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My "true scale"space wolves


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Not bad for your first attempt. My first Marines were a lot worse! The grey armour is nice and battle worn. The red and yellow is nice and smooth too.


Just some constructive points that I would have done differently. Firstly, the backpack is a little too small. Try cutting a backpack in half and adding in a strip of plastic-card to widen it slightly.

Secondly, the adges of the shoulder pads are a tad too thick. My advice would be to use thinner plastic-card.

The last piece of advice would be to get some fine abrasive paper just to work on the final finish of the greenstuff.


Keep up the good work!

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i like them :D


but i would support the advice of sanding of the green stuff to give it a smoother finish.

additionally i would add some more detail to the chest plate because i think they look a little plain at the moment, maybe a vent, some cabling ore a talisman chain would fix that.

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thanks for comments


my green stuff skills arent great so for now i working at GS smoothness :D

then will come chest details etc.


its old conversion (like most o my 1st and 2ed squads wolves)

so they are not like they should be:)


Tutorial hmm...

if my skill grow tutorial will come :P

I was inspired mostly by this Guys works:

migsula (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/233990.page)

Lamenter (http://masteroftheforge.com/category/tutorials/)


My wolves are mostly like migsula style

arms are like Lamenter last tutorial

wolves pelts are my idea :(




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Ooooo some True-Scale Wolves. I quite like these a lot. iam not sure that tru scale rhino affect at game rules ? Ya know, I'm actually in the same conundrum with my Sons of Malice. I think I was going to go for making Rhinos out of Land Raiders (scaled down of course) and then my Land Raiders would be a mix of LR parts and Imperial Guard Super Heavy Baneblade peices. Just something to think about. Anyways as far as being legal in the game, it all depends on who you play with and how they feel about "biggerized" vehicles.
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