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Today, Typhus...


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I have played 2 game with typhus against dark angels and necrons with dark angels he and his 5 man terminator squad died in a hail of plasma fire unable to do nothing, second game against crons he was a beast I put him with 3 obliterators with mark of Nurgle he had plague wind which killed 3 destroyers which got back up, was charge by wraiths slaying the 3 of them then left the 2 remaining obliterators who took pot shots at stuff and he charged a detroyer lord with five detroyers and challenged the lord 3 times as I kept killing him but he kept coming back got +1 T, +1 ws and nothing
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Yesterday typhus killed 20 guardsman including 3 champions, and then destroyer hived on the last turn for another 8 guardsman haha. And possibly another 8-10 from weapon virus. ( guard player used first rank second rank haha)


The amount of auto cannon fire he absorbed was stupidly good and worth his points alone

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At what points level are people generally beginning to use him? He's great, as he combines the durability and killing power of a Lord with a little bit of sorcery. 2000 about right?


1k plus. I don't do smaller games since they're generally a waste of the drive time to get to the LGS.

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