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Blood Angels Assault Squad (5-man strong)

Son of Abaddon

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This was my contribution to the LPC this year.

So here are the results:


First I start off with a group shot. I put almost twice as much effort in the sarge as in the regular soon-to-die marines.



Then we have a closeup of the sarge with freehand blood drop and sculped purity seal



The blood drop is sculped as well. This was an apothecary off the old BA command box. I had to file down the double helix and put the drop in the empties space.



And last but not least two of the rest of my five battle brothers.





Please drop me a comment and/or advise to do stuff more crispy. And be honest, I can take it like a battle brother. ;)





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I like the red-orange color you used, it's more like the original Blood Angels, which I think had the better color scheme. I think that the sculpted blood drop looks a little... not drop-like. I think it needs to taper a little more at the top. The paint job looks good, though a little more value in your colors would look a lot better, I think, since there isn't a whole lot of color to break up the red-orange.
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I really like this squad. In particular, you've managed a great yellow for the helmets and the effect you've got on the wings looks very cool. I also really like the blue fingers on the power fist. Overall, it reminds me of the style from 2nd Edition.


I have to say the sculpted blood drop should be thinner. It doesn't look much like a drop right now.


The red could be broken up a bit more. The shading you have is well done, but its missing from some areas where it would help. The top of the knee pads is a good example. Also, you could paint the belts and harnesses in the center chest eagle a color other than red. I would suggest black.

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