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Scout Sergeants


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Okay, let's take a hypothetical scenario.


Say you've got 3 Scout Sergeants, each of whom is converted to look pretty nice in your humble opinion, and you're not changing their weapons purely for gameplay purposes. Say they're equipped with teleport homers, and:


1. A plasma pistol and power fist.

2. A plasma pistol and chainsword.

3. A storm bolter.


Now, given that these are hardly game-winning choices to slap on Scout Sergeants (but they look rad, so I'm not changing them), what types of 5-man Scout Squads would you put these guys in?

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It's a cliche around here to say "wait till GC08 turns up", but I've said it anyway lol.


I typically don't give my scout sergeants plasma weapons due to their lower saves, but as the decision has been made, we'll just do as you ask :teehee:


1) With shotgun armed or ccw armed scouts, presumably your going to be in a storm, so the shotguns will help in wearing down the target squad with pre-charge shooting, helping to keep the fist alive.

2) Ccw armed scouts, he fits in perfectly

3) Scouts with boltguns, range fits nicely and keeps his BS4 at 2 shots a turn outside 12"

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The first guy should be used to get charges on vehicles in the first turn, pop some transports early. Pop them in a storm with multi melta to increase their deadliness. Number two and three exactly as meatman says. Three would be equally at home in a squad of sniper scouts, extra dice could be handy.


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1. A plasma pistol and power fist.

Leading 4 close combat Scouts.



2. A plasma pistol and chainsword.

Leading 4 harrassment/sabotage Scouts with CCWs or Shotguns, perhaps camo cloaks for further annoyance.



3. A storm bolter.

3 tactical Scouts with Boltgun, 1 Scout with Missile Launcher or Heavy Bolter.

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It's a cliche around here to say "wait till GC08 turns up",


And here i am.. not that im needed the answers have been provided already, although i will go over some things for clarification


1. A plasma pistol and power fist.

  • Leading 4 close combat Scouts.
  • With shotgun armed or ccw armed scouts, presumably your going to be in a storm, so the shotguns will help in wearing down the target squad with pre-charge shooting, helping to keep the fist alive.
  • The first guy should be used to get charges on vehicles in the first turn, pop some transports early


3 different answers so far!

A power fist is great for tank popping for LSS alphas strikes, however a better option is combi-melta and meltabombs, Legatus is spot on, this guy needs ccw scouts as hes an MEQ/TEQ killer.

If your using an LSS to get kills on a unit (instead of a tank) then you need ccws over shotguns against any opponent with decent armour.. the cerberus launcher works better if you can do more damage in assault.

Of course the plasma is a good low armour killer aswell as the fist, so in a storm hunting squadrons of bikes and/or speeders would be a good choice, however this limits your use in certain games..

The ccw scouts have it for me, probably outflanking!


2. A plasma pistol and chainsword.

  • Leading 4 harrassment/sabotage Scouts with CCWs or Shotguns, perhaps camo cloaks for further annoyance.
  • Ccw armed scouts, he fits in perfectly


If you want to include plasma in scout forces this is the best way, minimise points lost should he melt himself, the low range of plasma psitols means he is best suited with ccw scouts.

however the lack of PW/PF means the unit loses usefulness against power armoured armies. Against hordes this unit would do well.

the alternative is with shotgun armed troops, maybe in a storm or infiltrating for annoyances.


3. A storm bolter.

  • tactical Scouts with Boltgun, 1 Scout with Missile Launcher or Heavy Bolter.
  • Scouts with boltguns, range fits nicely and keeps his BS4 at 2 shots a turn outside 12"
  • Three would be equally at home in a squad of sniper scouts, extra dice could be handy


The guys have it, bolter scouts with a nice heavy weapon.. i have to emphasise that ten men squads are alot more effective than fives but this is good advice none the less.

storm bolter in with cnipers isnt a great idea, the BS4 comes in really handy with a sniper rifle..

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Im going to say that 3 would fit in nicely with Shotgun scouts, lends some AP to the situation and all importantly you can charge on in afterwards.


Plasma pistol and Power Fist needs to go in a large unit of CCW (Close Combat Weapon) scouts, I think putting him in a Storm for first turn charging is a bit of a waste as he costs so many points and can wreck the odd AV with his plasma or at least chance an imobilised result to make grenading it that much easier.


PLasmapistol and Chainsword would be good for a Storm, arm with Melta Bombs and stick with 4 CCW dudes and you have a fairly viable all rounder unit which I think is a good challenger for taking out a small unit in a transport.



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