursday ;) so yeah

nice update brother :) suprised to see scout bikers though but for a Flesh tearer army it would make sense, as theyre struggling to get their numbers back up :)


as for the HG with a ton of points on it, your call brother, if you know its a costy model then no more needs to be said ;)


btw Seth looks nice but...shiney...did you use gloss varnish?


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