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A tactica blog for all SM players


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This is not an advertisement, but a mere mention that I've created a strategy blog dedicated to Space Marines.

I just started last week but I think it will be helpful for my brothers here at B&C to read and learn from the collective knowledge I have written out :)


Click on my sig for the link to my blog, and please REQUEST tacticas for me to write. I've been playing the game for 8 years and I finally need to write out some quality strategy guides.


Thank you.

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I'll be writing a guide for my Kantor (Crimson Fists), Shrike (Raven Guard) and Vulkan (Salamanders) lists next; in a 3-part series.


But I have generic guides up for list building here:




Overall, you'll find a lot of information on the site that pertains more than just BA and SW (my primary armies).

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I would love to see guides that enable players to sucessfully use units from Battle Companies (plus a couple supporting elements) vs. the specialized lists that are usually touted.


Warprat ;)

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I would love to see guides that enable players to sucessfully use units from Battle Companies (plus a couple supporting elements) vs. the specialized lists that are usually touted.


Warprat ;)


I'm not sure what that means :rolleyes:

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Shameless blog advert while we're at it, I just posted up a detailed look at the units the raven guard use. Check out my sig. (Sorry lol, couldn't resist)


OP a quick look and it seemed quite good, I've favourited it and will be checking up on it now and then :rolleyes:

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I would love to see guides that enable players to sucessfully use units from Battle Companies (plus a couple supporting elements) vs. the specialized lists that are usually touted.


Warprat ;)


I'm not sure what that means :(


It means that there are very few good tacticas for using Battle Companies (3 Tacs, 1 Assualt, 1 Dev + a couple extras.)


How do you win with the most fluffy of lists without resorting to special characters like Vulkan/Kantor and uber units like Assault Terminators, or spamming with units like Razorbacks , Land Speeders or Rifleman Dreadnoughts?


Is it possible to build a list around a 1/2 company with Captain and develop tactics to take on some of the stronger lists?




That's what I want... what I would love to read.


Warprat ;)

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It kind of is, providing you're ok with using Bikes or Land Speeders to bulk up the number of represented Tactical Marines.


Armies that are over heavy with Tacticals don't work very well tbh. Two full Squads is about the limit. If I have enough points to be looking for more Troops choices, I want a different role than a third Tactical Squad.


Bike Squads fill up your Tactical Quota, Scouts don't... but equally 5 Land Speeders is a horribly force to face


One thing I do like to do to represent a unit in a fluffy way is to take a 5 man Space Marine Squad, in a Razorback (+1 Marine Gunner), with two supporting Land Speeder Typhoon (+4 Marine Crew) = a 10 marine Tactical Squad.

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Is it possible to build a list around a 1/2 company with Captain and develop tactics to take on some of the stronger lists?

The only thing the half-company has going for it is that it has plenty of infantry and very few vehicles. So, most of an opponent's anti-tank will go to waste, meaning some of their units will be next to useless against the half-company.


Otherwise, I don't think the 1/2 company can do much against a serious list. Having 3 tactical squads in rhinos in a 1500-1750 pts game means you're spending at 615 pts (more if you give them powerfists or weapons other then the free ones) on 30 dudes that can't really do much of anything well. What more, the half-company doesn't have access to a good HQ - no generic HQ synergizes well with them.


Add to that the fact that devastator squads are horribly overpriced (also ineffective compared to predators) and that assault squads are rather crappy (especially in the wake of gray hunters and the upcoming BA), and that vanilla marines rely A LOT on their specialist units (fast attack, elites, and special characters in particular), and you get to the conclusion that 1/2 company is far from an optimal list.

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