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Revitalising my BA

ancient god

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Hey, quick update before I'm off to a week in Norway, so no painting before April 10...


Unfortunately, I didn't quite finish the Landraiders before leaving. But I did get really close, here's a couple of king size WIP shots for you. ;)








As you can see, the heavy lifting is done. None of the sponsons are done and there's a couple of details here and there that I need to finish.


Cheers and have a nice Easter vacation!

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Style. ;) I prefer them that way. Two reasons for that: first one is, I think I remember the first time I saw the kit, it had the sponsons up front and I liked the look. I always think of the layout as the "original" one. The second reason is, even if I wore Power Armour, I'd prefer leaving a LR behind instead of in front of it's Godhammers in a combat situation. :)
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Style. :) I prefer them that way. Two reasons for that: first one is, I think I remember the first time I saw the kit, it had the sponsons up front and I liked the look. I always think of the layout as the "original" one. The second reason is, even if I wore Power Armour, I'd prefer leaving a LR behind instead of in front of it's Godhammers in a combat situation. :P

Fair enough. I've always modelled them with the sponsons in back because when Access/Fire Points first came out, a rules lawyer whose name I don't remember managed to prove that you can't fit 10 models into the 2" disembark zone at the front if you don't. You also couldn't push more than five models out either side. This was before the pic on p. 67 of the AoBR mini-BBB which shows the guy with the ML having almost all of his base sticking out.


Course, someone else proved that a Necron Warriors squad larger than 12 couldn't fit into a Veil of Darkness template or into the 2" disembark zone of a Monolith portal, so I guess it evened out.

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I take it the lettering on the front of the LRR was done free hand?


That’s a very serious question. Mine never turn out so I just give up & leave them blank or decal them.


Thanks for posting. -OMG

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Hey folks,


I'm back from my vacation and back at the painting table.


Haven't finished the Land Raiders yet as I got sidetracked and started working on another part of my BAPC vow, two Sanguinary Priests.

So here's a couple of WIP shots of the one I've been working on to keep you up to date. :lol:






Much to be done but you can see where I'm going with him. :P Both shoulder pads, the head and the jump pack come off so that I can reach the details better.


Off to bed, will try to get more done after work tomorrow!

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old friends are back! I'm glad that the new kits made you get back to your Angels, Michael..

Hope you are doing great, long time no talk.


I ordered myself some BA's too and I'm glad that I spotted your thread in time since it will provide great inspiration for my own future conversions..


on my painting List I have:

2x Plastic Captains

1x 6 Man Razorback Assault Squad

1x 6 Man Assault Squad

1x 10 Man Tactical Squad

3x Sanguinary Priests

1x Land Raider

1x 7 Man Devastator Squad

1x Predator


every marine is supposed to have his own heraldry on the right shoulderpad, instead of the company blood drop and I will paint the models one by one (which is unusal for me)

also I think using only BA plastic parts like GW did is a bit too over the top so I will mix my own conversions 50:50 with the plain vanilla marine range...


I already recreated a plastic version of the Old 2nd Edition Dreadnought + Devastator sergeant paint scheme until my wayland order arrives.. Red is great fun to paint! (If you are interested I can send you some pictures) I have to attempt the chipped armour around the edges the way you did it too! gives the models a great sense of realism, especially on the tanks...


First I wanted to do the Sanguinary Priests in the color pattern pictured in the Codex..

I totally forgot about that Version in Artificer Armour pictured in the WD... Your interpretation is beyond awesome! I am definitely going for white now!

Would you mind sharing the recipe for shading the white parts?


The subtle use of black on the tanks is a great idea as well! I wanted to order myself FW doors but I think I will just save the money and add some black decoration like you did...

Aside from that I would appreciate if you could list the paints you used for the flesh tones and the hair..(The pinkish tone contrasts well with the blond hair)


One last Question:

How did you achieve the chipping on the Decals (Chapter Symbol, etc).. Did you just hand paint the chipping on using red tones?


Looking forward to see the rest of your Angels...

What else is on the paint list for you?




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Your Sanguinary Priest makes me jealous! :P Wish mine looked that cool. It's not a complex conversion, but it comes together very well.


Beyond that, your freehand pretty much wins on every model. Probably the best I've seen this year, and most of last year besides! The Furioso Dread looks incredible with blended Venerable bits, so much so that I may just borrow this idea when I start in on my Dreads!


Can't wait to see more! :P

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Hey Eric, been a long time, yeah! I'm doing well, at least as far as toy soldiers go. ;)

Are you in Germany or the US now?


Personal heraldy sounds real good. Didn't you do something like that on your Ultras? I'm mixing the sets too. All bling is fine for Captains and other assorted top dogs but for the regular Marines, it's a bit much.

Be sure to post some pictures of your stuff here! If you don't have a blog in the BA forum, it's about time you created one. :P


On to your painting queries. :P


The white: I sprayed them white, then went on to the shading immediately. Vallejo's Light Sea Grey (I think, am at work ATM) used as a pinpoint wash in 1-2 layers, followed by a mix of the above with Dark Grey in some deeper parts (torso, joints etc).

After that I used white to paint on the final coat. Or coats as the case may be, we know how well white covers...


I considered using the FW parts too, even have a set of LR parts lying around at home. But I didn't want any 2. company markings on my arsenal tanks and went for freehands instead.


The skin: This is a bit random as I had to find skin tones after I misplaced my Tallarn Flesh and Dwarf Flesh. Don't ask, I still don't know. :P I ended up using the paint I use for red highlights, Vallejo Brown Rose as the base tone. Wash Ogryn Flesh, reapply Brown Rose, then work yourself upwards using Basic Skintone to lighten. Turns out rather pink but I thought that's fine on these guys.


Chipping: I spraypaint the tanks Pure Red. Then I drybrush them using the aforementioned Brown Rose, and after that immediately apply decals (and freehands) so they can be weathered with the rest of the red. I use Blood Red and a piece of blister packing to chip the decals before I do the same with the whole tank using German Camo Black Brown. The last step is apply miniscule amounts of Chainmail or Mithril to the most heavily worn spots.

Oh, and I use both blister foam and brushes to apply the odd longer scratch here and there. You'll be able to see this in detail when the LRs are done.


Hope this helps! B) Looking forward to seeing your BA, mate.





OK, hopefully I'll get more painting done tonight. Will post an update if I do! Thanks for the interest and the encouragement guys!



Edit: Forgot the painting (wish) list tagsta asked about!


Want to paint:

- Captain (JP, IP, PW) - built

- 2 Sang Priests - PIP

- 10-man Assault Squad (PF, 2xM) - built

- Baal Pred (another)

- Honour Guard

- 2 Rhinos/Razors


Eventually another 10 jump marines and 1-2 half strength assault squads for the Razorbacks.

And 2 Stormravens once they get released. :P

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Hey Eric, been a long time, yeah! I'm doing well, at least as far as toy soldiers go. ;)

Are you in Germany or the US now?


Personal heraldy sounds real good. Didn't you do something like that on your Ultras? I'm mixing the sets too. All bling is fine for Captains and other assorted top dogs but for the regular Marines, it's a bit much.

Be sure to post some pictures of your stuff here! If you don't have a blog in the BA forum, it's about time you created one. :D


Hope this helps! :D Looking forward to seeing your BA, mate.


OK, hopefully I'll get more painting done tonight. Will post an update if I do! Thanks for the interest and the encouragement guys!

I am in Germany until October, then I will proceed with Uni in Durham, UK. I will tell you details personally...


The ultras didn't really have heraldry.. I am thinking of heraldry similar to the ones that the Space Hulk Terminators have... I will give you details in time..


I will create a blog tonight until then a sneak peak here:





Devastator Helmets


Devastator Sergeant with Marines Malevolent buddy


anything that is finished so far




based on those old models:



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Oooh, looking good! But the bot shouldn't pose in the "finished" pics until he's got his banner in order! Wily old box... :D


Nice adaption of the old schemes though. Let's see that blog tonight then! Looking forward to it, always some good ideas to be stolen there. :D

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The skin: This is a bit random as I had to find skin tones after I misplaced my Tallarn Flesh and Dwarf Flesh. Don't ask, I still don't know. I ended up using the paint I use for red highlights, Vallejo Brown Rose as the base tone. Wash Ogryn Flesh, reapply Brown Rose, then work yourself upwards using Basic Skintone to lighten. Turns out rather pink but I thought that's fine on these guys.

thanks for the tutorial..

I am glad that coincidence created such a great contrast.. It works incredibly well with the white armour and blonde hair... I think I will mix some tentacle pink and red into my existing Tallarn Flesh to achieve a similar effect...


btw as far as catching up on real life goes --> I added you on facebook

say hi to clemens






for inspiration:

I just spotted the most amazing stormraven conversion:


simple yet effective... what do you think about it?

I would totally copy that conversion but I think I will rather wait and see how GW's release will look like..



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Yeah I actually quite like that conversion. It's the best I've seen so far, but I'm going to wait for the eventual release and get my brace of Stormravens then.


Mini update!


A single Assault Marine I painted, to get in the mood so to speak? :) Crappy pic, I had to make do with my cam phone.




Not much time to paint this week, work's taking up most of my time.


Hope to get some more painting done after tomorrow. :)

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Yeah I actually quite like that conversion. It's the best I've seen so far, but I'm going to wait for the eventual release and get my brace of Stormravens then.


Mini update!


A single Assault Marine I painted, to get in the mood so to speak? :) Crappy pic, I had to make do with my cam phone.




Not much time to paint this week, work's taking up most of my time.


Hope to get some more painting done after tomorrow. :)

black trims? interesting interesting...

I remember your old BA's having red trims.. any particular reason?

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The old BA having black rims is the reason. ;)


IA:BA also states that 3rd company retains the black rims nowadays, after GW switched to all-red. I'm old fashioned like that...

only 3rd company does? does the IA state any particular reason?


I think the contrast goes rather well with the black parts on your vehicles....

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