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Prep painting for Blood Angels


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Hi, I've been in love with BAngels since 2nd ed when i started in 94! However, the last 40k game i played was in 97 -_- BUT! I'm back - the daemons dragged me in, painted an army, haven't played yet though!


However, BAngels' impending redux is getting be all HOT. So at the start of this month, i got my stuff out and returned to the brush:


A HEAVY ASS, old school pewter dreadnaut. So many tiny dints in the miniature. Been experimenting with some freehand on him in preparation for my standard bearers.



Here are my "goldies" tycho and dante. Unsure of whether to practice up some NMM gold for the sang guard and angelic special character.



Here is one of my older captains - he will replace the stock one in the current tactical squad (no pics of them sorry).



Here is Mephiston in what i call his "papal" garb. I wanted to go with a real "priestly" feel for him rather than vlad-ish.



Here is my vanguard squad - i really like these sculpts. If i had my time again on them - i'd paint them before assembly.



Finally - because its tiring painting ACRES OF RED! I keep non-red mini's on hand waiting. Mr Khârn - sans right arm - fell off, needs pinning.



Not pictured: Librarian (termi and normal), standard bearer, other captain, 2x tactical squad, assault squad, land raider redeemer and dreadnaught arms.


On the way from maelstrom: Terminator squad, 10 deathcompany, lemartes, 5 sang guard, baal pred.


As they get painted i'll post them up in a WIP thread.

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You're Khârn is really good, particularly the dark red you've used for the armour. Has a good Khornate feel to it.


Yeah, i wanted the "khorny" feel, but without using red at all. My khorne Daemon army is RED FOR THE RED GOD enough. So, its actually a scorched brown to dark flesh to snake bite leather blend then a devlan wash, then tiny bits of snakebite leather.


The bone colour is so it "fits" in with my daemons when he'll be on display.

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