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Today, Typhus...


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Well my Typhus Count-As for my Night Lords went through 5 Black Sword Brethren Terminators(3 Storm Shield/Thunder Hammers, and 2 Lightning Claws), a Terminator Chaplain, an Emperors Champion, and 15 man Crusader Squad. He didn't even take one wound.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Rough day for Typhus, in a 4 game Tournament. 1850pt games that featured some HQ necessary objectives caused Typhus to have to do somethings I wouldn't normally do in a normal game. Not many good highlights today. Oh well, maybe next time.

In Total, Typhus:

-Died 3 times (Once to a Hive Tyrant as he wiffed, once to a dreadnought in a sacrificial role, and once to a sneaky 3 twin linked lascannon vendetta)

-Killed 17 Hormaguants himself (This was awesome, as the Tyranid player claimed right before their attack "Say goodbye to Typhus" LOL, I don't think so ;) )

-Claimed an HQ based scoring objective to help win a game.

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Today, 1850pt game vs. Sisters of Battle, Capture and Control, Dawn of War. Typhus' Landraider got immobilized turn 2, so he and his buddies got out and attempted to assault a squad of Seraphim in a ruin. Needed a roll of 3 on a difficult terrain check to get in, came up an inch short. Proceeded to then get shot, burned and then assaulted by 2 units of Seraphim and a Canoness. 3 Eviscerators were efficient in carving up the squad and Typhus fell when he failed 4 invulnerable saves that the Canoness dealt him. He did go down swinging, however, killing 5 seraphim and 1 seraphim veteran sister superior on his own. Game was a draw.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Apocalypse game going on with friends (yesterday, today and maybe tomorrow).

Typhus is in reserves with his horde of 56 plague zombies (you know that datasheet). He is supposed to come on this turn which happens to be third.

I shall be updating this post as Typhus runs around and hopefully killing stuff lot's of stuff.


E: Ok. Typhus came on the table with his zombies on the 4th turn because it was too crowded in the 3rd turn.

He and 38 or something like that of his zombies attacked Darnath Lysander. First Typhus tries to attack, but the daemon rebels and causes one wound on him.

Lysander kills Typhus, and my zombies avenge him with 114 hits, which about 14 wound. Lysander fails only 2 of his saves and he is killed (he had only 2 wounds left).

So Typhus was a little disappointing in this game, but I still like him.

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This game occurred on Thursday June 9th. Typhus saw the field again vs. Tyranids. We played 1850pts using a mission from this year's Adepticon primer missions. Had three primary objectives including: Assassinate the enemy HQ, 5 Objective markers, and Kill Points. As this game put a big target on Typhus' head, he remained in his landraider for the whole game. Typhus and his pals drove forward into the enemy deployment zone and camped on an objective. He did get to use Nurgle's Rot to kill some Genestealers, and had the game continued into turn 6 instead of ended at the end of 5, he would have tried to finish off the rest of that squad. Game ended as a loss however, as the Tyranids edged me on Killpoints by 1, no HQ's were killed, and we tied on Objectives.

So Typhus:

-Didn't die (wasn't really at risk though, as the Tyranids avoided his ride)

-Killed 3 Genestealers with Nurgles Rot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today Typhus faced off against the Ultramarines in a 2000pt game. He didn't have his usual Land Raider ride for the game, so he started the game off on foot concealed in cover. He proceeded to advance on the boys in blue while hugging cover and using his icon turn 2, to summon in 2 squads of lesser daemons. Then with his daemon companions, he reached their lines and the fun began.


After the smoke cleared and victory was achieved, Typhus personally killed:

-4 tactical marines

-2 assault marines

-3 scouts

-Chaplain Cassius


*also never suffered a wound

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Today in a 2000pt game vs. Daemons:

Seize ground, Spearhead deployment. Ended in a draw.

Typhus killed:

-1 Bloodletter

-1 Herald of Slaanesh in a chariot


Then he met his end vs. Skulltaker in a chariot when he failed his invulnerable save. Typhus really should've avoided Skulltaker as he seems perfectly matched to handle him. I'll know better next time but it was my first time playing against Daemons.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've brought my nurgle army out this week, and to quite a lot of success.

In Typhus' first match, his squad (4 nurgle termi's with lightning claws) was charged by a deathwing deathstar unit (belial, chaplain, apoth & 4 other terminators) to my surprise Typhus and his 2 of his band come out the other side of them. Today he put the hurt on the night bringer.. What'll be next? :ph34r:

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  • 4 months later...

Its been a long time since my Typhus has been on the field. (Abaddon took his place in some tournaments for the last part of this year)

Today, Typhus had a rematch with Necrons, this time using the new codex.

2000pt, Capture and Control, Pitched Battle deployment.

-Most of the game Typhus rode in his landraider with some pals on their way to capture the necron's objective. (Which he did aid in claiming)

-he personally dropped about 5 necron warriors and was in the process of beating down Nemesor and Obyron when the game ended. The warriors could have been more, but a few stood back up.

-won the game 1 objective held, 1 contested. Interesting changes to the Necrons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Fun New Year's Eve game played @2000pts vs. Ultramarines.

Seize Ground, Pitched Battle. 3 Objectives, 2 of which were in the Ultra side of the table.

Typhus and his landraider of pals drove straight for enemy territory and by the third turn were contesting one of the objectives. He managed to kill 1 tactical marine while still chilling in the landraider with Nurgle's Rot. Turn 4, the Ultra's swarmed toward the landraider and tried opening it up with 3 Twin Las razorbacks with no success while 3 marine combat squads moved to melta it but also failed. Turn 5, Typhus and pals jumped out and multi assaulted the combat squads after Typhus killed another marine with Wind of Chaos. Typhus finished off one squad himself while his pals finished off another. Only problem was that the third squad failed morale and fled leaving Typhus and his pals exposed to a heavy amount of Ultra shooting. Typhus' day ended from a lascannon shot to the face that he didn't survive. His landraider companions also died, but the landraider was unscathed and managed to still contest. 2 plague marine squads held the objective in my end of the field and the Ultras held the last objective with a razorback containing a combat squad.

Game Result: Draw.


Typhus killed: 6 tactical marines

-died to a lascannon shot, doubling him out

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My last game with Typhus Ended Poorly. He Got Paroysmied by a Hive Tyrant then Tied Up by Termigaunts. Rolled a 1 on the Deamon Weapon. the Got Boned by Taking like 12 Wounds and only failed enough to die. He was my Only Causualty of the game. Stupid Tyranids.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Today Typhus killed:


5 Devastators in close combat,

7 Tactical Marines with a single Breath of Chaos, then nommed the other three in combat,

A Dark Angels Chaplain, the fellas with three wounds. He would have force weaponed him had he not rolled 8 odd attacks and hacked him to bits without the help,

Two Deathwing Terminators, one with a belch and his pal with Manreaper.


I ran him in a Land Raider with a 7 man Plague Squad with combi-flamer/fist and 2xFlamers. Then they went their separate ways as soon as they disembarked. I thought I'd try this out after the Warptime nerf made my Princes a little less appealing and it all worked perfectly this game. Though against Dark Angels I can hardly call it an acid test! The man himself earnt about three times his own points in solo kills, yet alone the los and footprint blocking combats, tied up units and flexibility he gave me. He did take two easy wounds early on from the devastators when he fluffed his rolls which brought home how fragile he can be, but he then went on a hilarious one man rampage.

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Played a game this morning vs. Salamanders Space Marines, 2000pts. Annihilation, Pitched Battle.

Typhus rode in a landraider from reserve with a squad of Plague marines with 2 meltaguns and champ w/ a powerfist. Turn 2, they drove in middle of the board full 12" and charged a 10 man assault squad that was in center board. Typhus used Nurgle's Rot before the charge and killed 1 assault marine. In the assault, he managed another kill with his Manreaper (rolled pretty poorly). The Plagues finished off 7 assault marines, the last one fled and escaped. Typhus and the plagues then consolidated into cover. A devastator squad wrecked the landraider next turn so Typhus and the plagues hoofed it towards a drop pod that had just landed and vaporized 2 of his plague pals with a melta/combi-meltas. Unfortunate for the Salamander squad that they were in a nice position to be Wind of Chaos victims. Typhus killed 4 with it, then he and the plague marines charged in to finish them. In that assault Typhus again rolled poorly but did manage to kill 1 more of them as his plague pals wiped out the rest. They consolidated behind the Drop pod to get some cover. A plague marine was picked off from a lascannon shot the next turn but that was all.

Turn 5 (and the game) for me ended with Typhus using Wind of Chaos again, this time destroying the Drop Pod.

Game result: Victory, Plague Marines 8 kp, Salamanders 4 kp.


-Typhus killed: 5 Tactical Marines, 2 Assault Marines, and wrecked a drop pod.

-Typhus was never wounded

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Today Typhus Killed: (In a 2500pts game)


Three Scarab Bases... it's a long story...

A Necron Lord and five immortals.


I ran my usual Typhus + 7 man flamer squad in a raider. All went spiffingly at first, I had spent two turns shunting my mechanized phalanx into my opponents face without taking any losses from his heavy weaponry. Typhus and pals disembark and split up again, his squad running off to nail a ghost ark and I throw Typhus into a 9 base scarab swarm. Now at the time I thought this was nowhere near as stupid an idea as it turned out to be. Getting the jump on this unit meant he couldn't multicharge my tanks and turn them into lumps of cheese. On the face of it Typhus with his breath, rot, free force weapon and multiple attacks combined with no retreat wounds ought to make a mess of the scarab swarm.


First round of combat. Roll a one. Makes his invulnerable. Scarabs do nothing.

Second Round of combat. Roll a one. Cuts on himself like an angsty scene kid and inflicts a wound. Scarabs do nothing.

Nurgles rot inflicts a mighty one wound on the unit.

Charge in a 7 man melta squad to try and rescue him ¬.¬

Third round of combat. Rolls a one and keeps on hacking at his own wrists. Makes his invulnerable. Scarabs do nothing.

Fourth round of combat. Roll a two and Typhus finally figures out you stick the bad guys with the pointy end, not your own face. Force weapons one base to death and knocks the wounded one over with his other attacks. Scarabs do nothing. The squad kill a couple of bases and we're finally making some progress.

FIFTH round of combat. Roll a two. Typhus kills another base and the squads normal attacks leave the unit at three bases strong. The scarabs manage to wound Typhus only once this round so it was inevitable that (and to my opponents great mirth) I rolled the necessary one for his armour save. The scarabs pop to combat res and we can finally get on with our lives. Despite Typhus now being naked and on only two wounds.


I like to think the scarabs didn't actually harm Typhus at all but just watched in stunned dumbfounded paralysis as he ran up to them and puked his guts out all over them, cut his own arms to ribbons, and then proceed to strip off in front of them (all the while screaming something about bleeding on their paninis). This more than ample distraction prevented the poor bewildered scarabs noticing the plague marine squad stamping them to bits under huge ceramite boots.


Typhus foolishly splits off again to solo the survivors of a shot up immortal unit, while the other units all go and do their own things. It was the last guaranteed turn and I wanted to lock as much as I could up in combat as possible to ensure I held onto my objectives. He rolls a mighty six for his attacks and smacks the lord and three immortals over, with the remaining two getting run down.


The game continues and naked Typhus in the open gets turned into a greasy smear by a pair of heavy destroyer shots. No surprises there.


I ended up winning the game comfortably and in no small part to Typhus. He's great at being an extra maneuver element when I need him and I can trust him to run off on his own and hold up choice targets or just kill them stone dead.


I did see the worst of him today, running up to the enemy and cutting himself like a big smelly emo for two turns and then stripping off and running around with no armour save. But he still earnt his keep this game, pre-empting the scarab hordes charge and then thumping a unit that could have ground out or seriously maimed a PM squad (the lord had a res orb and warscythe). I'm being a bit gung-ho about running him around on his own, but it is giving me a feel for what he can handle and I'll look to making sure he's a bit less leroy jenkins in future unless the situation suits it.

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The other day against nids he was with a squad of 4 LC termies and took out 4 squads of termigaunts, a carnifex, hive tyrant, and one of his hive guard.

It was pretty neat, I ended up loosing the game, but on the last round he was the only one left alive, surrounded by tons of bugs. Died in a blaze of glory.

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  • 8 months later...
Typhus killed a grey knight brother captain after wailing on him for about 4 rounds of hth. The only wound he suffered was from a perils. Still, hardly a great example since both guys just kept making saves. The kill was made with a force weapon test though so that was cool. The nurgle powers were fun though I never got to drop the hive. :P
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