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Today, Typhus...


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I noticed in the x THRONE OF SKULLS x, they have a "Today Khârn killed..." post of a running tally of what Khârn did for them. I also noticed that a lot of people here like to talk about how Typhus did for them.


Please, share you experience with Typhus. Ask yourself these questions when explaining as well.


Did Typhus run alone or with a group?

How did he enter the battlefield?

What did he kill?

What did he survive?

Did he change the game?

Did something kill him?


Show us your group makeup and the reason you had him in your army list. Also, let us know how he did in your games all-around.

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It was bloody forever ago but when I first fielded Typhus in a store apocalypse game.


He footslogged it across the map, shrugged off a rediculous amount of fire power (this was before I realised he had FnP too), and managed to wipe out iirc, Two Tactical Squads, a Terminator Squad, a unit of scouts and would've kept going had the game not ended.

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@ the akratic, Thank you and that is exactly why I wanted to start it. I am contemplating fielding him, though I would like to hear some glory stories (and the not so glorious point sink stories). I would especially like to know what the total points of the game is!


@ Draeden, I can't believe he has that much hitting power, AND you didn't use FnP! Sounds like a keeper in Apoc games!

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Against a double-Tervigon Tyranid army, Typhus was, quite literally, my gaunt meat grinder. The Tyranid player kept rolling +10 gaunts every turn until about turn 5-6, so there was literally a sea of gaunts on the board. And every turn Typhus, through a combination of both his daemon weapon and Nurgle's Rot, would take out handfuls of gaunts on his own. By the end of the game, Typhus was still alive, and he must have taken out at the very least 40-50 gaunts just by himself.


I think Typhus really shines against the new Tyranids. Not only is his Nurgle's Rot ability great against gaunt hordes, but his poisoned force weapon gives him a good chance to insta-kill all the new (no longer immune to instant death!) big baddies in the codex. At the very least, I think it makes Tyranid players a bit more cautious about throwing their MCs into close combat.

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That's awesome! Would you think Typhus could be used in a list that consists of less than 1500 points? I really want to get this guy and put him in something like a 1250 list. Lot's of points though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have had mixed experience with Typhus.


I tried deep striking him with Icons before I had a finished Landraider, but he was very limited in that role. He needed to be dropped aggressively to be in range of his psychic powers, which is risky, or else he spent the rest of the game running across the table trying to catch anything. The one time I did get it to work, though, he managed to kill 13 guardsman in one turn! (Nurgle's Rot and Daemon Weapon on the charge...)


More recently I have been running him in a Landraider with a squad of Plague Marines with a powerfist and a pair of flamethrowers, and I have been getting more use out of him, though he is still risky. In my last three games, he has:

1) jumped on a full squad of Eldar jetbikers with attached Farseer, managing to roll six bonus attacks two rounds in a row, hitting and wounding with all of the attacks!

2) Assaulted a squad of Orks with attached character, managing to roll 1 for his daemon weapon in two straight rounds of combat before getting chopped up by a power claw.

3) Charged Logan Grimnar and one terminator, rolled twos for his daemon weapons, then managed to avoid rolling a single successful wound... Logan finally got bored chopping up plague marines and killed him.


In all, I would say that his Wind of Chaos and Nurgle's Rot are accounting for more of his kills than his melee ability, which is random and unpredictable, and there are cheaper ways to put those powers on the table - so, either you play Typhus because you like the model, or the fluff or the character, and you accept that he is never really likely to perform to his cost... ...or you don't play him!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I ran Typhus today in our local 'ard Boyz prelims. Overall, it was not a very successful day. I went up against two Blood Angels players, and got eaten alive.


In any case:


Game 2 - Typhus killed 3 Assault Termies, but died to a Thunder Hammer from one of the couple remaining. Sadly, my Plaguespear's tip broke when my Landraider immobilized itself on a rocky hill, which really wrecked the rest of the game. It took him three turns just to catch up with anything to hit.


Game 3 - After charging out of his Landraider with Berserkers accompanying him, he was insta-killed by Mephiston. I usually like a good character vs character battle, but this was not one of them.


[i had a bye for the first scenario]


It's been quite a while since I used ol' Typhus. Characters out of dexes newer than Chaos just seem miles above any of ours, which is disappointing. When I use him in the future, I'll have to make sure and go after swarms/basic troops only.

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  • 11 months later...

I see that this thread hasn't been responded to in a while, hopefully adding a Typhus experience that occurred today is acceptable rather than opening a whole new thread. My apologies if I am in the wrong for thinking so.


My first time fielding Typhus was today. Bought him about a month ago and nearly finished painting him up this week.Typhus saw the field in a team battle of 2 on 2, Annihilation, Spearhead deployment. I was paired with a Dark Angel Deathwing army and each of us fielded 2000pts. My Typhus led force was themed more Terminator heavy to match the Deathwing. My force also included a Daemon Prince with wings as my other HQ, 3x7 squads of Plague marines in Rhinos, 2x3 Squads of Terminators, 3x2 squads of Obliterators and a squad of Chaos Marines in a Rhino with a havoc launcher.


Our enemies were Tau and Tyranids. Typhus was kept in reserve and Deepstruck in about the 3rd turn. After nearly mis-happing off the board edge in my opponent's backfield with a unit of 2 Obliterators- (ended about 1 1/2 inches away) Typhus was about 8 inches away from a squad of 2 Broadside Battle suits. The Obliterators opened fire on the Broadsides to no effect. Typhus and the Oblits endured a turn of shooting from several nearby units suffering no wounds as they made numerous saves. The Broadsides attempted to move away but on my turn 4, Typhus broke away from the oblits and attempted his Nurgle Rot on them with no luck, but then managed to assault them. Rolled a 5 for extra attacks and proceeded to destroy them. He then consolidated 5 inches, managing to hide behind some sight blocking ruins and hung out there during my opponents turn as they focused on the Oblits and a squad of Terminators that just Deepstruck that turn.


Turn 5, Typhus emerged from the other side of the ruin and got to within range for Nurgle Rot on a 9 model unit of Termagaunts. What he didn't kill with the rot, he then assaulted with the Manreaper rolling a 4 for his extra attacks. He destroyed that unit and consolidated 6 inches further into my enemies lines, getting within about 7 inches of another unit of Termagaunts. At this point, my opponents were trying to just clear the whole area from him and his aura. They attempted to shoot him, but he made several saves and only took 1 wound.


The game continued to Turn 6. Typhus Jumped into the ruins of a two story building. The upper floor held a termagaunt unit of 6 models and the ground floor held a unit of 11. Nurgle Rotted both units as he moved under the floor beneath the upper squad and within 1 inch from the 11. He killed 4 of the 6 who then fled and 5 from the unit of 11. He then charged the remainder of the 11. Rolled a 6 for the extra attacks. killed the 11 model unit down to 1 survivor. The Termagaunt somehow managed to make leadership to stay locked. The Tyranid player then threw an unwounded Tervigon, and another unit of Termagaunts (I think it had 6 or 7 models) at Typhus to try and swamp him. I rolled 4 for extra attacks and split his attacks up. 2 on the original sole surviving gaunt, 3 attacks on the other Termagaunt squad, and 2 on the Tervigon. Killed the 1 termigaunt, killed 2 from the larger unit, and landed 1 wound on the Tervigon which I then used the Force Weapon to instant kill him. Opponent then failed morale on the larger Termagaunt squad, they fled 7" and that was enough to reach board edge and fall off. The game ended. We won 20 kill points to 16. It seemed once Typhus nearly drifted off the board, he was possessed. My opponents had never faced him before but they both said they had enough of him.


I know there was a ton of luck and hot dice in there, but it was a blast and Typhus was a beast today.

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Wow, it's been a while, but I do like this thread.


Elostirion, sounds like you had an epic battle there. Typhus is perfectly used taking out swarm after swarm of cheap troops.


I actually used him again just recently in my LGS's traditional Apoc battle after a campaign. He was leading his formation of 30 Plague Zombies.


Now, I love the zombies, and any chance I get to use them is fun, but they really didn't shine in this game. The game was a giant 4 vs 4 battle (Chaos and Necrons vs Orks, SM, and IG), and one of my opponents placed some shooty units to stare down the zombie horde. They took maybe 1 or 2 causalities as my winged DP flew in and took care of them in no time, but that left the zombies and Typhus with nothing to do for quite a while.


It was around turn 3 or 4 that the Ork player marched a few units of Boyz, and Warbosses onto the table edge closest to Typhus. Finally, a target!


I got the charge on the first squad after Nurgle's Rot, and some shooting assistance from nearby Plague Marines took a few out. Typhus rolled a 6 for his attacks, and took out a nice pile of Boyz. The zombies really didn't do much themselves (they didn't even get any new zombies after rolling on all the deaths). Typhus took one wound from a Boy, and thankfully saved the Warboss's Powerclaw wound!


On my opponent's turn, another squad of Boyz 30-strong charged Typhus and his zombies. Rolling lower for his attacks, Typhus focused on taking out the Warboss from the first squad. More Boyz died from Rot, but the first squad still had a few left. Zombies again did very little.


The game ended shortly thereafter, but Typhus didn't die! The 4 vs 4 was both chaotic, and took forever, though, so it's likely something we won't try again in the future.


An escalation league is coming up next, and I think I'll try Typhus in a LR with some Flamer PMs towards the end.

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I haven't taken him at all in the current codex, and generally used him as a chaos lord with man reaper and terminator armour in the old codex.


He seems great at taking out regular infantry, yet this is also where he can die due to hidden powerfists. My deathguard army doesn't have issues vs regular infantry, it has issues with really hard infantry, and Typhus just seems too expensive for what he does, I'd much rather have a daemon prince.


Which is a shame, as I do love the model...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today in a 3 game, 2000pt Tournament Typhus:


-Never died (survived untold numbers of shots and attacks. In fact, the only time he was injured was when he decided to hurt himself twice in the same game)

-Mostly rode around in a Land Raider along with some berzerker pals in pursuit of objectives

-Killed 10 Sternguard, 8 Wyches, and 2 Bloodbrides.


All in all it was a lot of fun, took Best General and 3rd place out of a field of 17.

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Today (well, yesterday, lol), during a 10,000pt Apoc game, Typhus died screaming in hand to hand against Abaddon, Huron, and Arkos the Faithless (IA), and their chosen squads/termies, only killing one of their retinue. Bad, bad day. The dice gods were feeling fickle all day. Ah well...
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yeah i had a bad dice day yesterday. U unit of 8 zerkers charged my 7 nurgle terminator champions, needed 11 saves and rolled 8 1's......




...Ouch. ^_^ That sucks, brother. My condolences.

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On Tuesday night, I took Typhus for a Clash of Heroes type mission my LGS did to start off a new campaign. It was 750, no armor; so it was a fairly straight forward 'clash' of 'heroes'. I played two games.


On the first game, Typhus and his accompanying Plague Marines (with a Spawn to use up points, and distract) took out a whole lotta Boyz through shooting, and melee. Typhus himself killed 3 boys with Winds of Chaos before charging Ghazghkull and his pile of Boyz. Sadly, he rolled a 1 for attacks. Ghaz followed up with a killing blow.


The second game was against Blood Angels, and Sanguinor. I didn't have a great feeling about this one. Sangy, a Librarian, and a small assault squad cleaned out a Spawn, and a whole squad of Plague Marines before finding their way to Typhus' group. In the ensuing fight, Typhus didn't die right away! Taking only two wounds, he killed off three assault marines (wasn't in base to base with Sanguinor at this point), dished a wound to Sang in the next round without taking one himself (Eternal Warrior prevented the Force Weapon win ...). It went a third round before Typhus ate it. Better than anticipated!


Typhus is not an ideal choice for Clash of Heroes. The Force Weapon gave me hope (for the Ork kill, at least), but he's just not a character killer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
typhus always leads my personal force lol. i think the most memorable was the time he strode threw a hail of guard fire with out taking a wound, shrugging off 20+ laz wounds and 5 plasma and about 6 krak missiles. he walked up to a lemun russ that hadn't moved and rolled a 6 for his attacks and then rolled 7 six's to glance then 3 six's and 3 fives to wreck the tank. the look on the guys face was priceless. he just started putting up his stuff. its amazing what typhus and his 5 plague marine buddies can tear up.
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That story very much reminds me of my first game back in the tournament on April 30th.


I reserved Typhus that game against IG and had elected to have him walk on by himself. He came on the board 3rd turn and walked into the cover of a woods. The guard player unleashed numerous shots from a vendetta and several chimeras that were in the vicinity at him. Typhus saved everything and kept strolling through the woods turn 4. My landraider with 8 berzerkers came on the board turn 4, drove 12" up the board and parked next to the woods that Typhus was in and popped smoke. The guard player opened fire on both the landraider and Typhus, failing to harm either.


Turn 5, Typhus says "Why not?" and proceeds to embark on the landraider with the berzerkers. The landraider then hauls forward 12" headed straight towards the guard player's objective. The guard player is now turning nearly 75% to 80% of his entire army's shooting at the possessed landraider and fails to do anything against it. We roll, and the game continues to turn 6. At this point the game is a tie.


Turn 6, the landraider moves another 6", the assault ramp opens and Typhus and the berserkers disembark. The landraider opens fire on the vendetta and manages to stun it. The berserkers elect to run toward the IG objective and manage to both be within 3" of it and also within cover. Typhus assaults a chimera that didn't move and is also just barely within 3" of the objective. Sadly, Typhus only manages to stun the chimera. The guard player then unleashes hell again on Typhus and the berserkers. The berzerkers and Typhus go to ground. Several members of the 8 man berserker unit are whittled away through the hail of shooting, but 2 manage to survive. The guard player then kept pounding Typhus with the remaining shots again failing to harm him through a combination of my amazing saves and his mixed ability to roll. The guard player had nothing in assault range, Typhus and the 2 remaining berserkers contest his objective, and I still held mine. I won the game, plus there was bonus points for having your general reach the enemies objective.


The guard player was a younger guy with what looked like a very new unpainted, bare plastic IG force and he just kept remarking how he couldn't believe Typhus just did that while he packed up his models. It was kind of cool how this guy kept coming over during the tournament's later games and he would ask how Typhus was doing. At the end of the tournament he informed me that he had voted for Typhus ( There was a painting score based on your army's general). While I was attempting to use my prize money for Best General and standing in front of the store's 40k section, he came up to me and said they didn't have Typhus in their blister pack section. I chuckled and told him that I ordered mine from GW's website. He nodded smiling and eventually wandered off.

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Today Typhus and his men faced off against Tyranids led by the Doom. 1850pts Seize ground with 5 objectives, pitched battle. I won the roll, but elected to go second. Typhus hung out in a Landraider with a scoring unit popping off Nurgles Rot whenever nids got near the objective he was guarding. Late in the game, Turn 4, he hopped out to go deal with a squad of Ymgarl Genestealers who were attempting to contest. With a combined use of Wind of Chaos and his Manreaper, he managed to destroy the unit while taking two wounds himself. Turn 5, a Mawloc managed to explode the Land Raider. The scoring unit moved to ring around the objective, Typhus moved to plant himself directly between the Mawloc and my scoring unit daring it to come play with him. Rolled to see if game ended, it was a 1 so it ended. I had another squad of plague marines in a rhino contesting the only other objective that was being guarded. Bloody battle, but Typhus and the boys pulled out a win :D


-Typhus killed 9 Ymgarl Genestealers himself total.

-Was a screen to protect the winning objective from a possible Mawloc contester.


*Tomorrow, I'm possibly going to be able to get in a rematch game vs. the nids and a second game vs. IG.

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Rematch with the Tyranids. He changed his army up a bit to face my list which didn't change. 1850pt Seize Ground with 4 Objectives, Dawn of War deployment. Typhus again rode to battle in the Land Raider with a scoring unit. He headed off across the board toward an objective in the enemy side of the table. A Tervigon was sitting on the objective producing Termagaunts, but luckily it maxed out after its first batch of ten models. The Termagaunts died before Typhus and his Land Raider got there due to a deepstriking pair of Obliterators that promptly flamed them. The Obliterators were then mauled by the Tervigon and a squad of Genestealers that outflanked off the board edge. Typhus used Nurgles Rot on the Genestealers when he got close enough, followed by his assault out of the Land Raider. The Oblits died that round but had injured the Tervigon by 2 wounds. Typhus killed 6 Genestealers. The Tervigon attempted to damage the Land Raider to no avail. Typhus assaulted into the Tervigon, killing it by sheer number of wounds inflicted- didn't need the Force Weapon benefit. He and the scoring unit moved to hold the objective. Game ended at the end of turn 5. Typhus and pals held 1 objective, the Tyranids held 1 objective, and 1 objective was contested while another went unclaimed. A Draw. Typhus did his job, some of the other members of his army did not.



- killed 6 Genestealers

- killed 1 Tervigon

- was not wounded

- helped clear and capture an objective for a scoring unit

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