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Hi guys, iv jus floated over from the ba subforum to ask a question about Mr A.


I was doin some mathhammer of a fight between abaddon and sanguinor and a thought occurred. Should abaddon be on a 40mm base by now? Was it ever faq'ed properly?


In the latest WD wicked battle report he was indeed mounted on a 40mm round. So is this the case.




Iirc he should be mounted on the base he is supplied with, which is a 40mm.


Indeed I know he is supplied with a 40mm but I think maybe one or 2 editions ago they used to give you a 25mm base to mount him, which occurred to one of my gaming pals when he bought him. So would you say that he should no longer be seen on a 25mm based on the current packaging or based on what you got at the time.

nah, he's fine on the 25mm, some of the vets have terminators on 25mm's which is what they used to be supplied with, so perfectly legal, just comes down to a matter of preference

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O K I have another question about Big A and his attacks. He has a standard 4 attacks, but his daemon weapon gives D6. Can these be added together for a possible 10 attacks in a turn??

absolutely, my friend... the guy can eat entire tactical squads in single round of combat... have actually done it myself, killed 7 in one go (couple of unlucky 1's... even with the re-roll)

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O K I have another question about Big A and his attacks. He has a standard 4 attacks, but his daemon weapon gives D6. Can these be added together for a possible 10 attacks in a turn??

Yes, +1 for charging optionally. So max 11. 1/6th of the time he still does nothing though which sucks big time.

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Some day for fun games I'm planning on running Abaddon with a 4 man termie retinue in a land raider, just to be fun and fluffy with my BL. The unit will probably cost about 800 points all together, but it will be fun to play with in friendly games. Definitely not something I would do in a competitive game though...
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In my last game, 2250 vs Alpha Legion, Big A held a flank by himself killing 10 chosen, 10 chaos marines, 5 terms and a chaos lord in 3.5 turns and taking no wounds hehe


My mate had heard about him, but wasn't prepared for Big A's killing power!


Im going to the tempus fugitives horus heresy event in may and so far, A has killed 2 primarchs :)

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when me and my friends did a big oh battle bout 38000 points between all of us my friend brought abb up on my he survived 2 turns of 2 different squads firing on him didnt do anything he got into close combat with them it was over he destroyed both of the squads command squad and half of my honor guard before my chapter master finished him ive learned to not take him lightly
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yes, non-fearless terminators are an insult, but will you ever fail a test against 10 with a re-roll? and in melee...exept for the 1 in 6 chance that Abby has to argue with his sword instead of using it...will you ever loose combat?


You can have icons in every squad for 5pts upwards, why buy a sub-par landraider? some combi-flamers or melta will let you pop something at least. but a squad of >5 terminators (dirt cheap !) is enough to weather the storm of whatever the enemy will shoot at you (exept maybe 2+ vindicators that don't miss, but then just look for cover), and assaulting you with anything will get ugly for him.


Besides, I think the only fitting retinue for Abby is 3 TDA Lords (Kh, Sl, Ngl or Typhus) and a Tz TDA Sorcerer.

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  • 6 months later...
And what do you guys thinking about using "some name lord of a warband" counts as abbadon? (or typhus? and which one is better of the two)
Abaddon, Typhus doesn't have Eternal Warrior.


As for counts as, many do it.

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He's a bloodthirster you can stick inside a land raider and/or inside a unit and use that as his durability until melee contact. He beats up Blood Angels new "big bad character" and stands toe to toe with a bloodthirster coming out at slightly less wins out of 200+ melee's with it (until dead, randomized who got the charge/any at all).


He's a bloodthirster and granted T5 with eternal warrior 2+/4++ he may as well be a monstrous creature with that many str8 attacks.



This would be a great comment about him beating up the BA nasties if it had any truth to it. Do you just make up your own math or is this just from what you have 'seen'?


To put it bluntly on average he looses to both Meph and the Sanguinor. He is a bloody big pain in the ass for the opponent and I believe is actually quite workable in 1750 however unless he is in combat with one of those BA nasties with some back up don't expect him to come out the victor.


Regards Crynn

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To put it bluntly on average he looses to both Meph and the Sanguinor. He is a bloody big pain in the ass for the opponent and I believe is actually quite workable in 1750 however unless he is in combat with one of those BA nasties with some back up don't expect him to come out the victor.


Regards Crynn


It is true against Meph he is messed up by having a lower I (although in theory he should survive for one round so if you roll a good number (AKA a 6) for your daemon weapon you have a chance. Against Sanginor he will lose due to many of his attacks being nullified by that 3++


On average he needs two rounds to kill Meph but will only survive to make one round of attacks and on average he needs 3 rounds to kill Sang but will only live to make two rounds worth of attacks.

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Another thing should be considered for his retinue, his T5, its wasted against shooting unless he is with another T5 unit, this is why I would suggest plague marines.


Abby and 4 Tzeentch terminators kill a unit, then get soo many wounds put on them, that abby takes a bunch, his T5 is completely useless because of majority toughness.


Another thing to consider is adding a lash sorcerer to his land raider unit. I know that this is ridiculous points, but, 12 inch move, 3/4 inch disembark (2 inch to the back of his base +40mm base), 2-12 inch lash, 6 inch charge. This produces a charge range between 23 and 34 inches!

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