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Revitalising my BA

ancient god

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First off; Awesome mini's! So awesome in fact, I intend to shamelessly flatter you by copying the the paint scheme.


First issue I have run into is the fact I live in the US. This makes it darn hard to get my hands on Fantastic Army Painter. I found a website that will sell and ship, but it's going to cost $23. It will be worth it if I can speed coat a tank in the manner you suggest. However, I was wondering if you or any other brothers could suggest a viable replacement for this color that might be easier/cheaper to obtain?


Thanks a ton for any advice, and again, Awesome job on that Vindi!

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Well, years ago GW used to produce a spray called Blood Angels Red, but other than that, I've not seen any matt red primer sprays around. But I just checked and it says "coming soon" on the FAP shop site. So just sit tight and you should be able to order the sprays directly some time soon.



Glad you like my stuff, always nice to hear. :P Feel free to ask if there's anything you need to know about techniques or certain paints, etc.

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Thanks for the quick reply and thanks for the links. thewarstore.net is about $5 cheaper with shipping so that will help.


I have a follow up question: Does anyone use/recomend the FAP dips? I have used the GW ones with mixed results and I am currious if a dip would actually work as advertised.


Thanks again everyone!



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I have used both Dark Tone and Strong tone.

I much prefer the Strong tone, I honestly think the Dark Tone makes it too dark for blood angels.

As igotsmeakabob (awsome name m8 :lol:) said give it a great shake afterwards.


Ancient God:I tried at the hair and miserably failed (head in hands)...

...Any tips?


When will you paint the Death Company? Im really looking forward to them. WIP pics would be nice too!


Keep it up!

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Umm, don't know any more what I did back then... ;) What's the problem? Pieces not sticking to the head?


Death Company are steadily moving up on my to-do list, we'll be getting there rather sooner than later I think. I plan on doing 9 DC w/o packs, one with a hammer or fist, and supposedly half of them with bolters. Plus a chaplain to herd them into the fray and a Rhino to give the enemy an aiming point. :P


I started painting the first strokes on Astorath half an hour ago, so you'll at least get something DC related quite soon. Will be taking my time with him though as he gets my Infinity model treatment rather than my GW model treatment, ie. layers and glazes until it looks juuuust right (or I fall into a coma, whatever comes first). :lol:

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lol, love those Infinities!


quick question:

Im gonna be starting a blog of my own soon and I cant find a good enuf camera in my house so im gonna buy one, and yours looks pretty nice...so as youve guessed, im asking what camera you use.!

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Glider, I'm almost ashamed to say. I don't have a proper camera at the moment and have been using using my iPhone 3GS for all the latest pictures. I take my models to the local GW store as they have good roof lights and snap the pictures on their introduction game board. :D


So you see, it's all about a pro setup and the know how to make it work. <_<


Seriously though, I've always been a fan of Canon cams. Take some test pictures in the store you go to and read some reviews online before buying. Take some closeups of your hand or your watch or something to check the macro mode. And Megapixel capacity is not that important, it only denotes maximum picture size and has nothing to do with actual picture quality. Anything above 7 or so is just fine and you'll have to crop pictures down for web use anyway.

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Haven't had much time to paint the last few days but I plan on getting some work done today. Will either be painting RAS or building DC, I'll post an update if I get anything done that's worth showing.


Played 1500 points against Nids yesterday but we didn't get further than turn two because we ran out of time. Full RAS with Libby and SP vaporised 20 Gaunts in turn two and then the game ended, but that part was fun. :D Some pesky biomorph genestealers ate my LR and the new Vindicator got blown up before my first turn by those stupendously good non-LOS, T6, S8 multiwound monsters my opponent always brings. I'd placed him completely out of sight, inside a ruin. One shot got through, cover save failed and he rolled high... yeah.

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Played 1500 points against Nids yesterday but we didn't get further than turn two because we ran out of time. Full RAS with Libby and SP vaporised 20 Gaunts in turn two and then the game ended, but that part was fun. :rolleyes: Some pesky biomorph genestealers ate my LR and the new Vindicator got blown up before my first turn by those stupendously good non-LOS, T6, S8 multiwound monsters my opponent always brings. I'd placed him completely out of sight, inside a ruin. One shot got through, cover save failed and he rolled high... yeah.


First time I played against nids those things completely ruined all of my transports. I hate hate hate them

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then prepare to be fully flattered!


This is my first attempt at painting wear, let me know what you think.






(sigh, once again i cant get the darn pics to show up. please follow the links.)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, sorry for the late answer.


Snorri, if this is still relevant, I'm of course completely fine with you using any and all techniques of mine. I copied most of them from other painters anyway. :D


Franksie, I spray everything Chaos Black before I use the Pure Red. I think it gives the red better purchase and it also gives the models a really subtle layer of pre-shading.


CBL, looking good! You've got the dragging of the foam down. You can try dabbing a little more with slightly more paint in the foam to get that hard, chipped look. But your tank's looking great already so no need to change it.


I'm going on a one-week painting vacation with one of my best buddies (yeah, we get those around here :)) and I'm taking some BA among other models. So there might in fact be updates some time soon. Dammit, I didn't even manage to keep a straight face while I typed that. ;)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Yay, update time again!


I painted a chaplain some days ago and two DC marines yesterday:





I varnished the chaplain in subzero temperatures and the coat turned out a little dodgy so he'll get another one when the unit is done. I'm aiming for 5 DC on foot (2x PW, 1xTH/Bolter, 2x regulars) and then a Rhino/Razor plus pod for them to use. So there might be more updates soon. :) and I'll take better pics at my store some time this week.

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