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How many vehicles are too many?


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Can you have too many vehicles in an army? I imagine the answer is yes, as doing so reduces the number of models you have and cripples your melee options. Is it right to assume a vehicle heavy list is subpar because Space Marines don't have they strongest vehicles?


My average list: 1500pts


Librarian: clean

+Tac squadx10+PF+Flamer+ML


Tac Squadx10







Landraider godhammer

HF/MM Land speeder



With extra points going to misc. upgrades like extra armor for the LandRaider or plasma for Tac squads, I have seven vehicles to three infantry squads. I've thought of replacing the Land raider or putting Hammernators it it while taking out the sternguard. But how far is this list from being "competitive"?


Sorry if I gave too many questions in one post.

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I asked something similar to this awhile ago, but my question was mostly related to having too many pieces of armor on the table and getting stuck in a parking lot mess, especially if they immobilize the first layer. The main fix to that was putting 1-2 Rhinos in reserve.


I think basic Marines can field alot of vehicles successfully because you have a fairly wide variety of cost effective armor. As long as you maintain the ability to present enough scoring units on the field to claim objectives and enough firepower to threaten your opponent, I say you're good.

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The armies I come up with aren't bad, at least in theory. The vehicles are either tough, fast, or shielded to survive and do their vital jobs. Well, maybie not the landraider but I'll eventually replace it. The point is that they do jobs that infantry can't efficently do. I'm just trying not to make my army weak by over relying on them. If I've learned anything from the game or what the rich background that playing as a marine given me is that Doubt is the most lethal thing on the 40k battlefield.
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Generally speaking, as long as you keep numbers of infantry and strong vehicles up, more vehicles are better. If you have three Rhinos with Tactical Squads in, a Land Raider with Assault Terminators in it and a couple of Vindicators or Preds, maybe some Land Speeders, you are helping your vehicles survive. You force your enemy to choose between all the different threats, and either ignore most of them in favour for one or spread his fair and probably make it ineffective. Saturation is a wonderful thing that mech Marines can quite easily make use of.
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