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my fav is the dakkapred. it is a good transport opener and when the guys are out of the tin can give them 6 happy bolter shots + 2 autocannon ones next turn.

if you need a bit more drill, use the combipred for 120 points. still cheap.

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Doesn't work that way though, since all the shooting from a given unit is simultaneous. P.67 BRB "a squad cannot take out a transport with it's lascannon and then mow down the occupants with their bolters...".

You have to shoot all the weapons of the predator at once, and the heavy bolters are more or less wasted on a rhino.


I may have misunderstood your phrasing though.

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Seems like you missed the end. :P

my fav is the dakkapred. it is a good transport opener and when the guys are out of the tin can give them 6 happy bolter shots + 2 autocannon ones next turn.

I mean they are still unlikely to be too close. :)

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Now, if I have the points available, would you guys recommend taking 2 predators? Maybe one of each configuration?

More tanks is good. More of the same type are even better. More of the same configuration are even better still. You won't cripple yourself by taking two different preds by any means, but you enjoy a slight edge when you deny your opponent target priority. Redundancy confounds the enemy's target priority and insulates you against attrition, so use it to your advantage.

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all of my all comers lists feature the AC/LC combi pred. 1k list I run 3 of them and in 2k I have 3 combi preds w/LR(not to mention 4 rhinos). you can't beat them its unstoppable if you mix them with the right mech


devs are a smash hit or a big miss, usually everyone regrets taking them in the end

the preds never disapoint and there so much cheaper and a pain in the oponnents arse thx to them being mech and tying up things that should've killed them a few times over

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I run a Las/Hb Pred and an AC/Lascannons Pred. They have never let me down. People seems to think they're easy to destroy with shooting (not so much when deployed in cover - gotta love those saves) and, protected by infantry from assault they're absolutely magnificent.


I use them largely as pillboxes but may move them around as the battle unfolds. If my opponent concentrates on them the rest of my army does its thing. If he ignores them they can create a lot of grief.


Great units.

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I'm planning on using an AC/Las pred and a Pred with just TL-Las.


The "combi" works really well at plugging a hole in my list, namely long-ranged anti tank/transport (it's Salamanders, so much Melta weaponry in Rhinos for short-mid range).


The "Las" is only theoretical at the moment. I couldn't afford a second "combi", and it's role is to trundle round, chasing things like Trukks, Land Speeders, Monstrous Creatures getting a near-guaranteed 1-hit/wound each turn.


However I am wondering if I should downgrade it to the Autocannon-only variant. 2 shots will be better against the really light stuff, but it can't hurt MCs and so forth so easily, and I lose my Lascannon shots if the AC/LC Predator moves. What do you reckon (as I could quite do with the 45 points), or should I dedicate it to a "dakka" role for 20pts less (or 25 more, depending on how you look at it)?


Ie, is the "naked" AC-only Predator worthwhile?

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Ie, is the "naked" AC-only Predator worthwhile?


I'm not convinced that any "naked" Predator is worth it. If I wanted a single gun platform, the Vindicator or Whirlwind are both better choices in my book, as are any kind of Speeder, Razorback or an Attack Bike (not a vehicle but functions in the same kind of role). Dreadnoughts are even better choices the whole mobile gun platform.


Unless you play Blood Angels, Predators are long range pillboxes.

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I just got my pred last week.

I intend to make things interchangeable,but

Currently I am running All LAS.

I have been using it to snipe at other tanks and choice targets.

I try to park mine in some cover and just blast away. My playstyle is a little different though.

I like to take up a defensive position and then really pound the hell outta the other guy when they get too


Been thinking about adding a whirlwind as a long range support platform to get some of those entrenched troops

out of cover and feeling the burn.

Over all the predator has been one of the best buys for me,even at the most expensive options

it seems to carry it's own weight.

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I run only DAKKA preds as in Dawn of War deployment when they come from reserve they count as moving, so I keep the sponsons cheap. But then, every time you redeploy, your sponsons are useless, so I rarely even run preds at all tbh.


So here's how I run them:

Khan as HQ, army gets to outflank. Preds roll in and snipes some side. Simple

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