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Space Marine Tactica pdf.


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Hi all,


I have been putting some words down for the introduction in my blog, it is in Draft format and as such I am not sure if people can review it yet. However it is here if people want to see how I am getting along and whether it is up to scratch?


It is quite generic but very wordy and I am sure that I repeat myself loads (as I have a habit of doing that).



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Indeed. Though how specific is this group willing to get on different vanilla-marine tactics?

I'm still working a bit on the details and the progression as a whole. Keeping the project focused and organized will be the most challenging aspect.


It should be helpful to the novice and vetran players - without overwhelming the novice and boring the vet.


Again, I'm still mulling over how we can do this decently and in order - but I'm thinking the best course is probably to start off wiht the most generalized of concepts and refine and add as we go. Ultimately (as a living document), I would like to see it branch out and cover many of the nuances in building and fielding a Space Marine army.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to digg up this topic because i am just working on a Tactica PDF for Dawn of War II. I thaught it might give you some inspiration for this project (if still alive).

Also I wanted to ask if this Dawn of War PDF is of any interest for BOS.com.


€dit: Of cause I forgot the link...silly me.


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I would like to help with this project. I don't play games that often, but I can offer some insight about tactics.


I can give a break down of the components of the Element styles of play and why they work. I also may be able to get us a template to work from.


I'm just throwing this out there, I'll get some more information tomorrow.



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Cant we make some official topic, where we wirk down the basic topics one by one to just get it going?


I have made the experience that one of the biggest mistake nowerdays is that the projectmanagement and planing takes more time and resources than the project itself.

But maybe thats just my oppinion, because I am more the trail and error kind of guy :)

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I did some more thinking about the overall layout and have come up with an idea.



1) Purpose of this guide.

2) Some pros and cons of playing Space Marines.


Basic game theory

1) How to win (victory conditions).

2) Planning (how to make a game plan).

3) Mathhammer (a brief overview).


Army lists

This will not be real in depth but it will include several examples of popular Marine tournament lists.

1) What Marines can do.

2) What other armies can do (this will be covered in more detail later in a "fighting other armies" section).

3) Synergy

4) Example lists (pros and cons, why they work).



1) Deployment

2) Mass vs. Mobility (this is what I call Air, Earth and Water).

3) Target priority (Waaania could write something here :rolleyes: . This will also include strategy for assaulting).


Codex: Space Marines

This will include an artical for every unit in the Space Marine codex.

1) Infantry

2) Vehicles


An alternate approach would be:

1) HQs

2) Troops

3) Elites

4) Fast attack

5) Heavy support


Know thy enemy

1) Fighting Orks

2) Fighting Eldar

3) Fighting Necrons



I have gotten a lot of inspiration for elements of this layout from this strategy guide:


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An alternate approach would be:

1) HQs

2) Troops

3) Elites

4) Fast attack

5) Heavy support


Go with this. I would definently use this guide as a companion book to my space marines codex so perhaps every unit in order as it is in the army list section of the Codex:SM. This way one could easily find the unit he wants to look at while building his list with the points values right in front of him.

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