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Revitalising my BA

ancient god

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Terra, steal away! :lol: Glad you found the spray to be of use.


Des, hey, glad you like them. When are you coming back to the fold? Seem to remember you talking about getting into BA again. ;)

I have had one can dry up on me before it was empty. The same can had some pressure issues. I've used 4 or 5 cans of different colours so far, except that one all were fine if I remember correctly. Not more of an issue than GW's sprays corroding your plastics or their varnish dusting your paintjobs, though.


Edit: Just re-read the thread and saw I'd left out a question. I spray everthing black first because the Fanatic spray seems to stick better on the matt spray. And on the larger models, it provides a fine layer of pre-shading in the recesses, which is nice.


Luko, I did the whites on the SHP like this: Spray skull white, shade using watered-down VMC Light Sea Grey (I think). Took 2-3 layers of very thinned down grey into all recesses before it looked OK. Repeat the shading with some darker grey added into the Sea Grey, concentrating on the deeper recesses. Use lots and lots of slightly thinned Skull White to get an even finish on all surfaces. Took 2-3 layers on the easy parts and up to 5 or 6 where the paint didn't want to cover as well. The key was using white spray and then not painting over too much of the coat while shading, making it comparably easy to get an even white in the end.

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Des, hey, glad you like them. When are you coming back to the fold? Seem to remember you talking about getting into BA again. :)

I have had one can dry up on me before it was empty. The same can had some pressure issues. I've used 4 or 5 cans of different colours so far, except that one all were fine if I remember correctly. Not more of an issue than GW's sprays corroding your plastics or their varnish dusting your paintjobs, though.


Edit: Just re-read the thread and saw I'd left out a question. I spray everthing black first because the Fanatic spray seems to stick better on the matt spray. And on the larger models, it provides a fine layer of pre-shading in the recesses, which is nice.

I do like them lots. :) I've bought a bunch of boxes... still haven't touched them. Undercoated the second batch of SH termies, thought I'd do them first (just to actually FINISH something).


So you never had problems with grainy/thick spray then?

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Not anywhere near what I've had with Chaos Black or Skull White from time to time. The red spray in particular seems to behave more like varnish paint sometimes. Meaning that it'll dry up more slowly and leave a harder and smoother surface than GW sprays do. Very thin paint will tend to form droplets instead of drying where you put it, so that's a disadvantage. Haven't had any real problems with that though.

All in all I definitely recommend the sprays, Pure Red in particular. It gives good coverage (1-2 goes over black for infantry) and the tone is virtually identical to Blood Red. The odd can getting clogged before it's empty is regrettable but for the benefits they provide that's something I'll happily accept. If you're really interested in how the finish looks on the models right after priming, I can see if I can take some detail shots of the peculiarities for you.

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Decoy, glad they motivate you. Get some new paints and get going! :D



So, I went back to my local GW today and took some better pictures of the Sanguinary Priest:











I also took some better pictures of the Furioso and my Baal Predator while I was at it. Sorry for the duplicates but I think these are much clearer!










I really need to get them onto the table soon, so much painting and so little gaming!



Oh, and tagsta, here are the army shots you asked for. Not the best pics but you've seen the models anyway. :D Really large pics. The Sanguinor and single mini on pedestal in the background aren't mine.




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Yup! Better get two cans. :P


I ran out after I had sprayed 11 marines, 1 predator, 2 dreads and 2 land raiders (in like 43 parts). Don't remember how that stacks up to GW cans but I got another one today and am ordering yet another now.

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Ancient, your models never cease to inspire me - that Priest is awesome and I really like the way the red JP goes with the rest of the paint job.


For other posters, I also really rate the Pure red spray - you need to shake it a lot but the results I've had from it are very appealing.


Anyway, enough of a derail - can't wait to see what you've got next mate.

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Glider, you mean those dipping tones? No, never even tried 'em, I prefer regular washes.


And thanks, Punkfish. I originally painted a white backpack but my roommate suggested I try on a red one. Liked the look much better. ;)

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Hey, quick update on my progress yesterday night.


Continued work on the Landraider Redeemer. Reapplied black onto all black parts and highlighted/weathered most of them. Glued all three sponsons and added them to the model. Note that the roof radar disc is now missing. I managed to pack the model down in a way that made both the fiddly parts snap off.


Now there's only a couple more black details left (smoke launchers, mechanicus symbol) and some other odds and ends like the MM gunner and some parts on the motor block. I expect to finish it today.


After this, it's my jumppack librarian, need him for a game tomorrow after work. :) Hope to mostly finish him tonight.




Not the mostt flattering picture but I will post some of those tomorrow. ;)

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Hi Ancient God, really loving these Marines...


But where did you get the left arm for the priest?






EDIT: I think I just worked it out... Command Squad box set?

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Amazing job... I'm speachless!

Great weathering, fantastic red!

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.


By the way,is the VMC Brown Rose similar in tone with the GW Tanned Flesh?

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Yeah, I'd have to hold them next to each other to say for sure but they're definitely in the same spectrum. Same goes for Tallarn Flesh, used that as a substitute for repairs on the chainsword when I dropped my SHP to the floor during the photo shoot. :o
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The more vibrant ones are closer. The tone is 99% identical to Blood Red. The LRR pic is from this morning with cold daylight coming in through the window, you can see the whole pic has too much blue in it.
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Little off topic but I made a birthday coupon for my buddy Clemens, long-time Flesh Tearers player.


It says:


"Captain Clementine!

Ready your strike force to be transferred to the Alex System in the Alster Nebula on short notice.

Be cautious, you might encounter brunch. FOR THE EMPEROR!"




Alex is our usual brunching place and it overlooks the Alster, a lake around which Hamburg was built. The FT logo was cut out of white and red cardboard.


So yeah, we're nerdy. :lol:

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