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hey B&C...


this is my first sculpting project...

a custom built Mephiston for the new millenium...

hopefully i will get the chance to tackle another project like this in the future...

i would like to improve on my Greenstuff skills...


this mini is painted to my basic commission standard...

i've gone for a classic 'Eavy Metal style...

the freehand skull trim on his cloak was a bit of a rush job (each skull is so tiny!!!)...

there are a few other things i would have liked to do better, but this guy has to go out the door...


here he is for your viewing pleasure...

more views are available in the voting link:







i hear Meph is a beast in the new Blood Angels codex...

hopefully this guy will see a lot of action in the customer's army...


thanks for lookin'...




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I had a look at your WIP thread when you were building this mini and was very impressed. Much much better than GW's aged sculpt. (they really should have re-done him for the ne 'dex, but then if the had you might not've got to make this one :D). Now you've got him painted, I'd like to re-iterate that this mini looks stunning and the client should be very happy with this unique mini that captures the best parts of the existing one and is well painted to boot. Nice Job Jah.



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That is some very nice looking work you've done there. The mini seems far more understated than the original (which I think would be the case if they were to update their older mini- it happened with Yarrick).


Also, you make me want to do something really crazy with some Blood Angels, so this mini is clearly a success.

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Nice work all round like the GS work, you've got the eavy metal style spot on. The only thing that that plays on my mind is the height of the figure he looks a little squat and could maybe use a little more height.



great work though :lol:

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thanks guys...

glad all the hard work has paid off...


of course, now that he's done, all i can see is the stuff i would have done different...

the customer is very happy though...

i can't wait to hear how they react at his local shop when he shows Meph off on Saturday...




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this version is on the attack, and scary as hell, as he should be...

indeed, if GW's was as animated like this I would of liked the model........but still would of hated his fluff and him as a character in general, but it would of ticked one box at the very least and I would use such a model as a bog standard libby with no problems.

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