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Razor back?


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dont know if im in the right bit here im a little new with the SM army usally had IG or NIDS but due to size of the house and the GF being a whiner i had to down scale, any way here is the question :

i have a 10 man tactical squad and i want to take a razor back can i 1. take two razor backs and have two 5 man combat squads 2. split into two combat squads and take 2 rhino's ?

sorry if this has been asked before i could not find it with both my old armys they were foot sloggers but tanks and bio weapons make winning easy and my SM army is a little weak on the AT role

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You can only purchase one transport for each of your squads. So for a 10 man squad you may purchase a Rhino or a Razorback (page 134 C:SM), but only one or the other. So in the case of a Razorback, you would most likely combat squad and take the sergeant and assault weapon forward while leaving the heavy weapon back to fire.


Edit: Realized I should clarify a bit. While combat squadding a 10 man squad into two 5 man squads does create 2 units, the entire squad is still selected as a single entity from the army list, and therefore may only select one transport.


As for your anti-tank problems, you've probably noticed that Space Marine anti-tank tends to be up close and personal, unlike the Guard (not too sure about nids). While we have plenty of options to deal with AV 10 to AV 12 at range (TL Autocannon Dreads, Assault Cannons, Missile/Cyclone/Typhoon Launchers, Lascannons), we really need to get up close and personal with AV 13 and AV 14, as the only reliable way to deal with those units is a melta shot rolling 2D6 to penetrate.

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You can only purchase one transport for each of your squads. So for a 10 man squad you may purchase a Rhino or a Razorback (page 134 C:SM), but only one or the other. So in the case of a Razorback, you would most likely combat squad and take the sergeant and assault weapon forward while leaving the heavy weapon back to fire.


Edit: Realized I should clarify a bit. While combat squadding a 10 man squad into two 5 man squads does create 2 units, the entire squad is still selected as a single entity from the army list, and therefore may only select one transport.


As for your anti-tank problems, you've probably noticed that Space Marine anti-tank tends to be up close and personal, unlike the Guard (not too sure about nids). While we have plenty of options to deal with AV 10 to AV 12 at range (TL Autocannon Dreads, Assault Cannons, Missile/Cyclone/Typhoon Launchers, Lascannons), we really need to get up close and personal with AV 13 and AV 14, as the only reliable way to deal with those units is a melta shot rolling 2D6 to penetrate.

Asked and answered. well said

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