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The Megaforce and an HQ - What's next?

The Normish

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Well everyone, here is the situation...

I have the Space Marine Megaforce, as well as a Captain and HQ.

I have therefore (including some other units - non Megaforce):

  • Captain
  • Command Squad
  • Dreadnought
  • 3 Tactical Squads
  • Scout Squad
  • Assault Squad
  • Predator Annihilator and Destructor
  • Rhino


Seeing as I fight Orks for the most part, I wish to further adapt my army to fight them.

These Orks are a footslogging army, mainly Boyz, with some Bikers, a Trukk (only one), some Nobz, Burnas, Tankbustaz, and commanded by Ghasgkhull himslef.

Taking point costs out of consideration, what new units would you all recommend I obtain?

I was thinking of getting more Elites, maybe another HQ. Terminators perhaps?


Anyway, I'd like to know your suggestions.

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A whirlwind- dropping a pieplate that kills orks on a 3+ is nice. Snag it, and two razorback kits and you have the ability to put all your PA squads into rhinos- just dont glue down the turret hatches, they fit fine loose.


Is your assault squad a full 10 man job? if not, "make it so". If it is, Id seriously consider a JPing Chaplain.


A second Dread, maybe some sterngaurd. Be sure to give your dreads heavy flamers and extra armor.


And a landspeeder storm with a heavy flamer to take your scouts to every edge of the board. Cheap flamey death for 60pts.

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So far, I think I'll make my Assault Squad a ten-man one, with a Jump Pack Chaplain.

I will also take a five-man Sternguard Squad.

I hesitate between between the Land Speeder Storm and Land Speeder classic (maybe I'll tkae two Land Speeder classics, and build a Typhhon and a storm).


Any other suggestions?

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Yeah, if your doing the storm... just get it. Converting the regular speeder into a storm is an absolute nightmare.


And dont give your sterngaurd heavy weapons, try them out bare bones or +powerfist to start. You can make them out of bitz+a combat squad... and a pair of combimeltas never goes badly.

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If yer going for a fluffy army, a dev squad with missile launchers or heavy bolters would add anti infantry firepower and round yerself out to a full halfcompany of marines (3 tacs, 1 assault, 1 dev squad).
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Whatever you are fighting the suggestion is to buy a Rhino for each of your Tactical squads, Rhinos are about the biggest force amplifying unit we have. They turn a rather middle of the road unit into a real asset, the tactics you can use to better use your force with a Rhino also make the 35 point investment worth it time and time again (unless you have a specific plan with regards to becoming a gunline).


The Thunderfire is also a great investment against anyone. Ok it is relatively weak but the output of damage per turn means that it matters little if it dies by turn 3 as its usually done the damage by then!


Think about converting one of your tactical squads up to be a Sternguard squad (add scopes to their bolters, lots more gubbins on them and just paint them differently). Trust in me that a unit of Sternguard is a wise unit to take in order to engage anyone, however Orks in particular are affected quite badly, their Tshirt armour is easily bypassed so the Hellfire rounds tear through them, got Kustom Force Field issues then use dragonfire rounds to kill them, got some ard boys then use kraken rounds. A unit rapid firing will substantially reduce any unit of Ork on the table, have the assault marines close and you will easily wreck a unit with their follow up charge.


In summary you dont really need to buy anything in order to be effective against Orks as you just need to learn to use what you have a little better, however if you do want to spend money on more plastic crack then get the following in the following order:


- 2 Rhinos

- Bits for making yor tacticals into Sternguard

- Thunderfire or Whirlwind



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Truth be told, anything will go well into an army one way or another. However, the question is how well will it fit in with the rest of your collection. Assault Termies without a landraider won't help you much. I'd say look at what you got and get something to support what you already have. You got three tac. squads but one rhino, consider getting a second. Have your dread walk with the other. You have 10x assault marines get a chaplain, there's really no one else who make these guys rock as much as a chapy.


There are multiple ways of getting the same thing in an army. If you want dakka or large volume of above average firepower, you have several options available to all slots. The pred. from heavy, attack bikes/land speeders from fast, or sternguard in rhino from elite. If you want anti transport/walker/Monsterous creature/light tank fire power then you can use the combi-pred or 4xMissle Launcher devestators(heavy), Land speeder typhoons(fast) , or double autocannond dreads(elite).


Not every unit in your army has to specialize but haveing something better than average for certain jobs is certainly preferable. The question is what do you have and what do you need? If you're tank is kitted out for killing armor, that free's up your dread for horde stomping.

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If you're investing in Rhinos buy Razorback kits to give you the turret option should you decide to try Razor lists out. All you need is a couple of pieces of sprue attached to the bottom of the Rhino hatches and you can swap out at your leisure.


Whirlwinds are incredibly useful against Orks and Elda (Pesky pathfinders especially) and will function well against Tyranid hordes along with squishy Guard squads (that aren't mech or air cav)

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Seems like the Whirlwind is more practical than the Thunderfire.

Yeah, its also a heck of alot easier to build- I dont know why, but the TFC tends to have a heck of alot of flash built up on it.


Anyways the WW has one other advantage over the TFC- its pinning.


The main advantages being a free rhino chassi if you want/need it, indirect fire, and tougher.

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when in doubt, more template weapons

You sir, have been sigged.


I play pure DH so what I can say is limited but what eberyone else said is bang on. Also never mention the words all nob biker army to this guy, Honestly its a really annoying thing to face!

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when in doubt, more template weapons

You sir, have been sigged.


I play pure DH so what I can say is limited but what eberyone else said is bang on. Also never mention the words all nob biker army to this guy, Honestly its a really annoying thing to face!

He already has them, but thanks.

I have managed them so far quite easily with the Predator Destructor. It took down six bikers by itself once.


So, Whirlwind, Sternguard, two more Rhinos, complete Assault Squad. This is definite.

Now, I would like one more thing: but I hesitate between Land Speeder classic or Land Speeder Storm.

I think I'll give Devastators a miss. My tactical squads are already suited up with template weapons.

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