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Reroll to hit vs reroll to wound


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Bot sure if it's the right thread to post this topic, sorry if I'm mistaken.


What is more prefferable - to have attack rerolls or to wound rerolls? Fore example, we have chaplain, who gives reroll and LC Ic, who has wound reroll. Which is more preferrable, not considering any other qualities of the characters (let's assume they are identical in all other aspects)?

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It would depend on two main things:


- How strong the attacker/weapon is: higher strength, more need to re-roll to hit as it is easier to wound. Lower strength, more need to re-roll wounds as it is harder to wound

- Difference between your weapon skill and opponent's weapon skill: if yours is much less then re-rolling wounds is better to get hits on the opponent. If yours is greater, it would be better to re-roll wounds to ensure that those hits you will be likely to make count for more.

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Generally for a Space Marines player it is best to have the re-rolls to wound. S4 is distinctly average and all the characters in the army have it, whilst most T values are 4 which equates to a 4+ to wound, while alot of attacks get to hit on better than a 4+ from our characters.


Basically you are putting the re-rolls on the weakest roll.


Using the example you used above, the Lightning Claw is superior because he hits on a 3+ anyway.

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I agree with Idaho to an extent, but there are occasions when one is greater than the other.


eldar cc units for example have equal or sometimes greater WS but have T3, which would mean the better one to re-roll would be the hit roll.

the same can also be said if you have furious charge (+1S).


against plague marines (T5) the re-rolls to wound would be far more benficial.


Of course one cant ignore both re-rolls, how about a chappy and LC's?

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Of course one cant ignore both re-rolls, how about a chappy and LC's?

Being a BT player, all my units have to hit reroll, so it's out of the question..

I've just thought about going vanilla and considering what it's better to take - LC IC or Chaplain for the main assault unit.

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Of course one cant ignore both re-rolls, how about a chappy and LC's?

Being a BT player, all my units have to hit reroll, so it's out of the question..

I've just thought about going vanilla and considering what it's better to take - LC IC or Chaplain for the main assault unit.

Its not a straight comparision.


LC ICs are nice, but the Chaplain providing an entire unit rerolls to hit on the charge is usually better.

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I would have thought the re-roll to hit would always be better, since you have to hit first to even get the chance to have a to-wound roll, but my math is telling me there is no difference. stupid maths.. Anyway, I agree that re-rolling the weakest one is going to be better regardless of whether it is to hit or to wound. The question becomes, are you fighting high WS or high T stuff? Also, I think if you are making the decision on which one is better you should take into account some more variables. If we are talking about an IC leading a squad, will he pass on the re-roll to everyone else? Are there any pre-existing buffs that the unit might be expected to enjoy? What enemy are you fighting? Etc... All things being even I'd rather have the whole squad re-roll to hit over just one character with re-roll to wound.



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And if you don't know who you are facing before you make the list, you will often have to make the choice between the 2, leading to more often than not the re-rolls on the wounds being more useful.


agreed in this case.. in all rounder marine armies go for the wound re-roll

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for your average marine (WS 4, S4) this is a complete list of the models in which it is better to reroll to hit than to wound, by codex, if the codex does not apear it is never better to reroll to hit than to wound (though they could both be equally good). For a character with a higher WS the list will be signifigantly smaller, and for a model with a higher S (aka space wolf thunderwolf rider) the list will be larger.




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