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blood angel h2h terminator and land raider tactics


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hello brothers,


with the new codex blood angels on our doorstep and some amazing pictures from my fellow b&c members i think its finally the time to get me a new project (in a few months though, still to busy with other stuff...) and id like it to be close combat terminators with a transport.


mind you i dont know the amount of troops that each raider can transport but i was thinking something along the lines of 5-6 with 2 attached characters (librarian/chaplain and sanguinary priest) which would be 8 (if thats not possible maybe lose 1 terminator for a total of 7 if that IS possible?)


my question would be then, what would be the right transport? IIRC only the redeemer and the crusader have this kind of transport capability, of those neither is really an anti-tank tank (a part of my army that most of my lists seem to lack sadly)


the godwynn pattern land raider would then be the only land raider that would fitt the role that i had in mind for the vehicle but it wouldnt allow the size of tranposrt capacity that i had intended....


other then that i have hardly any experience in handling terminators, the 1 time in recent history that i did they got slowly wittled down at range and got finally charged by a unit of killa kans (they were also ranged termies mind you)


so to simplify the text above:

1: what do i pit my terminators against?

2: what unit size?

3: what kind of raider?

4: any potential pitfalls with this unit?


any help you guys can give me with this is highly appreciated. i might testplay a unit soon, would be fun to be able to make good use of such an awesome unit <_<

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1: Terminators fight exposed targets which need power weapons or high-strength power weapons.

2: Small enough they have a chance of killing them, big enough they don't end up slaughtering everything and standing there to get shot.

3: The Storm Raven idea sounds like a good one. Alternately, the Crusader (for the MM).

4: They're a one-trick pony (but what a trick...). I prefer Tactical Terminators. But I'm biased toward shooting things.


Just as a comment - Tactical Terminators should be shooting, shooting, shooting, then charging whatever they've been moving toward this entire time. Or hiding in cover so people assaulting them get messed up. Whichever. They shouldn't be wandering around to get picked off. Treat them like heavy cavalry - find something, point them at it, unleash. Don't point them at something too big or or too quick.


A unit of Killa Kans should have been taken out before it got near them. Where were your CMLs or Assault Cannons?

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A Godwyn pattern and a Redeemer both have the same capacity: 12 models. Terminators count as 2. So if you want 5 Termis + 2 Power Armor attached Characters, you certainly can cram them into a Godwyn if you want those lascannons. Crusader is the exception with the extra capacity. Also, you can totally stick a Multimelta on top of a Godwyn pattern as well. Just keep in mind that the Godwyn doesn't have assault launchers, meaning anything coming out of it should have its own Frag Grenades (and/or strike at I1 anyway)
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thanks for the replies guys ^_^


1: Terminators fight exposed targets which need power weapons or high-strength power weapons.

2: Small enough they have a chance of killing them, big enough they don't end up slaughtering everything and standing there to get shot.

3: The Storm Raven idea sounds like a good one. Alternately, the Crusader (for the MM).

4: They're a one-trick pony (but what a trick...). I prefer Tactical Terminators. But I'm biased toward shooting things.


Just as a comment - Tactical Terminators should be shooting, shooting, shooting, then charging whatever they've been moving toward this entire time. Or hiding in cover so people assaulting them get messed up. Whichever. They shouldn't be wandering around to get picked off. Treat them like heavy cavalry - find something, point them at it, unleash. Don't point them at something too big or or too quick.


A unit of Killa Kans should have been taken out before it got near them. Where were your CMLs or Assault Cannons?

well my armies AT has the tendancy to miss every single damn time that i attempt to fire it B) i kid you not they perform sub par most of the times but im letting the luck of the dice stop me, and sometimes they do deliver (mostly when its to late to save the game or it causes an explosion that kills more from me then it did my opponent....


crusaders can take a MM though? hmmm now there is something i hadent considered yet :D the thing is though that i do want to use them, but not as a 1 trick pony. ive already had 1 for a few years (death company) i dont need one again, i need a unit that can chew up units from my opponent whilsts it keeps on strolling to the next unit, and the next unit, etc ;)


the storm raven is also something i hadent considered before, thanks for that ;)

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A Godwyn pattern and a Redeemer both have the same capacity: 12 models. Terminators count as 2. So if you want 5 Termis + 2 Power Armor attached Characters, you certainly can cram them into a Godwyn if you want those lascannons. Crusader is the exception with the extra capacity. Also, you can totally stick a Multimelta on top of a Godwyn pattern as well. Just keep in mind that the Godwyn doesn't have assault launchers, meaning anything coming out of it should have its own Frag Grenades (and/or strike at I1 anyway)


The lascannon (godwyn?) pattern is the only one with 12 capacity. both the others have 16.

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(looks up) You are incorrect sir a redeemer has a transport capacity of 12 the only one with more then 12 is the crusader. Yes you can take a mulit-melta on the crusader. I would take a crusader with MM (almost always do) with 6assault termies a CPT in TDA and a Chaplin also in TDA. Maxed capacity but tough unit especially on the charge.
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The Ideal build for that hammer unit of doom, for me, would be


Crusader w/MMelta

5 Th/SS terminators

1 Sanguinary Priest (naked)


The Sang Priest can just chill in the land raider and use his bubble of doom to pump the terminators up.


Some Thoughts


1. Adding a character with TH terminators is usually over kill, if the Termies cant take it down solo, its likly the char wont help much either and he will be at huge risk. Additionally, it increases the unit to ridiculous costs (instead of mostly ridiculous)


2. TH terminators must not be used against low value horde units (orc boys, gaunts, plague bearers etc) or units with ridiculous invulns (seer council im lookin at you)



3. TH terminators are awesome against Monster creatures, most characters, basic marine squads and vehicles that have not moved 12+inches


4. TH terminators are much more effective when you multicharge with them.


5. The LRC is a great addition to Termiantors, it provides some anti horde power (hurricane bolters), and great anti tank, (A.cannon and MM) Often you will be able to crack open a vehicle and then feast the terminators on wahtever inside.

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