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He's a bloodthirster you can stick inside a land raider and/or inside a unit and use that as his durability until melee contact. He beats up Blood Angels new "big bad character" and stands toe to toe with a bloodthirster coming out at slightly less wins out of 200+ melee's with it (until dead, randomized who got the charge/any at all).


He's a bloodthirster and granted T5 with eternal warrior 2+/4++ he may as well be a monstrous creature with that many str8 attacks.

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I deep strike Abaddon amongst a retinue of 5 Mark of Tzeentch terminators for simple survival power. I just kit them out with combi and heavy flamers. This unit I use in 1500 point games, along with a Land Raider filled with Berzerkers, a x2 Plasma PlagueMarine squad in a rhino and a x2 Meltagun Chaos Marine squad. Icons for all, needless to say.


This squad took 18 plasma shots from a huge unit of Tau suits (he maxed out the retinue of his HQ), 5 flamer shots from the same unit, two railgun shots and the shooting of two fire warrior squads, surviving with two members and Abaddon at 3 wounds.


Needless to say havoc ensued. The huge unit was wiped from the table by good ol' Abaddon. This distraction also gave the rest of my forces a much needed opportunity to close with the enemy unnoticed.

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So would you guys say he is best used with a squad of termies as a retinue?

I am curious because I have never run him, but I am preparing for a tourny here in about 4 months and I have been thinking of taking him to combat some of the newer stuff.

What is the best way to use Abbadon?

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I abus-err I mean I use Abbadon in a zilla list where there is plenty of big stuff and some icons to apply a safer deep strike arrival.


The 3 defiler, 3 melee dread, greater daemon, prince and fill the rest with troops. Scaling down some here and there for smaller games like a dread and a few troops out for 1750, etc... Don't know if plague marines, normal marines or zerkers are best for that list.

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Back in the days of 3rd edition, you couldn't field the big A in an army less than 2000 points, which kinda makes sense, with that point cost and all... plus, on a fluff standpoint, the big A wouldn't deem it necessary to be a part of every single fire fight on some backwater planet, he would only go to the major battles that would decide the fate of an entire region/planet/solar system
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I use him in my 1700 point list in a Land Raider with 4 Terminator bodies.

Its a lot of points but when you launch him into combat he is a beast and a monster in one.

He will take out everything he looks at and it takes several turns to stop him from doing it ;)


Also the sheer presence of him lets your opponent take hard descision if to shoot him in his Raider or the other 30 men in RHino's that is comin with him to the party or take out the 2 units of 4 Oblits that are standing back giving them over.


Most opponents who has never played against him or seen him in a fight think of him as a hardcore captain but the look on there faces is just great when he takes out whole units of marines on his own B)


Anyway maybe not the most optimal choice but certainly one of the most fun and also very hard choices to play if you ask me :P

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Abaddon does amazing things. I truly believe that his bodyguard, whatever they are, need to be able to take high-AP wounds for him or have enough wounds to be able to survive deep striking. So this translates into a Tzeentch termi squad or a big termi squad. Otherwise, when that Land-Raider pops, Abaddon will be left to take the brunt of the fire power with rather frail wounds to take the shooting for him.


Abaddon and his retinue have a symbiotic relationship. They protect him from shooting, he kills everything in close combat. Yeah, termis are great in close combat, but Abaddon can crack many things that they couldn't even touch.

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So this translates into a Tzeentch termi squad or a big termi squad.
I respectfully disagree, Terminators are prone to running away, Berzerkers are not. Then there is the point cost issue of 10 Terminators. Only 4 if you hop in a Land Raider, though that is even worse due to their low number versus morale tests. :)
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I would stick him in a Landraider with a troops choice, then hammer up the table. That will make people cry I feel.

Get out you! :lol:


Idaho is totally right, its the one and only good way to use him

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Hi guys, iv jus floated over from the ba subforum to ask a question about Mr A.


I was doin some mathhammer of a fight between abaddon and sanguinor and a thought occurred. Should abaddon be on a 40mm base by now? Was it ever faq'ed properly?


In the latest WD wicked battle report he was indeed mounted on a 40mm round. So is this the case.




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Hi guys, iv jus floated over from the ba subforum to ask a question about Mr A.


I was doin some mathhammer of a fight between abaddon and sanguinor and a thought occurred. Should abaddon be on a 40mm base by now? Was it ever faq'ed properly?


In the latest WD wicked battle report he was indeed mounted on a 40mm round. So is this the case.




Iirc he should be mounted on the base he is supplied with, which is a 40mm.
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Hi guys, iv jus floated over from the ba subforum to ask a question about Mr A.


I was doin some mathhammer of a fight between abaddon and sanguinor and a thought occurred. Should abaddon be on a 40mm base by now? Was it ever faq'ed properly?


In the latest WD wicked battle report he was indeed mounted on a 40mm round. So is this the case.




Iirc he should be mounted on the base he is supplied with, which is a 40mm.


Indeed I know he is supplied with a 40mm but I think maybe one or 2 editions ago they used to give you a 25mm base to mount him, which occurred to one of my gaming pals when he bought him. So would you say that he should no longer be seen on a 25mm based on the current packaging or based on what you got at the time.

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