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razorbacks with assault cannons

little brother

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Before anyone flames me for not searching on the site for this topic, can I just say that I have searched. I typed in "razor back assault cannon" and in the first 2 pages of results, not one of them contained references to razorbacks, assault or cannons.


My question is, "Are they any good?"


I have just accidently aquired the parts to build one, and am wondering whether to bother.


What do people think? Has anyone used one in a game?

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Yes, they are good. They are good for all the reasons assault cannons are normally good- 4 shots, good accuracy, good str and AP, rending.... all very nice.


The problem is that only real way to get one is to to remove the turret from a LRC, wich means if I want to use mine Im not using my LR... and so it tends to come out only in smaller battles where it has, admittedly, done rather well for itself.


Im also quite in love with the Las/Plas Razorback, wich is an incredibly simple conversion and quite worth the points.

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They are useful for all codexes, but every one has different potential. The C:SM's tac squad don't have special weapons available to them, but they can have a plasma command squad or sternguard in theirs. The Space Wolves can fill theirs with a nicely upgraded Grey hunters, blood claws, or Wolf Guard if they want to spurge. Blood Angels's razors are fast so they can move 12" then shoot their assault cannon while carrying vets., sternguard, assault marines with Sig priests, or relentless death guard.


I don't know what the Black Templars or Dark Angels can do with razors.


Because of their low armor, it's best to run them in a vehicle heavy list or with other razorbacks.

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Can't you buy that sprue individually?


Anyway yes, they lay down a satisfactory level of Dakka for a rolling scoring unit.

$35 for the entire kit, or $20 for the turret......

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