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Servants of Khorne

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Morning Brothers! Following my recent foray into painting red models, I was approached by a fellow gamer ad my gaming club and asked if I was interested in a doing a commission for him. The first of these models is one of the one's that the customer really liked (along with my finished Space Wolves stuff). The second is the test model for the actual commission.




As seen in my WIP thread, this is my finished Skulltakers Khorne Terminator.




This is the first Daemon I've ever painted, and aside from slightly over doing the highlighting on his face, I think it's turned out quite well.


These models also represent my first real foray into using slate to make more detailed bases, while I think they leave a lot to be desired, I think for first attempts they're not too bad.


As usual any c&c is appreciated,



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Wow, 183 views and only one comment!


Thanks Midas. I know they're a bit clean for Khorne mini's but as I still need a lot of practice with things like paint chipping and blood effects, I thought it best to just finish both mini's to as higher standard as I could. Over time I hope to be able to add realistic effects to my painting skills repertoire, but for now I'm happy just to hone my skills with mini's like these :angry:



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Thanks very much guys. To be honest the Blood Red layer on the Bloodletter was a pain in the a** because I went a little too heavy with the shading. So it took 2-3 layers to btring it up smooth, but I've learned a valuable lesson and before I started to paint the customer's mini's :P.


The actual commission is for 3 bloodcrushers and 2 fiends of slaanesh. The customer hopes to have the models sometime soon so I'll get started on them once I get them from him. I'm looking forward to it with a mixture of aprehension and excitement :P.



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@ RagingGriffon: Thanks brother, the parts are: shoulder pads, body, legs and trophies from the Chaos Terminators set, the head is from the Space Wolves pack set (with his mohawk shaved off) and the claws are from the Wolf Guard terminators set :lol:


@ Midas: cheers mate, more will be coming soon :D


@ Brother 'Ussell: thanks, I can get some closer shots up, any particular angle, part you'd like to see better?



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@ Arbedark: Short but sweet, thanks mate :P


@ Brother Nihm: Thanks Brother. I can see what you mean though, think I'll probably pay his claws another visit and try and pull them away from grey a little more.


@ Brother 'Ussell: Bit rushed I'm afraid but I've got some close shots of some of the Terminator's details as promised:


His beautiful face:



His warband marking (copied from Siege of Vraks Volume 3, courtesy of my brother):



His torso and head from the side (note the un-repaired damage to the chest plate):



hope those were kinda what you were looking for :o



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Amazing work, especially on the face. It's paint jobs like these that make my painting skills appear amateurish and plebeian. At least I still fully paint/ink/highlight all of my models before they touch the table, more and more I come across people playing with like 1 painted squad in maybe 2 colors total but that's for another thread. By the way, just out of random curiosity, how much did you charge the guy for that terminator?
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@ Brother 'Ussell: Thanks mate, glad they were ok, they were taken in a rush at about half 4 this morning :). Weathering is on my list of things to learn along with better freehand skills, realistic but not over the top battle damage and realistic blood (that's not to say there aren't others but those are the main ones just now). I think if I'd worn his armour a bit more some staining of the recesses of the brass areas might've worked quite well.


@ Rain: Thanks brother, I think this is the best face I've painted to date, but now I have to do the next one weven better :). I know what you mean about un-painted mini's. I can't really talk myself as my Wolves army still isn't finished, but there are a lot of people at my local club who play with a lot of bare mini's or 'counts as' substitutes. Don't get me wrong I know not everyone has loads of time or mony for this hobby, but when you see it week after week it's a seems a bit strange. But you're right it's a topic for another thread in it's own right.

The terminator is actually one of my display mini's. I just happened to be working on it when they customer approached me. It turned out that the armour colour is very similar to what he's after on his Bloodcrushers. This will actually be my first commission (but I hope it'll be the first of many :D), so I'm still trying to work out prices and stuff, I wouldn't really know what kind of price to put on that mini in particular. I spent around 10 hours working on it from start to finish (give or take) but I wouldn't know how to translate that to it's value ;)



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