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Revitalising my BA

ancient god

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Another single model update. Assault Sergeant done, another three guys to go before I go back to finish the Priests and Land Raiders.


Again, sorry for the bad pictures, had to use my phone as the cam is with the lady.







Hope you like them so far! All markings are hand painted as usual, still too lazy to use transfers on those pauldrons.


I'll take some good photos including close ups eventually!

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Another single model update. Assault Sergeant done, another three guys to go before I go back to finish the Priests and Land Raiders.


Again, sorry for the bad pictures, had to use my phone as the cam is with the lady.







Hope you like them so far! All markings are hand painted as usual, still too lazy to use transfers on those pauldrons.


I'll take some good photos including close ups eventually!



Great work. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.


Would you mind giving me some details on the colours you used for the armour red, the yellow helmets and the white armours/decorations of the priests?

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Glad you like them, I'm back from work now and will start painting again once the Simpsons are through. :)


Rawidi, the red models are primed first black and then FAP Pure Red, which is near identical to Blood Red. Yellow and white parts are primed white and glued on when painted.


Beast_of_Amareo, I shade the red primer using VMC Black Red and highlight it using a 50:50 mix of Blood Red and VMC Brown Rose. I usually paint on another stark highlight with more Rose in the mix.

Yellow: Prime white, paint Iyanden Darksun (2 layers usually). Shade with Gryphonne Sepia and reapply Darksun, then highlight using mixes of Darksun with VMC Ice Yellow.


My white recipe is to be found on the first or second page of this thread. :)


Thanks for the interest folks!

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Midnight Runner, I'll try and finish the Land Raiders soon, got a bit demotivated after spending so much time on them before my vacation and still not being done. Lots of black parts to paint black again and highlight and then they're pretty much done.


I might get to paint tonight, didn't get to yesterday as something came up just after I'd finished writing here. Damn you Real Life, damn you to hell! *shakes fist*

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My updates keep getting smaller and smaller... this time it's only a single gun! -_-


But it's a shrapnel cannon, so that should be worth something. Converted one to fit with my shooty Dread, so now he can take to the field as a Furioso!









How do you like it? I'm considering drilling out the barrels wider, other than that I'm quite happy. I stole the idea off this subforum, thanks for the inspiration!


I'm at work now and took these pics when I took the Dread back to his mates in my local GW in my lunch break. If nothing unforeseen happens, I should be able to finish my first 5 assault marines later tonight/tomorrow...


Thanks for your continued interest! Comments and suggestions are welcome. :)

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Great work as usual, ancient god. I have no unique praise that hasn't been said already!


Regarding the shrapnel cannon, I agree with your thought to drill out the barrels more. I envisioned is as a fairly large round it fires!

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My updates keep getting smaller and smaller... this time it's only a single gun! :devil:


But it's a shrapnel cannon, so that should be worth something. Converted one to fit with my shooty Dread, so now he can take to the field as a Furioso!









How do you like it? I'm considering drilling out the barrels wider, other than that I'm quite happy. I stole the idea off this subforum, thanks for the inspiration!


I'm at work now and took these pics when I took the Dread back to his mates in my local GW in my lunch break. If nothing unforeseen happens, I should be able to finish my first 5 assault marines later tonight/tomorrow...


Thanks for your continued interest! Comments and suggestions are welcome. ;)



Wow. This is the best conception of the Frag Cannon I have seen. May I once again ask for your profession's secrets? What did you use for it, conversionwise?

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Glad you guys like it. :huh:


BoA, really simple conversion, this one. Get a venerable Dread's twinlinked lascannon, cut down both barrels and the thingy beneath them, then use a knife to shave the stumps into shape. Drill out the barrels and voilà, you're done. :huh: Also, I saw a near identical conversion on here some days ago, so it's not really my idea.


Working on a commission right now but hope to get to paint some more assault marines later.

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*hmm could have sworn i had replied to this topic an hour ago or so? :) *


il post what i wanted to say earlier:


i like the assault marines alot :) the dreadnoughts look nice to but im not to sure on the stubby gun.


but add this: the arm is supposed to be a frag cannon? in that case it looks very nice :D i thought it was supposed to be an autocannon or something :D

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Glad you bothered to attempt a second post! <_< Yeah that's my quick-n-easy fix for a frag cannon until we get an official look.



Good news! I just finished a combat squad of assault marines and that SHP I showed pictures of a week or so ago. I'm heading for my local GW tomorrow after work, will take pictures there. :)


Really happy with how they turned out, can't wait to hear what you think.

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Hey, finally a proper update!


Got a half-squad of assault marines and an SHP to offer, so here goes:












Sarge with powerfist and boltpistol



Melta marine



And the regular guys








Of course I forgot to take proper detail shots of the Priest and of pretty much all the freehand work, but I'll do that once I get a hold of the real camera again, these are done with my phone.


So, hope you like them! Let me know what you think. And also, proud moment, this is the first time my BA can be fielded as a legal, fully painted, WYSIWYG force of any kind. ;)


Got to do a commission this week so updates might not be forthcoming before next weekend.

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So, hope you like them! Let me know what you think. And also, proud moment, this is the first time my BA can be fielded as a legal, fully painted, WYSIWYG force of any kind. :D


Got to do a commission this week so updates might not be forthcoming before next weekend.

screams like an army shot! pleaaaase


what are you painting as a commission? hope it's PA related and you can post it here


the pics are incredibly good for a cellphone shot.. you must have a nice phone!


i actually thought about using a red backpack for the priest but when I see the pictures I think that i personally will go for a white one..

it works though!

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Haha, you can have a white backpack if you want it. Painted one and just as I was finally done, my room mate went like "Hey, hold on a sec, just put that red pack over there on the priest - yeah. There you go, much better." :D And I really do like it more, gives the model more life and cost me another hours of mine to get that dang thing painted after everything else was done.


Got an iPhone, takes great pics when the light is right.


I'll do an army shot soon, sure! Just want to paint my new captain and librarian first.


The commission is an ork stompa but I'll keep you updated via MSN/FB.

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Like I've said before, your stuff is awesome. I especially like the Priest - that gold trim is a nice touch. I think I am going to have to steal the idea. ^_^


I'm also using Pure Red now, but I must confess my models aren't as impressive as yours! It really is an awesome product though, it gives a great red and really cuts down the workload.

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Hey, I really like what you have done so far. Great paintjobs as always, I really like your new and improved style too.


Why did you spray the models black before red?


About the Pure Red. It sounds really interesting, however I just read a comment about the cans drying out/losing pressure really quickly. Has anyone noticed that?

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im loving your blood angels,

my favourite so far has to be that sanguinary priest hes gorgeous (in a totally non-gay way ;))

whats your technique for your white (if you dont mind showing)



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