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Reyners LPC Vow


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For this years Librarium Painting Challenge I decided to enter a Captain, his Command Squad and their Razorback. Here are the results so far:

Command Squad: Most need their white armour finishing, backpacks and couple little bits. I'd say maybe 75% complete?


Razorback: Also around 75% complete, need to wash the white and then paint the turret and other metal parts.


Captain: The one with the least progress lol. He does have a greenstuff chapter badge and a cape which have taken up most of the time with him. Then I couldn't decide what to arm him with!!


I should get these done sharpish since I now have my arse in gear. Apologies for the crappy images too, they were taken using my phone. I will get much better pictures in time for the deadline!

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The painting on the models looks good. I especially like the blending on the weapons.


The only thing that detracts (to me anyway) is the color scheme. For some reason purple/white/green just don't look good to me together. I'm not sure why and the painting itself is good, just the color selection puts me off.


I like the painting skills though.


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