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Revitalising my BA

ancient god

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Hey guys, glad you like them.


Malatox, practise makes perfect! ;) I'm eleven years into the hobby and still learning painting tricks and techniques all the time.


Blindhamster, I really appreciate it! You're one of the BA painters who really inspired me with your great work to do my own BA as I do them now, so it's great to hear you like them. :cuss


Dem, I didn't check yesterday after work but I'll do so in 15 min when I leave the house. :lol: Your parts are lying on my painting station, ready to go.


The Red Worm, the shoulder is Brassy Brass (VMC's Brazen Brass) base followed by a sloppy Shining Gold highlight, a thick wash of Devlan Mud and two proper highlights with Shining Gold and Burnished Gold. It's a little lighter than it seems in the picture.

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Unfortunately, the army showcase picture on page 8 is still pretty much up to date! :P The only 100% complete unit since then is the Redeemer. My Vanguard are still sitting at 90% (four jump packs to do, eveything else is done), and the single melta gunner to complete the assault squad is not done either.


I'm off to Berlin to work on a fair for the rest of the month starting this Thursday, and I'll take my painting things with me. So if I'm not completely dead after the long fair days I'll get some solid painting hours. I'm taking my Honour Guard, Sanguinary Guard (both not shown online yet), some more Sternguard, the almost done Vanguard and the last assault marine (guard?) with me.


Other than that, I feel I will be able to paint a couple of Stormravens soon. :D I'll buy the new dread to make a DC Furioso and that model will paint up real fast using the techniques I useed on the DC Razorback, so I might paint that in between other projects. And I still want to build and paint the two Typhoon Landspeeders I have lying around.


So lots coming up, if time permits. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm glad to hear that my log here did you some good. :lol: It's only fair, as I always take a lot of motivation and inspiration from this board.


I currently use the regular range of Citadel brushes, with a couple of additions. All my priming, broad work and so on I do with a Basecoat brush. Everything more detailed than than with the Standard Brush; I don't go beneath that in size, rather keeping the brush's tip nice and pointy than using smaller ones. This works fine or everything ranging from highlights on armour to faces and eyes.

I use a flat, stiff sable brush for most of my dry brushing and a Citadel Small Drybrush for details like a Dreadnought's exhaust pipes.


I've used other sable brushes for a couple of years too, and only stopped doing so because my preferred brand went out of production. So I'd recommend those too.


Hope this helps!


As for updates to this log - I have to admit that I've been painting Dark Angels for the last week, so I'll post them up in the appropriate boards some time soon. But I'm building a DC Dread on the side and hope to paint and show that one some time soon to, then on here again. :huh:

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Finally got that frigging assault squad up to ten men!


Assault Squad - 235 points

Sergeant - Powerfist

2x Melta gun







Melta gunners. Note the boltshell badge indicating distiguished shooting skill on the right Marine's shoulder.



The new guys



And what I'm painting at the moment... :tu:





Don't hate me, I'll stick with the redder of angels anyway! :( Building a DC dread at the moment and got two Ravens on the line too.

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I am a huge fan of your work. Always good to see your Blood Angels. Your chapter symbols are very elegant. I will try to ape them in my next set of guys. The symbols on the knees are excellent. I have nothing more to say that hasn't already been said.
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Thanks guys, I'm always glad when you like my models. :devil:


I'm off to the Tactica Hamburg today, a local tabletop and gaming convention here in Hamburg. So no painting for me today but lots of TT fun to be had.


Midnight Runner, sure, here's how I do it:


Paint muzzle Tin Bitz

Use Chainmail for very fine highlights and a couple of small scratches (make sure to make the highlights very fine; I sometimes only place them on the bottom edges of the vents so that they don't overpower the Tin Bitz)

Drybrush Chaos Black onto the front of the muzzle until it covers about half of it evenly

Give the front of the muzzle a very light dry brush with dark grey


And that's it. :D Really fast and easy, just make sure to keep the Chainmail highlights in check. I use that recipe for both melta and flamer muzzles.

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I'd love to get a good shot of the DC bare head, the reflections (white dots on iris I assume?) intrigues me :angry:


Finally got a better picture to post.








I feel the photos show only half of the layers on the skin I can see in real life, but you can at least see the eyes. B)


How do you manage to make such a simple technique look so good?!


Easy, I cheat! :D I let the cat paint, no idea how she does it without thumbs.

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