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Company Champion for Com. Squads


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If you are playing aggressively, he's great for the price of a power weapon gains an invul save and +1 WS.


If its a shooty squad, I wouldn't bother.

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If you are playing aggressively, he's great for the price of a power weapon gains an invul save and +1 WS.


That was my thinking. He seems like a good deal for the point cost. I guess the bigger question would be whether or not you can turn a Command Squad into an assault squad without breaking the bank.

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If you are playing aggressively, he's great for the price of a power weapon gains an invul save and +1 WS.


That was my thinking. He seems like a good deal for the point cost. I guess the bigger question would be whether or not you can turn a Command Squad into an assault squad without breaking the bank.


I run my command squad like so, champion, banner, apothecary, powerfist and flamer. The powerfist and the flamer are placed on the same model so that their is still one non upgraded model to remove as yer first unsaved wound and to maximize regular attacks. Squad clocks in at 175 points, usually accompanied by a relic blade captain for a grand total of 305. On the charge this is 4 relicblade attacks, 3 power weapon attacks(at ws 5), 9 regular attacks, and 3 powerfist attacks, with 5 pistol shots and a template for a pre charge volley.

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I use a shooty Command Squad at the moment, 4 plasma guns and a Apothecary, but I'm considering adding him back into the squad in place of a plasma gun for some close combat punch, rapid fire range means I'm getting charged right?


In the past when I've used him he's be good. As Koremu has said hitting MEQ on a 3+ is brilliant, especially when they aren't saving those power sword hits (unless they have invulnerable saves of course). Also, that combat shield is also very handy, has saved me twice, once from a Dreadnought and once from a Khorne Chaos Lord I think it was.


So yeah, for 15pts, he's a good little warrior to have around in combat. Shines in a combat squad, but can be pretty good in a shooty squad as insurance against getting charged.

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On the charge this is 4 relicblade attacks, 3 power weapon attacks(at ws 5), 9 regular attacks, and 3 powerfist attacks, with 5 pistol shots and a template for a pre charge volley.

Actually, it's 4 power weapon attacks and 12 regular ones, which just makes that unit even scarier.


I agree with everyone else that a Company Champion is a good choice if you want a unit with some extra cc punch.

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My assaulty command squad is champ, standard w/fist, and two BP+CCW vets. Attached to a relic blade captain does the job pretty well, and the champion has proved himself many times over to me. I have been considering giving someone a storm shield, but I haven't been convinced totally yet. ;)


As an aside, one of my plasma gunners in my ranged command squad is an emperor's champion model and I explain him as a company champion that's pre disposed to ranged combat instead of sword swinging. :lol:

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How useful is this little guy?


It it worth losing a special weapon for normally?

If you want to make a close-combat command squad, then yeah, I'd say he's quite worth it (for the price of a power sword, you get WS5, a power weapon, and a combat shield).


However, I don't think close-combat command squads are good to begin with. Hence, the champion isn't worth it if you want to play competitively.

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