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Revitalising my BA

ancient god

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Hi Seva,

yeah, the black on the DC is only one single highlight with VMC Dark Grey. On all other models it's one with German Grey and another with Dark Grey. On larger surfaces I do everything from dry brushing to layering to the occasional wet-blend, depending on what kind of finish I want to achieve/how motivated I am.


I see exactly where you are coming from with your comment on the white pauldron as I had the same thought when I added the yellow helmet. The marine looks, for lack of a better word, gayer than his companions.

I considered quartering with red, as I already have a model with quartered heraldics (the librarian - left kneepad) but thought I'd save that for another knee on the remaining veterans, feeling quartered fields might look too dominant on such a large surface. Your post though has made me consider the issue once again and I'm now thinking I might try adding a red or black heraldic chevron or inverted chevron. For that to look fitting, I will have to add some strong heraldic details to the remaining two veterans, otherwise it might end up looking out of place.


Thank you for the input and also for the compliments! I'll sleep over it and post updated pictures tomorrow.

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Quick update for tonight, I'm still painting but not for much longer.


I revisited the PF guy's shoulder and came up with this:



I think this looks much better. He's done except for the backpack.


The guy in the background with the Blade Encarmine will be the sergeant. Only got his blade, two heads and all five jump packs to do and the squad will be finished. I probably won't paint tomorrow though as I'm helping my sister move house.

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Thanks SamaNagol! I was thinking heraldics but hazard stripes is fine by me. :)


Calling it a night! I'm really happy with the Blade Encarmine, just finished it. All squad members also have some minor heraldics on them now.


King size pic of how they look now:



Jump packs and the two missing heads to go. The sergeant will get a helmetless head.


Hope you like them! :)

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Great work Ancient God. I think the yellow on the shoulder ties the top of the model together more so than the white did. The white didn't look bad but in my opinion this looks much better. It's a much warmer model if that makes sense. Your work is inspirational. I was wondering if when you are painting if you start with the dark color first and then work your way up to the highlights or do you blend down? I think it is the former but I am not 100% certain. The reason I ask is you crank these out at a fast pace coupled with excellent quality. I, on the other hand, take an eternity to finish a model. Just curious. Keep up the good work and I hope you get Blood Angels for Christmas.


Obey the Emperor.

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Hey guys, thank you very much for all the positive feedback! ;)


I won't be finishing the VV today as I'm totally exhausted from the move today. Well, mainly from getting up after three hours of sleep, but yeah.


igotsmeakabob!!, gabrionus1: I kind of followed what I had read in the Astorath tutorial some months ago but didn't look it up as it was mainly what I would've tried anyway. Started with VMC Dark Prussian Blue as base and then used 7-8 mixes of the following to make the transition: D. P. Blue - Enchanted Blue - Ice Blue - Skull White, up to pure white. I painted the lightnings with Enchanted blue first and highlighted most of them as I went along with the mixes on the sword. I also added some thinner, lighter bolts. Hope this helps, I kind of winged the whole process to be honest.

I'm not 100% happy with some of the tonal transitions so I might revisit the sword once the squad is done and ready for varnishing.


Ebsolom: Steal away, I stole the idea myself! GW's BA artwork has always featured heroes with elaborate heraldic shoulder and knee pads. In 2009 (I think?) Space Hulk picked up on the heraldic once again. So I just thought it'd be a nice detail to make my veteran squads stand out.


Seva: Nowadays I usually start off with the basic tone, e.g. Blood Red, and add shading as necessary to that. Then I clean up the main layer and finish the colour off with highlights. Parchments, metals, and smaller details in general I simply wash with the appropriate GW wash and reapply the base tone plus highlights afterwards. The servo armour e.g. I shade manually by applying thinned, dark paint to all recesses.

For me, this works out much faster than starting with a dark base as I used to do. It also gives me more control over the main tone as I basically have it done before the fun starts.


tagsta: Don't do it!! ;)


Hope you guys all have some free (and snowy if you're lucky) days ahead of you and I wish you a Merry Christmas!


PS. I'm getting DC and Sanguinary Guard for Christmas. And I've got a FW order with MkIV and some Bolters inbound, just to cover my bases. :D

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@Ancientgod: I love your work! In your last picture, the 2nd guy from the right. How did you do his base? I really wanted to do my bases with that effect but haven't been able to find any tutorials on it.


Also how do you color your "wings" on your guys black like that? Is it grey with a liberal badab black wash? I really like the effect of it, it's not just pure chaos black I know that for sure.

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Angelus Mortifier, thanks mate. :)


Syypher, the base was done like all my bases, it's just not 100% finished yet. Glue on sand. I use a mix of fine bird cage sand, slate chips and a bit of GW basing sand. On this particular base, I also glued on a larger rock before the sand.

When all that has dried, paint everything VMC German Camo Black Brown (or Scorched Brown mixed with black), let dry again. Drybrush Khemri Brown once or twice. Drybrush VMC Dark Sand once. Paint rim Khemri Brown (usually takes two thin layers).


So that's it, but I haven't gotten around to doing more than one layer of Khemri Brown on both the top and the rim so far, so it looks a little darker than my other bases. :)


Got the two remaining heads done yesterday and started fiddling with some Sternguard parts. Will hopefully finish the VV today, so there's pictures inbound.

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It's taken me so long to paint the VV that I'm finding myself putting off painting the jump packs yet again... it's becoming a thing.


So I built this Sternguard veteran just now. He's discarding his damaged helmet. The more old school users on here will recognise the 3. Ed. Baal Predator gunner head and scout biker bolter. Still a couple of mold lines to remove, I'll get rid of them before painting.








The helmet was pinned into the open Sanguinary Guard hand using a .4mm drill and a thick brush hair.




I'll mix and match the metal Sternguard with BA plastics as with the VV. Not sure if I'll continue with them right now or do some other models first.

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